Saturday, September 16, 2006

Faith is . . .

I learned some interesting things while studying for last week's message. The subject was "faith" and I spent some time looking at God's promise to Abraham and Abe's subsequent faith in trusting God despite the LONG time it took to see it fulfilled. Did you know from the time God promised Abe a son (and a lot of descendants) to the time of the Famous Test (of offering his son as a sacrifice), was 50-55 years! YEARS!

Here's a time-line:
  • Abram was 75 years old (Sarai was 65) when God first made his promise that he would have a son and many descendants. To prove it, God changed Abram's name (exalted father) to Abraham (Father of a multitude).
  • Eleven years later Sarah took matters into her own hands and gave Abraham her servant to have a child with. The result was Ishmael, who became the father of the Arab people. This error on Abe and Sarah's part is still causing problems in the MidEast!
  • Thirteen MORE years (Abe was 99), God repeats his promise. Sarah laughs at the craziness of the promise since they are both so old, but denies she laughed. God caught her lie.
  • One year after that (Abraham was now 100), God names the child Isaac, which means "laughter." Imagine being reminded of your lie every time you look at your child!
  • Almost 30 years later (Isaac is in his late 30s, Abe his late 120's), God tests Abraham's faith by telling him to sacrifice his son (the one of the promise).
Abraham believed God's promise to him for more than 50 years! And we grouse and give up when we have to wait a few days!

Faith is secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance in his will- always.

Can I do that? Can you?

May you have a secure faith in God that trusts him no matter what. Even in the tough days you experience, may you continue to believe God is your salvation and your protection. May he be pleased with your steadfast faith and may you be an example to others as Abraham was (and still is).

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Very good point Pops!
Definately made me re-think some things..