Thursday, May 12, 2005


Disappointment is nothing but a premature conclusion, causing you to stop reading before the story's end, making you abandon your hope in God and enfeebling your ability to pray. - Ann Spangler

When you get that overwhelming feeling that there's just too much to do . . . When you sense there's no way out . . . When you feel hopeless about your situation . . . That's just The Enemy causing you to doubt the God you trust in. Giving you the desire to "get off the train in the middle of the tunnel." And that's the last thing you should do when faced with any of these (or similar) feelings.

Read any good story and you'll see the same situation. Once you care about the lead character, s/he experiences some devastating event that should cause them to give up. But they do not. The struggle only encourages them to work that much harder to overcome it.

It's the same with our spiritual lives. You should never give up in the middle of things- the victorious end is just around the corner. You just need to trust God a little longer and allow him to expand your faith through the situation. And never stop praying!

Don't jump to a premature conclusion because you're disappointed in your circumstances. That's when you should expect God's deliverance.

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