Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Another Wild Ride Ahead

Okay, we all know humankind was made in God's image. My question (that's been banging around in my head for the last few weeks) is: "so what does that mean?"

I've always thought it meant we are a trinity like God- Body, Soul and Spirit (Physical, Emotional and Spiritual). But I've learned some things that have me questioning that assumption. I mean, that still could be true, but what if that's not it? I'd like to know!

If that assumption is correct, then what is it about us that is different from the angelic creation (and also all the rest of God's creation)? Is it that we have a physical aspect to us? Is that what differentiates us from the rest of God's creation (angels obviously have emotions and a spiritual side, but we don'’t see many angels in physical form)? And if so, does that mean God has a physical aspect to himself? It would have to, if that's the "differentiator" (I love making up new words).

I've got a few thoughts that would back some of this up (maybe I'll go into some of that later). But if the thing that makes us "in God's image" is the physical, then that sounds a bit strange doesn't it? Out of God'’s vast creation, the thing that makes us like him is that we have a physical side? That'’s kind of the least mystical part of us. My mind is crying out: "there must be more than that!"

What if "our sameness" is that we have free will? Or something else? Hmmm. What would that look like?

I hope this is peaking your interest, because I'd like to hear some of your thoughts on this. I believe God has something in mind for me to discover here, and I'm chasing it all the way to the end! Hope you're here for the wild ride ahead.


Naomi said...


(I think that might be the standard Lutheran answer)

(Probably without the question mark, though)

Seeker of The Light said...

Good one! I've always taught Satan is not creative- he can't think up new things and he wants to be like God so he imitates God.

Hey- it just occured to me that maybe it's not just ONE thing that differentiates us- maybe it's a variety of things? If this is true, can they be put in ONE category?

Anonymous said...

well...God doesn't change, right? Yesterday, today, tomorrow the same?

And Jesus is God. And He was a human. So maybe humans were made like Jesus, who was never made but always was.

Was Jesus always human? Is he still human?

BrownEyedGirl said...

I like this train of thought! Creativity is on my list....there must be more!

Anonymous said...

Wesley said: In this image of God was man made. ‘God is love’: accordingly man at his creation was full of love, which was the sole principle of all his tempers, thoughts, words, and actions. God is full of justice, mercy, and truth: so was man as he came from the hands of his Creator. God is spotless purity; and so man was in the beginning pure from every sinful blot.
God bless - Patrick

Seeker of The Light said...

Yeah- I like the thought that Jesus is still human (in some form we don't understand, but we will all become some day). If you think about it, that would make his act of becoming human for our sake that much more precious!

As far as God "being love" and purity, I agree to a point, but wouldn't the angels be able to love and be pure? I think all creation would share these traits.

Anyway, back to our track here. What is it that distinguishes humankind from the rest of God's creation?


What about the ability to have mercy and/or forgive?

BrownEyedGirl said...

What about tears and laughter. Showing kindness to the undeserving.

Anonymous said...

If some angels have the ability to hate and be jealous, etc... then evidently they can love - but they were not made in the image of God.

And God is love. Creativity is great, but imagine that trait in the hands of a vindictive, vile god.

To me - that perfect love, between the Father + Son + Holy Spirit + me + the community of believers - a perfect well-orbed love. Remember those passages where Jesus said the He adn the Father are one? How He is in the Father and the Father is in Him and How Jesus was going to send the Comforter? A triune community and we are invited.

And so He calls us to be holy (in God's perfect love) to one another and treat each other at any given moment as Christ would treat us. ADn there we live out our lives in the image of our God - our compassionate, loving God, who calls us to compassionately love one another. (I John 4:7-8)

Soulpadre said...

The wild ride is basically a clashing of kingdoms. Calvin (egads!) has said that each person has a kingdom of limited scope; bringing that kingdom under the Kingdom is the wild ride. Part of being in His image is living in responsible freedom. There's the wild part@ work!

kathryn said...

wow, what does it mean for us to be "in His image"?? I guess it means we're a chip off the old block? I think us being in God's image is more about our potential than our actual. .