Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Are You Busy?

Busy sounds so important, doesn't it? "I'm such a busy person" means I must be important. After all, so many people are depending on me to do so much. Busy also sounds like I don't have time for you- maybe only for other "important" people. That way I can get about doing what I want to do, because your stuff can't be as important as mine (don't you hate it when people keep looking at their watch when talking with you? They must be very busy people.).

I don't want to be like that, but I must admit, I do it now and then. Probably when I have a lot to accomplish and I find myself very {ahem} busy.

Phooey on busyness! I want to take time for people (which I'm not always very good at), I want to take time for myself and I want to take time for God (not necessarily in that order). With all Jesus had to accomplish during his very short physical time on earth, I can't even imagine him being seen as "busy." Have you ever heard Jesus described as busy?

Here is The American Heritage Dictionary entry for "busy:" 1. Engaged in activity, as work; occupied. 2. Sustaining much activity. 3. Meddlesome; prying. 4. Being in use, as a telephone line. 5. Cluttered with detail to the point of being distracting.

Okay, #s 1 & 2 aren't so bad, but look at the others: "meddlesome," "prying," "in use," "cluttered with detail . . . to the point of being distracted!" Yuck!

Today is Tuesday. My main "office" day, during which I try to accomplish all my business paperwork, email, phone calls, etc. It never gets done in one day, but I keep trying! What I've discovered is that in trying to do it all in this one day, when people come around needing my attention, I rarely have any to give. My mind is off on other things as I rush to get them done (so I can give people more time on other days). Important though these things may be, they are not as important as the people on whatever day they end up sitting by my desk.

O Yahweh, keep me from being busy. Keep my mind focused on the people around me. They are so important to you- may they also be important to me.


eLjay the bLuejay said...

I would like to take the time to say that I appreciate your words of wisdom. They are very helpful to someone who lives in a 'busy' community such as mine. Today, I believe I will take time to 'smell the roses' and be intentional about seeing God at work around me. love and miss ya. Linsey

kathryn said...

good topic! busyness is huge . . everyone seems to suffer from this 'disease'. .

BrownEyedGirl said...

Good reminder and good blog. I love being about the people. I find this culture is so busy. I have found the expectations here since we have come back from overseas to be the biggest challenge. Americans value busyness.

Seeker of The Light said...

I pray I can actually practice what I preach here! It's so hard and we are so indoctrinated to look busy.

I have this joke by my desk that shows The Boss standing over a worker at his desk. The worker is saying: "If I had seen you coming, I'd have looked busy."

Gideon son of Joash said...

No more busyness throw away all the paper. No more stats no more letters to DHQ. no more phone calls. no more finanial stuff. no more paychecks no mor...wait a minute...

Seeker of The Light said...

I know you're being funny, Travis, so I offer this only so others won't take you wrong:

I didn't say no more work; no more things to do. I said no more busyness. There is a huge difference.