Sunday, May 21, 2006

News Flash: God Answers Prayer!

This weekend I spent the time at our NNE Youth Councils at Camp Sebago in Maine. It was a great event peppered with fun, spiritual struggles and less sleep than I usually prefer!

Friday and Saturday, I wrestled with The Enemy for the lives of the kids that attended from our corps. Oh I prayed for all of the youth there, but my heart really broke over what The Enemy has been doing to keep our kids from experiencing God's power and freedom in their lives. There were times when it seemed as if we were about to break through, but those hopes were only dashed to pieces when something came up to distract us from reaching that victory.

SonDay morning I woke already in prayer. I got ready and headed out to the meeting place to step up the onslaught against Satan in the very spot where the spiritual battle would take place. I arrived more than 2 hours ahead of the scheduled meeting and immediately began walking around the room claiming the territory for God and his righteousness. I spoke out loud throughout the whole time.

I started Praying the Bible in Revelation 4 asking that the kid's eyes would be opened to see a vision of who God really is; that they would join in the 24/7 praise and worship that has been taking place around God's throne since forever to forever. I moved to Psalm 91 and prayed they would experience the shelter of God's wings and know his protection even in the midst of their troubles. I felt energized by Holy Spirit and prayed with the kind of fervor I have not often known.

Just before the service started, I felt a release and sat down as people began coming in to fill the seats in the room. The meeting began and we were quickly into a time of singing praises and worshiping Jesus. As the scheduled time for singing was winding down, 2 kids made their way to the altar. In the next few minutes more had gone forward and knelt together. Eyes began to water throughout the room as people were experiencing Holy Spirit in action, convicting and comforting.

There was an attempt to continue the "program" as scheduled, but it was too late. God had taken over and waves of kids wept their way to the front to find true freedom with friends at their sides!

Every single kid from my corps was visibly moved and all but 2 went forward to commit or recommit their lives to God's way for them! God had answered my prayers BIG TIME!

I don't know how many kids I prayed with and for, offering words of encouragement and wisdom (it was God, not me), but all of a sudden, the spiritual climate changed from repentance to joy! It was almost a physical thing. Leaders came forward to offer the opportunity for testimony and many came forward to speak to the whole crowd of their awesome experiences- God changing lives, recommitments, answered prayer, friends coming to Jesus for the first time, etc. We then broke into joyful singing praising God for his goodness.

Every last one of "my kids" (and leaders) took to the front corner of the room and stood out by being the most "rowdy!" They were changed and they weren't the least bit shy about letting people know it or about expressing themselves to God! I was SO proud of them!

I wish I could have seen the scene in heaven, because it couldn't have been much more joyful than what I was witnessing this morning!

Yep. I completed an assignment successfully this morning and AGAIN gave witness to the fact that God answers prayer.

You should try it!


Christin ><> said...

Oh MAN that's awesome. God is really doing a new thing throught the territory right now. On Saturday night at our youth councils, after the meeting, a spontaneous prayer meeting broke out -- people praying in the spirit, kids laying hands on one another, shouting their praises to God.....there was total freedom in that room, and the Holy spirit's presence was palpatable. The bible bowl finals were pushed back for an hour because the kids were in the thick of praying.

Amazing things god does through our kids!

Anonymous said...

sounds like an awesome time just reading about it made my spirit with in me jump for joy what a blessing ive recieved from God Ive recieved just hearing wish I was there. dan

Dave C said...

I was a witness to this awesome work fo God as well! Two of our guys gave their lives over to Christ and 1 more received some much needed helaing. PTL!!! And our whole group (led by their fellow youth group members) prayed together at the altar! It was trully a time God had "programmed" for us!

Sean said...

I was apart of this i am in Dougs core and i was one of the kids who was moved by god for the first time in the whole 15 years i have been going there... I am realy changeing and the people and my friends in the church are helping me and i am so exicted i cant to keep on chaging in the name of god!!!!

Anonymous said...

Halleluia Doug! I rejoice with you! God is reclaiming New England, and this generation for Christ. Glory, glory, glory to God! Janet

kathryn said...

wow, God you are AMAZING!!! Doug, that's such a wonderful answer to your prayers. . the other day I felt God say to me that it is my responsibility to pray for others and often, without giving up after a time. I am ashamed when i think of how i tend to run 'hot and cold' with my prayer life. .

I am so glad to hear of ppl who welcome God's presence and who PREPARE in faith and ask for His Spirit!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a spiritual breakthrough and answer to prayer. The Holy Spirit showed up and took over and I felt blessed to be part of that. Particularly blessed by the witness of the Bangor Youth. Let's all be about praying for these youth at YPC that they will stand strong in their new faith.
