Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Things Happen When we Pray!

Have you ever had one of those moments when you thought you saw someone you know, but after a second glance they don't look anything like that person? I believe God is telling you to pray for that person you thought you saw. He uses that and all kinds of other ways to get our attention. Especially if you're an intercessor (have the gift of intercession).

In these situations God is telling you to pray for someone specifically. You don't need to know them, but he wants you to lift them up- so much so, that he contacts you directly. Isn't that awesome?
Make sure you ask God to give you specifics to pray about. After all, he's asked you to pray, so he should tell you what to pray. Challenge him with that. I do.

God once placed a friend on my mind and I knew I was supposed to pray for him. I did for about 1/2 hour, then was released. I called him later that day and asked if there was anything going on. He said no. We decided my prayer stopped something from happening- what, we may never know, but I believe The Enemy's plan was preempted because I prayed. You see, something actually happens when we pray that would not otherwise happen if we did not pray.

ALWAYS take advantage of EVERY single time God nudges you. It's important to him. I once was told to drive to our Divisional Headquarters and pray for our Divisional Commander. He was a friend, so I thought I could do that w/o his "looking askance" at me, but I talked myself out of it, because it was too far away- and well, "who was I to think I should pray for him?" That night, he was at Home League camp and had a heart attack. One of the Spanish ladies was woken up in the middle of the night to pray for him and in the morning found out what had happened. When I found out, I was terribly saddened. I had missed my opportunity! Maybe he wouldn't have had the attack if I had been faithful. I learned my lesson!

I had always told God that if he needed someone to do something, he could count on me- I would do it. After that time, I realized how important it is to be faithful to that promise. I repented for not obeying.

Peter Wagner credits one of his A1 intercessors with saving his life one day. He was on a ladder in his garage and was pushed off to the cement below! No one was in the room with him. Kathy Schaller was at a concert and was doubled over with back pain. She interpreted it correctly and prayed for "the person God was asking her to pray for." It happened at the exact moment Peter had been pushed. He ended up being okay, but he believes Kathy's prayers were the direct cause of his salvation at that moment.

So look for those little ways God nudges you toward praying for someone. Press in and ask for information in such situations. God has a specific result in mind, so you need to pray specifically to reach that result. He'll tell you, because you need to know how and what to pray.


Soulpadre said...

Hey, Doug. We NEED this kind of strategic prayer.

BTW, Kathy Schaller, is now Dr. Catherine Gregg, Director of the D.Min program in Spiritual Formation at Azuza Pacific University. It was a joy to run into her, an talk to her about how her day at the SFOT in 1995 was a life changer for so many!


Denise said...

I get this all the time! It usually happens at 3am when I get woken up with the name of a friend in my head and can't get back to sleep until Holy Spirit has cleared me of all prayers!! Its amazing, really.

kathryn said...

i'm looking for those ways and learning to listen to God!

Seeker of The Light said...

Yeah Charles, I knew of Cathy's change (I did miss the "C", though)- thanks for getting it out here for others. She's an awesome lady who got me started on the road to power ministry and serious prayer.

Denise: yep- that's another way God does it with some people! Guess he figures you get enough sleep (during War College classes)! heh, heh

BrownEyedGirl said...

I am in my car a lot. When i see a license plate that has letters reminding me of a person I know....I take it as a sign to give a prayer for them up to God. It is interesting how many times the letters are exact full initials of family members of close friends.

Anonymous said...

Any time we pray it is a good thing in response to a prompting from God....if we could pray 24/7 wouldn't that be awesome! In the mean time, use all the nudgings you can get, and keep the prayers flowing. (I get nudged at 3 am too). Blessings....Aura.