Monday, May 01, 2006

United 93

I just got back from seeing the movie United 93. One word: "powerful!"

It's hard to believe it's almost 5 years since that terrible day on September 11, 2001. I remember clearly (like it was yesterday) where I was, what was going on and what I was feeling during that day, week and even the following months.

We had just hired a new bookkeeper and she was in the office to sign paperwork and get the details of when she was to start work. I was walking from my office through the lounge and Mary had just arrived and immediately turned on the TV, telling us a small plane had hit one of the World Trade Center Towers. I still have that image of the plane shape gouged in the side of the building with the smoke burned in my mind's eye.

As we all circled the TV hoping for further information, we watched as the second plane flew onto the screen and hit the second building. I can still feel that sickening sensation in my gut. That same sensation was resurrected during the movie. I was so uncomfortable through the whole film. I kept hoping for a better ending than what I knew would happen.

The picture above is after the crash of United flight 93 in Pennsylvania. Go see the movie. Remember.

1 comment:

kathryn said...

wow. .i will probably see it, Doug. You may not believe this but I had a dream about this a few years before it happened. I told Rob and our daughters the next morning when I woke up. We never thought any more about it till 9/11, which really gave us the chills. The dream was exactly similar to the events of that day. It was extremely unsettling.

Of course you were uncomfortable during the film. . what a horrific event. . it just seared the soul of America, and shocked the world.