Some years ago, I read George Barna's book The Power of Vision (click the link to buy the book) and began the process of seeking and understanding my own purpose. I say seeking, because it's not up to me to develop- rather it's up to me to discover what God designed me to do. Too often, we tell God what we want to do, but things never really work out when we go down that path!
The above Purpose Statement is the product of more than 10 years of listening and fine tuning (for a larger view, click on the picture itself). As you can see, my last revision was 11/03. At the moment, I'm fairly settled with this result, but certainly do not consider it the final document. If God shows me more, I'll change it as necessary.
You know, it's like the movie Toy Story. As long as Buzz Lightyear was trying to be a space hero, he was unhappy. But when he figured out he was made to make a child happy and started doing that, he was happy. There's a huge lesson in that for us all!
So what is your purpose? What did God design you to accomplish for His Kingdom? Notice I didn't ask what you want to do. You'll only find fulfillment in life if you follow the plan he's laid out for you. After all, you weren't made to accomplish what I was made to do. God made you as you are, just so you can do what he needs you to do.