Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I'd Like Your Help

I've been asked to do an interest session at Youth Councils this year on Deliverance (how cool is that?!). The theme is "Freedom," so why not deal with a kind of freedom we usually don't talk about? It's about time, I say!

Now while I'm seriously psyched about the opportunity, I'm also seriously challenged to make it a powerful session and not just another talk geared to tickle their ears. I'm not sure how to present the topic to this age group in roughly an hour and still make it effective. How can I give them real personal ministry tools for serious freedom in their lives and the lives of their friends, without making them all scared of demons and such. Or maybe worse- sending them out like the 7 sons of Sceva (Acts 19:14)? Certainly opposite ends of the spectrum!

That's where you come in. Can I get some comments to this post with suggestions and/or discernment? I'm posting this a day early to get a jump-start on the process.

Thanks in advance. I will keep you posted right here with the final direction I take and how it all goes that weekend.


Soulpadre said...

How about "Changing (or Breaking) Yokes"--forget about the egg imagery, but the words of Jesus "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am humble and gentle of heart."

You could describe the ox pulling the plow, then the yokes that destroy us, keeping us plowing in the wrong field.

What do you think?

Tara Ayer said...

The concept or object lesson is perhaps not new, but this past weekend as we were learning about how sin so easily entangles us, someone's hands were tied up with string (the string representing sin). I wonder if as present or introduce each skill in getting free from those entanglements, you could cut a portion of the string away until there is FREEDOM.