Saturday, March 19, 2005

Just Where he Needs me

TSA Songbook #706 Just Where he Needs me

What can I say to cheer a world of sorrow?
How bring back hope where men have sorely failed?
Just where I am I'll speak the word of comfort,
Tell how for me Christ's sacrifice availed.

Just where he needs me, my Lord has placed me,
Just where he needs me, there would I be!
And since he found me, by love he's bound me
To serve him joyfully.

What can I do to ease life's heavy burdens?
What can I do to help mankind in need?
Just where I am I'll share my neighbor's hardship,
Lighten his load, and prove a friend indeed.

What can I do to justify my living?
What can I be to make this life worthwhile?
I'll be a voice to call men to the Saviour,
Just where I am, and win my Father's smile.

- Miriam M. Richards

Right here. Right now.

I heard a great quote once: "Wherever you are, be there until you leave." But we have all kinds of things that interrupt our being where we are- like cell phones, alarm watches, etc. It seems we're always focused on the next thing.

But God must need me right here right now, because that's where I am. And I trust his placement. So what can I do to make my "now" more effective? The words of the above song give us a few great ideas!

Why are we always looking at the other side of the fence? The grass is only greener where you choose to fertilize it.

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