Thursday, March 03, 2005

If it is Broke, Fix it!

We once had a special meeting for anyone who was interested in our corps schedule and mission. In this meeting, I listed our regularly scheduled events on a chalkboard beside an empty weekly calendar. I asked the people "if we could only hold 1 event a week, what would be the most important thing to put on our schedule and what day and time would we have it?" After some discussion, we decided our Worship service was most important. We then agreed on Sunday at 11:00 AM.

Then I asked "if we could only add 1 more event to our schedule, what would it be and where would it go?" Now we had a lot more discussion, but we ended up with Bible Study and we placed it Wednesday at 6:00 PM. I repeated that progression until we had effectively place all our events on our weekly schedule in order of their priority. It sure made us think (and changed our schedule around a bit too)!

Back then I agreed that our first priority should be the Worship Service. Now, I disagree. I believe that the most important event in a Christian's life should be a cell group. Yes, I place that above the Worship Service. Why? because of my comments yesterday- we don't really connect with each other at Sunday Services. We aren't getting to know each other; we aren't learning to care for each other or commit to each other; we aren't learning to work with each other on Sundays- as they are happening now. And if reaching community is a goal of the church, then we need to do something to make sure we get there. I believe that will happen when we get connected and committed to the people in a cell group. That may be radical thinking to some of you, but I'm willing to take any flack that might come with my position, because I've seen it work.

Now I'm not willing to toss our Worship Services completely. But we've got to admit it when the things we are "married to" aren't really working the way they should be. Why not change things?

William Booth was very quick to drop anything that wasn't working. While many say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," I say "If it is broke, by all means fix it!"

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