Thursday, February 02, 2006

Anyone Listening?

Okay, back to my Vancouver update . . .

January 19-21, I attended a conference sponsored by the "Listening Prayer Community." I thought Brad Jersak was going to teach. He did not, so my first thought was: "Rats! This isn't going to be as good as I had hoped." But then my second thought was: "I like Brad Jersak, but why does my experience have to be predicated on hearing Brad Jersak in person? God's going to be there- that's all that really matters." My second thought was right- to a degree.

Overall, the teachers were a bit dry. This was tough to sit through because I had a bad case of jet lag and was struggling to stay awake anyway! However, the materials were very good and God was there, as I previously believed would be the case. I learned more things that are going to prove helpful in my overall prayer ministry and I relish any opportunity to advance in that area of my giftedness.

However, the best part of the conference was having to deal with my issues with anger. For more details of that, look back to my January 22 blog entry. Since that time, I have definitely noticed a difference in my dealing with certain situations and people. Anger is only an slight echo bouncing somewhere around in the back of my mind. That will eventually cease to almost nonexistence, if my experience with other similar issues holds true. Right now, I need to continue to hold onto the truths I learned during these particular prayer sessions.

All in all, this event was highly benefitial for me and I am eternally grateful to God for letting me in on the opportunity to attend. It was well worth the personal expenses I had to lay out for this conference. I highly recommend their teaching- and obviously, Brad's book (to the right)!

Why not look the Listening Prayer Community (click here) up on the web?

1 comment:

kathryn said...

i read somewhere that attention span is linked to how long a person can sit still. . which for some people isn't very long! I've never been sure how effective 'preaching' or 'teaching' is, when it comes in monologue form!! blah. .

Glad to hear that you are making progress with your anger issues.

i'll check out the 'listening prayer' link.