Monday, February 20, 2006

Definition of the Day

Blo-gan-za (blau-gan'-za) n. 1. A long and elaborate, spectacular entertainment or display of fancy blogging and comments. 2. Muchos Commentos (Comment all you want. We'll blog more). 3. Comments that stir up a feeding frenzy for blog sharks (who can smell a discussion out of only 1 part in a million blogs). {heh, heh}


kathryn said...

heh heh. . "smell a discussion"!! how true! LOL!! My blog isn't overtly Christian or Salvationist - because I have non Christian and non Salvation Army friends, coworkers and family - for their sake i keep from being '1 channel -- all God/S.A. -- all the time'. However, when i feel the Spirit moving i blog about God, his beautiful grace and my honest feelings about life's challenges and my response to these challenges. This way, i don't get 'argu-comments' from "Christians", and I hopefully don't limit any readership that i may have - and i don't know cuz i don't keep track with counters. I don't want an exclusive Christian bubble around my blog, with language or terminology that's exclusive. I don't want to put off people who would definitely find that all of that kind of stuff off putting! I'm not ashamed of God. . I just want to be way more open to others and not just S.A. 'others' or Christians 'others'. Do you know what I mean?

Those S.A./Christian 'bloganzas' can be so closed off, nit picky and snipey! I'm not saying that your blog is in any way like this, in fact the opposite!! Do you get me though? I'm generalizing, I know.

On a lighter note. . I've noticed that the more superficial my posts are, or the more pictures, the more comments. People seem to 'turn up their noses' at anything deeper, spiritual -- they love blog lite!! They also don't like whoppers, cuz everyone's so impatient they don't want to spend the time reading!!

Seeker of The Light said...

You are correct that many people don't like to read long blogs. I get that comment from time to time (mostly in person, not necessarily as blog comments)!

The purpose of a blog should define what you write. Some people just want to write an online journal of their thoughts. In that case, those entries will be various kinds of things- like what-kind-of-toothpaste-do-you-use polls and such. They have their place in the blog world, but I'm not into that.

Some write for themselves. If someone else reads- that's okay, but the blogger dosn't really care. These are interesting to me sometimes.

Some write with the purpose of stirring up argument. I find some of this interesting, but I'd rather see discussion instead of argument. Argument stirs up anger; discussion (should) stir up thinking- and sometimes thought-changes. I like to get into these types, because I like to discover new ways of looking at things. I often change my long held views because someone else pointed out an error in my thought process. I'm concerned with truth, so if I see it, I want to change to "be on it's side."

My purpose is to teach, learn and stir up discussion in those who read. It is my hope that I can equip and empower others for their own ministries (see "about me").

You're not "selling out" if you don't write about God every entry. Hey- have you seen some of MY entries (jokes and funny stuff- well, funny to me anyway)!

I think blogs are a good way to learn about a person. There are many sides to us, so why only show the world one of those sides?

kathryn said...

so true, there are many sides to us. . nice summation of the types of bloggers -- good thoughts!