Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Reason

Okay, short blog today after you all faithfully read through my last two books (did you all REALLY read them?) . . .

I've been thinking about the reason for those 2 long blogs. Here's what I've come up with: A few months ago I got hit with a seriously huge issue that I just couldn't blog about in a public forum like this. I tried once or twice, but realized too many people read this and too many would know what was going on (and who was involved). Some things you just can't air out in public.

I'm the kind of person who really thinks best when talking (or blogging for that matter) and I could not think through this issue by blogging about it. Therefore, I "shut down" and just couldn't seem to get up enough steam to blog about things that were on the back burner. I was totally wrapped up in solving the huge problem at hand (I refuse to use the excuse of "writer's block").

Suffice it to say, I have come to a fine conclusion to this situation and have moved on. Now I can finally put those creative juices into some stuff that's been wanting to get out for some time. And out they did come!

It also helps when God downloads a whole ton of stuff into your head during morning prayer! My response to that is to put it down on paper . . . or in this case, the blogosphere ASAP.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

baha! didn't read all of the other ones but im sure it was amazing. my eyes can focus for only so long...