Monday, July 25, 2005

God's Heart

Word has it that Ian Gillingham was a bit nervous about what he would have to say for his class with us on Thursday (July 7). Can you believe that? I can't! I guess because of all his last minute work to get things finalized before their move to London, Ontatio, he didn't feel he had enough time to prepare. But hey- this is Ian Gillingham! I mean, really! All we needed him to do was come to our classroom and just stand there- and we could just soak all that good stuff radiating off him through osmosis! Sometimes I think he ought to wear a veil like Moses did. He just reeks of God's presence! Anyway, his class was awesome. Like, what else did you expect?!

To prepare for his class, we were to spend time listening to God and discover what is on his heart. That morning in my rations, I closed my eyes and sought God's counsel. Here's what I heard:

God told me to look out the window (Empress room 402) and look at the corner of Main and Hastings. I looked and saw special tile squares on 2 of the sidewalk corners. They had pictures of Vancouver, some writing and the N, S, E, W letters of a compass. I saw Jesus standing on one of these tiles, then both of them. Then I realized he was standing on all of them throughout Vancouver at the same time.

He called me to stand with him and we looked to the North. I saw the Lost. We looked to the South. I saw the Lost. We looked to the East. I saw the Lost. We looked to the West. I saw the Lost. He said to me: "What is on my heart? The Lost!"

He reminded me of my daughter Jenn, before she was soundly saved. She was mixed up in some stuff that had her Mom and I praying long and hard for her! The pain we bore in our hearts for our little girl was huge . . . until God won her over. We continue to pray, but now we rejoice in her solid relationship with Jesus!

Jesus told me I needed to see all these other people like they were my daughter before she chose to listen to Holy Spirit's voice.

Before I had time to react, I saw a young girl who was easily Jenn's age. She was dancing up and down the street. She looked happy, but after a moment, I noticed she was high on something. She could hardly stand, swaying and jerking around a hat or something she had dropped on the sidewalk. Jesus said: "If not for my grace, that could be Jenn." I was crushed! I had never thought about the Lost that way before.

How can I possibly care enough? What can I do to make a difference?


YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

Sometimes I have trouble with caring. Sometimes I think I can too much. Is that possible? Like, even Jesus had to go away and be by Himself. But I feel that I'm not doing enough. I have a problem with "doing."
I think my blob is going to be off of what I would like to comment here...haha...

Victory of the People said...

Few things make me cry.
Your post was one of them.