Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The Good News

Friday we were all treated to the one and only Michael Collins as our guest lecturer. Wow! Can you imagine? This is what BTI is all about- getting close to real, live people who are involved in powerful ministries that make a difference. After seeing Michael at work 2 evenings already, I was all ears. Here are 3 things he said that caught my attention:

1) If someone tells a joke and nobody laughs, is it really a joke? (Now you get an idea of his humor- but don't hold that against him). So did you laugh? I did . . . but I was just trying to brown-nose Michael Collins!

2) We're not all to be doing the same thing, but we all need to be doing something. This comes from the guy who leads an evening congregation that is 100% involved in ministry. Every person does something in ministry or they are inspired to go elsewhere to sit on the bench. Whoa! We could win the world for Jesus if we tried this in all our Army corps! Oh, that's the original idea? Honest, I didn't know!

3) The Good News is customized to every person and I don't know what their Good News is until I know that person. So much for trying to get everyone to be like me! I guess the things that are Good News to me aren't always what lights another person's fire, so to speak. This is hugely important (hugely is actually a word)! We need to get to know people before we start stuffing theology down their throats. Many times the things we think they need to hear are not even on their radar screen at this point in time. We need to be looking for that key that Jesus wants them to know about himself that will change their lives.

So there you have it. A condensed class with Michael Collins without Michael Collins (believe it or not, he would get that)!

Questions for thought: 1) What is your Good News? 2) What is the Good News for that person Jesus is now leading you to think about? 3) What can you do to help them hear it?

1 comment:

YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

good questions.
do we evre have to shove theology down anyones throats?
wasnt theology just created by people who didnt know how to make pb&j and hand it out? haha!