Thursday, July 21, 2005

Highs and Lows

For all you Stephen Court fans out there: here are my highs and lows for my last 2 weeks in Vancouver, Canada (for Booth-Tucker Institute and Extreme Prophetic Conferences)!

The second week Extreme Prophetic conference. Now don't go and get all bent out of shape over this one- let me explain. The first week was BTI. There were 7 delegates in attendance. The second week was ExP and there were around 100 in attendance.

1) The BTI classes were intimate and open for discussion. For ExP intimacy and interaction could not happen in the same way.

2) In BTI, we lived together for the whole week. Everything happened with these people by your side; you roomed together, ate together, hung out together, ministered together, etc. ExP was only 2+ days and everyone left after each session to go their separate ways.

3) In BTI, everyone who taught and associated with you actually lived in the DownTown East Side of Vancouver. The reality and sincerity of their commitment was powerful! For ExP, everyone came in from outside the DTES and left again. Not that there wasn't real commitment or sincerity, but it just didn't hold a candle in comparison to my Army comrades living the incarnation.

4) The ExP teaching and focus was similar to BTI so it seemed repetitive to me.

5) God has spiritually "connected" me to 614 Vancouver and I did not receive that same "connection" with the ExP folk (this is not a bad thing- God does not connect every ministry or person with every ministry or person. Even though 614 is very well connected with the ExP folk, I was not led to the same connection at this time).

There were many high points in my 2 week stay. I could go on and on about many wonderful times (and I will in future blogs), but we're looking for the high. Without a doubt, my high was the second Saturday evening hanging out and talking in Linsey's room with her, Rebekah (Rubackka, or Ruwie for short!{insert Wookie cry here}), Jaime and Heather (my new adopted daughter)!

It all started by just chatting and playing some cards. Then it exploded into some powerful and challenging discussion about tongues and manifestations. I was totally in full revelation/thought process mode and God was downloading vast quantities of data directly to my spirit. It was one of those iron sharpening iron things! Even now as I think about it, I am excited!

Well, I'll have to blog more about this discussion in another blog, because there are those out there who don't read long blogs (skim only, Jaime!) and that stuff is just too important to miss.


Rebekah Dooley said...

yeah that was great time, i quite enjoyed that and playing president with you as well. i agree about extreme prophetic, it was repetive for me too. i got more out of the glory school than extreme prophetic. i made some good connections with the people that we minstry at the foot washing station which was sweet but that is it. i am look forward to hearing more of your adventures here in vancouver.

YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

hahaha! i actually read most of that. sometimes my eyes just jump ahead. hallelujah god gave me a brain that puts stuff together well!