Sunday, July 24, 2005

Mercy and Social Justice

July 6th gave us our first full day of BTI schedule. We started at 9 AM Praying the Bible with the Dolby's (Rob & Heather), who tag-teamed us throughout the week. When I think of Praying the Bible, I think of Heather, because every time I've seen her doing it, she is so into it she draws me in too. She totally "gets it" and is totally lost in its practice, like many other things she does (there I go bragging again on my new daughter!).

Next Elaine Gillingham taught our first class on Mercy and Social Justice. It was during this time, that God decided to download tons of vision and info for this Fall in Bangor! I got stuff on a special project Christmas offering we can collect, more corps people serving in our Soup Kitchen, people who should lead new cell groups, social justice issues for people who frequent our Soup Kitchen, justice issues for people who live in Cape Hart- stuff like that. I was very excited and wrote notes on what I was hearing. This spurt of vision came about because of the heart of the one speaking (Elaine). She was transparent about her desire to effect mercy and justice and God used her as a vessel to pour vision through. I love it when he does that! Thank Yahweh for people like Elaine who are so filled up with Him that they overflow on us!

Then off to Prayer Walking, where Shaun and I discovered some icky stuff (the technical term for spiritual darnkess!) in an alley on one side of the Harborlight Center. I suspect it was nothing new to the 614ites there, but I hope it added confirmation to their own discernment.

After lunch, we were scheduled for an "open air" with Rob Dolby. I figured we'd stand in front of the Hotel Empress and do a typical open air. HA! This is BTI, Doug! We walked downtown to the local marijuana bar where we split up into 2 teams (yeah- toking is not only legal, but is sold openly from a storefront). One team went inside to meet and talk with people, the other stayed outside to do some big time spiritual warfare! As we were deciding who should do what, Shaun hit his knees (on the cobblestone) and began praying fiercely! He didn't stop until they came out, about 2 hours later! When he stood up, his knees were bleeding! Three others sang and praised God, while I prayer-walked around the park, up and down the street in front of the store, then sat facing the place in prayer. It was Rob's last time in there and we were confident that it was effective. I expect to hear more as the results of people getting saved filter in.

Since then I keep thinking: what am I doing in my own town to effect social justice? Come to think of it- what are you doing in your town to effect social justice? Let me know.


YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

the thing with social justice is that as the salvation army we confuse it action or social work. we forget what exactly justice is, and think that serving a bowl of soup is doing our part. which- yay it helps to a point, but when are we just enabling?
i like justice, though.

God, give us your heart for justice. Give us your understanding of what justice is! Help us to not be just another social organization but a radical army madly in love with you! amen!

Victory of the People said...

hallelujah, thats exciting!
(espesially the bleeding knees part) now thats what I call worship!