Friday, July 08, 2005

A Tribute to my Mom

Mrs. Brigadier Dorothy Burr

One thing that stands out in my memories of my parents, is their ministry together. At no point did my mother play second string in their service to God. They always worked as a team and my father was always grateful to God for my Mom’s partnership.

It is all too easy to get so involved raising the kids and running a household that you forget that God has called you to serve Him in ways beyond the family. Not that Mom didn’t do these things and do them well or that the family shouldn’t take priority in our lives, but she did them and was still very active in her part of the team ministry.

Looking back over what this means to me, I have discovered that my deep desire to follow God’s leading in ministry, even when things get tough, was instilled in me by my Mom’s actions. She modeled a steadfast devotion and service to her God even when there was much to do. I knew that God had a calling on Mom’s life. I knew that she was compelled to achieve all that God had called her to do. It was like a burning in her bones to be faithful to God’s plan for her- in whatever way He designed. And she was faithful- right to the end.

I had plans for my life. God had plans for my life. Through my Mother’s influence, I was able to see the difference and open my spiritual ears to hear God’s call on my life. I was able to put God’s design for me in first place. Just like Mom.

I am grateful that God gave me the Mother He did. I have been blessed tremendously by her role in my life. Her example was invaluable to me. I only hope I can prove as faithful in the work He has called me to do for His kingdom.

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Today is the 2 year anniversary of my Mom's Promotion to Glory.

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