Sunday, July 03, 2005

What Disaster do You Have Planned?

As Joshua approached the city of Jericho, he looked up and saw a man facing him with a sword in hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, "Are you friend or foe?" "Neither one," he replied. "I am commander of Yahweh’s army." At this, Joshua fell with his face to the ground in reverence. "I am at your command," Joshua said. "What do you want your servant to do?" - Joshua 5:13-14

Often we are concerned with God being on our side. Our thoughts lean toward our own ideas; the way we want things to happen. We go to God and ask him to rubber stamp our plans, so that we will get our own way. After all, we have thought it out and our way is what will work best for us!

But is our way really the best way? Do we really have a monopoly on what is best for us?

Joshua had a plan to take Jericho. He must have- he was Israel’s military leader and that was their next step to get into the land God had promised them. On their way to Jericho, Joshua met a man facing him, brandishing a sword (the man was specifically facing Joshua; his intent was to confront Joshua). Not realizing who this was (perhaps a Christophany- a pre-New Testament appearance of Jesus himself), Joshua challenges the man: "Are you on my side or not?"

But God is not concerned with our plans or our designs on how things should work out. He has his own plan. We should not be so concerned with our plans as we are with what God has planned for us. Certainly his plan is better than anything we could ever imagine for ourselves!

When Joshua realizes who is standing before him, he does the only intelligent thing possible. He gives up his own agenda and bows down to God’s plan. "I am at your command. What do you want your servant to do?" Yahweh then proceeded to give Joshua the most unusual battle plan in the history of mankind. And it worked with a flourish!

Imagine what could have happened if Joshua had gone ahead with his own plan. One word comes to mind: "Disaster!"

So what disaster do you have planned? Could it be that God is confronting you to drop it and agree with his design for your life?

One thing I’ve learned: when God confronts you with a drawn sword, you better listen!

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