Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Do You Need to Refocus?

It is so easy to become spiritually distracted. Do you find yourself focusing on everything else but Christ and the work He is doing around you? Are you so eager to “get to the work” that you have not yet clearly heard what is on God's heart? Does the Father need to remove from your life those things that are proving to be a distraction to you? Do you need to refocus on Jesus? —Experiencing God Day by Day

This concluded one of my devotional readings this morning. It made me realize that I often get stuck doing things for God to the detriment of being with God. So I stopped what I was doing, closed my eyes (to minimize distractions) and listened to God. Really listened.

I asked Jesus where he wanted to meet me and we ended up in my heart. Now for those of you who have not yet read Can You Hear Me?, your heart is a place where you can often find Jesus. He likes hanging around there- especially if you have given him freedom to do what he wants there. My heart was a lot like a Hobbit's home- you went down a long hallway, deep into the dark earth to enter a cozy living room with a low ceiling, lots of throw pillows and a wide fire place. But Jesus has been renovating! There was a large area that he closed off with a large curtain. The gist of what he was doing, was making a large sun room enclosed in glass. I have been dying to know when he was going to let me in and see it!

This morning was the unveiling of not only the new sun room, but his master plan for my whole heart! I discovered he wants to make my heart transparent for all to see what's going on and the relationship we have together there. Now for a person who sees his heart as a Hobbit hole hidden deep within the earth, to discover God wants to open it up for all to see . . . was a bit unnerving! But he understands, so he only opened up a section today. Now the whole place looks like a dome of glass with a cozy, round living room, a round white couch (still lots of pillows!) surrounding a round coffee-like table in the middle. There is no longer a fire place- rather the fire burns a few inches off the table in the middle and the fire is a deep blue (representing God's holiness). Jesus removed half of the dirt burrying the whole place, so that half is exposed and half is still underground. A bit of a comfort, until I'm ready to uncover the rest of the place.

As I look out through the sun porch (actually the whole front is exposed to the Son now!), I can see people walking by and looking in. They are curious and interested in what is happening inside. Jesus has assured me that they can only see in and the details of our relationship are just for the two of us. Some other things happened, but this is getting long.

I've still got lots of work to do for God today. But it will happen much easier now that I've taken the time to really listen to God and be with him first.

Wow! I sure needed to refocus!

1 comment:

Christin ><> said...

what a beautiful picture doug. thank you.