Sunday, February 13, 2005

So Who is Aurora Atell?

(One of our two War College Interns this Year (May - July)

Name: Aurora Stefanya Catherine Elizabeth Atell
(We'll just call her Aurora!)

Age: 24

Home: London, Ontario

TSA Background: I came into TSA through an open air tent meeting. It was a magic show for kids. I won a pencil and got to help out with some of the magic tricks. We later discovered that TSA had a van that came right by our complex every week to pick up kids for Sunday School. I literally jumped on the bandwagon, got swept into corps activities, Jr. Soldiers, Singing Company, Corps Cadets, youth band, timbrels, youth group, all the good stuff! I went through Soldiership classes at age 14, was enrolled at 15 and continued being active in the church, helping to lead Jr. Soldiers, the worship team, songsters, run the summer VBS, work at camp as a counsellor and waitress. In 2003, I joined a summmer missions team to Regent Park, Toronto, with Captains Geoff and Sandra Ryan. They caught me on the bug for missions and for authentic Christian community through what I thought were rather 'non-traditional' means. Then I came to War College, and realized that these 'non-traditional' means were actually part of the grass roots of the Army. We were called into a life of simplicity, which is totally an exciting thought to me, and a great challenge! How much in my life can I do without? Jesus sent his disciples out to be his witnesses with no more than the robe on their much are you willing to let go of? When all is said and done, all that will be left of me will be what was built on the only solid foundation, which is Jesus Christ. Everything that is of Him will remain, everything else is fuel for the fire. I'm thinking fire now beats fire later any day!

Favorite Food: Grilled Chicken ceasar salad, or Taco salad (in a tortilla bowl, with salsa and sour cream....uber yummy!)

Favorite Color: orange, gotta be orange!

Favorite Band/Song: 666...! (I love how even the devil's number has been redeemed in our songbook!....Heaven came down, and GLORY filled my soul...beautiful rendering of the gospel!)

Favorite Movie: Dead Man Walking, Shawshank Redemption, The Castle, Robin Hood Men in Tights, Princess Bride, the Incredibles (has some amazing gospel moments!), and the classic....Singing in the Rain! (Don O'Connell is probably the best overlooked actor I can think of...a great physical actor, with amazing musical talents as well!)

Favorite Quote: "Let us have no hesitancy in permitting our spiritual imagination to reinforce our FAITH and enkindle our HOPE and so sustain our COURAGE in the face of massed and mocking foes and thretened defeat" (Comm. Samuel Logan Brengle, Ancient Prophets).

Instrument: Piano, double bass (the upright kind), euphonium are the main ones.

Brief testimony/thot: God's God, I'm not. Sweet Deal!

A word about coming to Bangor: I have to admit, Bangor was completely not on my scope of possibilities for summer placements when I first came to Vancouver, but after meeting Major Doug Burr, God started piecing together a few things for me. I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone there, to get to know you, to hear what God is doing in your lives. Beracah and Jennifer have already started preparing me for life on the East Side and Jesus has already placed a love in my heart for all of you. I hear the seafood is excellent and the seawater is extremely cold, but looking forward to experiencing all that for myself when I get there.

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