Saturday, February 19, 2005

Where Seldom is Heard an Encouraging Word

This last week Dan called me. It was a short call, since I was sick. He just wanted to see how I was doing and say he was praying for me to get better. Then he hung up and I sat there thinking: "Wow! That's the way it's supposed to work!" I could probably count the times that's happened to me in my life on one hand! Wouldn't it be nice if we all did simple things like that to encourage each other (not to mention actually pray for each other)?

We're not always very good at connecting with people even though we know it's one of the most important ways we can show our care and concern. It's so simple, yet it packs such a powerful punch. So why do we have such trouble following through? Here are some thoughts:

1) Maybe we really don't care about (certain) people.
Ouch! That hurts! But we better look this one square in the face if we expect to get any better at relating to God's people.

2) Maybe we feel we don't have anything special to offer.
What's so special about calling someone to tell them you care? Lots!

3) Maybe we don't want to look like we're "brown-nosing" (the leader).
As long as that's not your purpose, who cares what others think?

4) Maybe we forget.
Make notes to remind yourself. Put them on the floor where you know you're going to walk- you won't miss them (but other people will pick them up for you)!

5) Maybe we don't want to bother them- especially if they're sick.
So make it quick. That gets your point across and lets them get back to resting.

6) Maybe . . .
Sounds to me like we're just trying to make excuses!

I must admit, I'm not always very good at connecting with or encouraging people even though I know how important it is. But after I experienced how good it felt this past week, I want to do better. Just don't pick up my notes from the floor!

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