Those of you reading this obviously don't have this problem. Still, I am sure there are people out there who have attempted to read my blog, but have reached "the imposter" (heh, heh) instead!
I discovered this other blog by accident the other day by typing in the URL Mine is
Seeker of Light started his blog on June 1st, 2005, but he doesn't blog much. In fact, he's only got one entry which states: "I don't feel like blogging right now. I need to take a break." Hmmm. Must have been tough work setting up that one!
Here's the kicker though: the guys name is Doug! Man! He's even got a blog link to "Jen's Journal" (not to be taken for my Jenn)! Talk about confusion!
So if you ever happen to type the wrong URL and get Doug instead of Doug, don't think I've retired from the blogging scene! Keep seeking- sometimes you just have to dig deeper to get to The Light.
Reminds me of the many imitation religions out there. They offer a small tidbit of truth, but then surround it with anything but light. Don't get sucked into darkness or imitation light. Keep looking until you come across the one true Light- Jesus.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Tonight, we saw the movie "Crash." I had heard it was all about the crash of different cultures (and I’m into culture, big time), so I wanted to see it. It was still in our theater back home when we left for vacation, but when we got to Florida, the only place showing it was too far away. Rats! I’d have to wait until it came out on DVD- if I remembered!
But a new theater just opened nearby and it’s showing Crash 2 times a day- evenings, so we’d have to pay full price (no matinee price then). But I especially wanted to see it, so we went anyway. Besides, they were offering free popcorn and drink to every ticket holder!
Okay, if you haven’t seen "Crash" and it’s still showing near you- what are you waiting for? It is a powerful masterpiece on how people from many different cultures misunderstand each other yet our lives interweave anyway. What one person did at one point, caused a chain reaction that touched everyone’s lives in the movie. Your viewpoint was warped and twisted until the people you hated were the people you appreciated and the people you appreciated, you weren’t sure about any more.
Two words of warning: 1) It’s rated R, which means there are a couple of unnecessary sex scenes or references and the language was rough at times (it’s a sad commentary in itself that the language was accurate in those situations) 2) The "humor" is designed to point out who in the theater is prejudiced or not. Here’s what I mean:
I found two kinds of laughter happening: 1) People were seeing the "joke" as a racial stereotype i.e.: laughing because there were actually people who thought this way and 2) People were laughing because they thought the "joke" was true, therefore funny (like if different Hispanic cultures were not the same, then who taught them all to park their cars on their lawns?). And there was at least one lady in our showing who was laughing for the wrong reasons.
Well, I won’t spoil it for you by giving away any of the highlights, but I will certainly be thinking about this one for a long time to come. This is one movie I will buy when it comes out on DVD and watch again and again. There are so many nuances you can’t possibly pick up in just one showing.
But a new theater just opened nearby and it’s showing Crash 2 times a day- evenings, so we’d have to pay full price (no matinee price then). But I especially wanted to see it, so we went anyway. Besides, they were offering free popcorn and drink to every ticket holder!
Okay, if you haven’t seen "Crash" and it’s still showing near you- what are you waiting for? It is a powerful masterpiece on how people from many different cultures misunderstand each other yet our lives interweave anyway. What one person did at one point, caused a chain reaction that touched everyone’s lives in the movie. Your viewpoint was warped and twisted until the people you hated were the people you appreciated and the people you appreciated, you weren’t sure about any more.
Two words of warning: 1) It’s rated R, which means there are a couple of unnecessary sex scenes or references and the language was rough at times (it’s a sad commentary in itself that the language was accurate in those situations) 2) The "humor" is designed to point out who in the theater is prejudiced or not. Here’s what I mean:
I found two kinds of laughter happening: 1) People were seeing the "joke" as a racial stereotype i.e.: laughing because there were actually people who thought this way and 2) People were laughing because they thought the "joke" was true, therefore funny (like if different Hispanic cultures were not the same, then who taught them all to park their cars on their lawns?). And there was at least one lady in our showing who was laughing for the wrong reasons.
Well, I won’t spoil it for you by giving away any of the highlights, but I will certainly be thinking about this one for a long time to come. This is one movie I will buy when it comes out on DVD and watch again and again. There are so many nuances you can’t possibly pick up in just one showing.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
It's Not my Fault!
Aha! It's not something I did (or it's not my fault, as Han Solo would say)!
I just got word from the Blogger Officials, that they have discovered a blog bug that has cropped up in some blogs since they added the ability to post pics directly to your blog.
So they're working on it and I should be back to normal (or rather my blog should be!) soon.
I know this has not bothered most of you at all, but it's been driving me crazy! Such are my idiosyncrasies!
I just got word from the Blogger Officials, that they have discovered a blog bug that has cropped up in some blogs since they added the ability to post pics directly to your blog.
So they're working on it and I should be back to normal (or rather my blog should be!) soon.
I know this has not bothered most of you at all, but it's been driving me crazy! Such are my idiosyncrasies!
Monday, June 27, 2005
Time Heals?
The other day I heard someone quote the old saying as if it were scripture: "Time heals all wounds." That would be great if it were truth, but it is not. In reality, by itself, time does not heal any wound. Think about it.
When you get a cut on your arm, what do you do? Forget about it so it will heal? Absolutely not. You treat it by cleaning it out and bandaging it. That way any germs present will be dealt with and any infection that might set in will be avoided. If you left a cut alone for time to heal, it would get infected, swell up and cause much more damage to the rest of your arm- even your whole body, if left untreated long enough. A whole branch of medical science is built around dealing with a wound as soon as possible- First Aid.
This is especially true with wounds of our emotions (soul). We cannot just push them aside so that they will heal in time. If we do that, any infection will grow and envelop a much larger area of our lives until we are completely under its damaging control.
Time does not heal wounds. Dealing with wounds as soon as possible does.
Do you have any emotional wounds that you’ve ignored, thinking they will go away if you wait long enough? Maybe you had a fight with a family member some years ago. Are you closer to them now, because you ignored it? Maybe you were hurt by someone recently. Do you feel any better because you decided not to deal with it? Don’t count on it! Wounds will get worse if you don’t look at them for what they are and deal with them.
Things will get worse the longer you wait.
Don’t wait any longer.
When you get a cut on your arm, what do you do? Forget about it so it will heal? Absolutely not. You treat it by cleaning it out and bandaging it. That way any germs present will be dealt with and any infection that might set in will be avoided. If you left a cut alone for time to heal, it would get infected, swell up and cause much more damage to the rest of your arm- even your whole body, if left untreated long enough. A whole branch of medical science is built around dealing with a wound as soon as possible- First Aid.
This is especially true with wounds of our emotions (soul). We cannot just push them aside so that they will heal in time. If we do that, any infection will grow and envelop a much larger area of our lives until we are completely under its damaging control.
Time does not heal wounds. Dealing with wounds as soon as possible does.
Do you have any emotional wounds that you’ve ignored, thinking they will go away if you wait long enough? Maybe you had a fight with a family member some years ago. Are you closer to them now, because you ignored it? Maybe you were hurt by someone recently. Do you feel any better because you decided not to deal with it? Don’t count on it! Wounds will get worse if you don’t look at them for what they are and deal with them.
Things will get worse the longer you wait.
Don’t wait any longer.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
What do You Fear?
According to scientists, sheep have gotten a bad reputation for being, shall we say, less than brilliant. In fact, it appears that sheep are fairly intelligent creatures. They only seem stupid because they are afraid of just about everything. But what’s so scary about being a sheep? For one thing sheep taste good, especially to wolves and other wild animals who love to prey on them because they are defenseless. To make matters worse, sheep are fairly good at getting lost and when they get wet in a river or pond, their wool can get so soaked and heavy that they easily drown. Close to shearing time sheep can become so top-heavy that they may fall over and not be able to get up, making them easy targets for predator birds. Sheep, it seems, are a tragedy waiting to happen. It’s little wonder that their sense of vulnerability sometimes leads to panic and wooly-brained behavior.
Though we rarely like to admit it, we too are subject to fears that sometimes cause us to behave stupidly. Afraid of failing in business, we’re tempted to cut corners. Frightened by loneliness, we fall prey to relationships that harm us emotionally and spiritually. Fearful that we’re going to miss out, we spend money foolishly. Worried that something terrible will happen to our children, we try vainly to control their lives. Fear can become so powerful that it pushes us off the path of righteousness, making us more vulnerable to various kinds of evil. Oddly, some of us are even afraid to admit how fearful we are. Yet fear shapes our behaviors and choices in ways that lead not to greater security, but to deepened anxiety.
No wonder we need a Shepherd to keep us safe, to guide us along the right path and to lead us through the valley of the shadow of death. Today, ask the Lord to examine your heart, training a spotlight on your fears. As each one is revealed, ask him to help you conquer it through faith. Pray that God will replace your fear with a sense of security so strong that you can say with the psalmist, "The Lord is my Shepherd . . . I fear no evil."
- Ann Spangler (Praying the Names of God)
Though we rarely like to admit it, we too are subject to fears that sometimes cause us to behave stupidly. Afraid of failing in business, we’re tempted to cut corners. Frightened by loneliness, we fall prey to relationships that harm us emotionally and spiritually. Fearful that we’re going to miss out, we spend money foolishly. Worried that something terrible will happen to our children, we try vainly to control their lives. Fear can become so powerful that it pushes us off the path of righteousness, making us more vulnerable to various kinds of evil. Oddly, some of us are even afraid to admit how fearful we are. Yet fear shapes our behaviors and choices in ways that lead not to greater security, but to deepened anxiety.
No wonder we need a Shepherd to keep us safe, to guide us along the right path and to lead us through the valley of the shadow of death. Today, ask the Lord to examine your heart, training a spotlight on your fears. As each one is revealed, ask him to help you conquer it through faith. Pray that God will replace your fear with a sense of security so strong that you can say with the psalmist, "The Lord is my Shepherd . . . I fear no evil."
- Ann Spangler (Praying the Names of God)
Saturday, June 25, 2005
The Vision
Five years ago Pete Greig of 24-7 prayer wrote a prayer/poem/prophecy on the walls of a prayer room in Chichester, England. Since then what has been labelled 'The Vision' has spread like a virus, because it resonates in the hearts of an emerging generation of Jesus followers all over the world. Here it is. Does it resonate in your spirit?
So this guy comes up to me and says, "What's the vision? What's the big idea?" I open my mouth and words come out like this...
The vision?
The vision is JESUS: obsessively, dangerously, undeniably Jesus.
The vision is an army of young people.
You see bones? I see an army.
And they are FREE from materialism- they laugh at 9-5 little prisons.
They could eat caviar on Monday and crusts on Tuesday.
They wouldn't even notice.
They know the meaning of the Matrix, the way the West was won.
They are mobile like the wind, they belong to the nations, they need no passport.
People write their addresses in pencil and wonder at their strange existence.
They are free, yet they are slaves of the hurting and dirty and dying.
What is the vision?
The vision is holiness that hurts the eyes.
It makes children laugh and adults angry.
It gave up the game of minimum integrity long ago to reach for the stars.
It scorns the good and strains for the best.
It is dangerously pure.
Light flickers from every secret motive, every private conversation.
It loves people away from their suicide leaps, their Satan games.
This is an army that will lay down its life for the cause.
A million times a day its soldiers choose to loose that they might one day win the great "Well done" of faithful sons and daughters.
Such heroes are as radical on Monday morning as Sunday night.
They don't need fame from names.
Instead they grin quietly upwards and hear the crowds chanting again and again: "COME ON!"
And this is the sound of the underground, the whisper of history in the making, foundations shaking, revolutionaries dreaming once again.
Mystery is scheming in whispers, conspiracy is breathing...
This is the sound of the underground.
And the army is discipl(in)ed-
young people who beat their bodies into submission.
Every soldier would take a bullet for his comrade at arms.
The tattoo on their back, boasts "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain."
Sacrifice fuels the fire of victory in their upward eyes.
Winners. Martyrs. Who can stop them?
Can hormones hold them back? Can failure succeed?
Can fear scare them or death kill them?
And the generation prays like a dying man with groans beyond talking,
with warrior cries, sulphuric tears and great barrow loads of laughter!
Waiting. Watching: 24 - 7 - 365.
Whatever it takes they will give:
Breaking the rules, shaking mediocrity from its cosy little hide, laying down their rights and their precious little wrongs, laughing at labels, fasting essentials.
The advertisers cannot mold them.
Hollywood cannot hold them.
Peer-pressure is powerless to shake their resolve at late night parties before the cockerel cries.
They are incredibly cool, dangerously attractive inside.
On the outside? They hardly care!
They wear clothes like costumes: to communicate and celebrate, but never to hide.
Would they surrender their image or their popularity?
They would lay down their very lives, swap seats with the man on death row, guilty as hell: a throne for an electric chair.
With blood and sweat and many tears, with sleepless nights and fruitless days,
they pray as if it all depends on God and live as if it all depends on them.
Their DNA chooses JESUS (He breathes out, they breathe in).
Their subconscious sings.
They had a blood transfusion with Jesus.
Their words make demons scream in shopping centres.
Don't you hear them coming?
Herald the weirdos!
Summon the losers and the freaks!
Here come the frightened and forgotten with fire in their eyes!
They walk tall and trees applaud, skyscrapers bow,mountains are dwarfed by these children of another dimension.
Their prayers summon the Hound of Heaven and invoke the ancient dream of Eden.
And this vision will be.
It will come to pass; it will come easily; it will come soon.
How do I know?
Because this is the longing of creation itself, the groaning of the Spirit, the very dream of God.
My tomorrow is His today.
My distant hope is His 3-D.
And my feeble, whispered, faithless prayer invokes a thunderous, resounding, bone-shaking great "Amen!" from countless angels, from heroes of the faith, from Christ himself.
And He is the original dreamer, the ultimate winner.
So this guy comes up to me and says, "What's the vision? What's the big idea?" I open my mouth and words come out like this...
The vision?
The vision is JESUS: obsessively, dangerously, undeniably Jesus.
The vision is an army of young people.
You see bones? I see an army.
And they are FREE from materialism- they laugh at 9-5 little prisons.
They could eat caviar on Monday and crusts on Tuesday.
They wouldn't even notice.
They know the meaning of the Matrix, the way the West was won.
They are mobile like the wind, they belong to the nations, they need no passport.
People write their addresses in pencil and wonder at their strange existence.
They are free, yet they are slaves of the hurting and dirty and dying.
What is the vision?
The vision is holiness that hurts the eyes.
It makes children laugh and adults angry.
It gave up the game of minimum integrity long ago to reach for the stars.
It scorns the good and strains for the best.
It is dangerously pure.
Light flickers from every secret motive, every private conversation.
It loves people away from their suicide leaps, their Satan games.
This is an army that will lay down its life for the cause.
A million times a day its soldiers choose to loose that they might one day win the great "Well done" of faithful sons and daughters.
Such heroes are as radical on Monday morning as Sunday night.
They don't need fame from names.
Instead they grin quietly upwards and hear the crowds chanting again and again: "COME ON!"
And this is the sound of the underground, the whisper of history in the making, foundations shaking, revolutionaries dreaming once again.
Mystery is scheming in whispers, conspiracy is breathing...
This is the sound of the underground.
And the army is discipl(in)ed-
young people who beat their bodies into submission.
Every soldier would take a bullet for his comrade at arms.
The tattoo on their back, boasts "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain."
Sacrifice fuels the fire of victory in their upward eyes.
Winners. Martyrs. Who can stop them?
Can hormones hold them back? Can failure succeed?
Can fear scare them or death kill them?
And the generation prays like a dying man with groans beyond talking,
with warrior cries, sulphuric tears and great barrow loads of laughter!
Waiting. Watching: 24 - 7 - 365.
Whatever it takes they will give:
Breaking the rules, shaking mediocrity from its cosy little hide, laying down their rights and their precious little wrongs, laughing at labels, fasting essentials.
The advertisers cannot mold them.
Hollywood cannot hold them.
Peer-pressure is powerless to shake their resolve at late night parties before the cockerel cries.
They are incredibly cool, dangerously attractive inside.
On the outside? They hardly care!
They wear clothes like costumes: to communicate and celebrate, but never to hide.
Would they surrender their image or their popularity?
They would lay down their very lives, swap seats with the man on death row, guilty as hell: a throne for an electric chair.
With blood and sweat and many tears, with sleepless nights and fruitless days,
they pray as if it all depends on God and live as if it all depends on them.
Their DNA chooses JESUS (He breathes out, they breathe in).
Their subconscious sings.
They had a blood transfusion with Jesus.
Their words make demons scream in shopping centres.
Don't you hear them coming?
Herald the weirdos!
Summon the losers and the freaks!
Here come the frightened and forgotten with fire in their eyes!
They walk tall and trees applaud, skyscrapers bow,mountains are dwarfed by these children of another dimension.
Their prayers summon the Hound of Heaven and invoke the ancient dream of Eden.
And this vision will be.
It will come to pass; it will come easily; it will come soon.
How do I know?
Because this is the longing of creation itself, the groaning of the Spirit, the very dream of God.
My tomorrow is His today.
My distant hope is His 3-D.
And my feeble, whispered, faithless prayer invokes a thunderous, resounding, bone-shaking great "Amen!" from countless angels, from heroes of the faith, from Christ himself.
And He is the original dreamer, the ultimate winner.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Can Anyone Help?
Okay, this is frustrating! Who out there can tell me why, all of a sudden, today's blog shows the title, then doesn't print the body until after the second column- way down the page? I didn't change my template, just entered a blog like I usually do every day.
A little help would be appreciated!
A little help would be appreciated!
Never Give up!
Last night I got to watch my Tampa Bay Devil Rays win their first road series this year- and they did it over the New York Yankees (the evil empire)! It was a 3-1 series win, in which they won the first game, then got demoralizingly trounced in the second game. BUT they didn’t quit (I sure felt like giving up after that game)! They collected themselves and came right back the next day and the next to stretch their game record against the Yanks so far this year to 7-3! Woo hoo!
I could throw around a lot of bravado here, but that wouldn’t be very realistic. True, we no longer have the second worst percentage in baseball this year- but out of 30 major league baseball teams, we do have the third worst. So we’ll probably not win the World Series this year. Or the playoffs. Or even our division (why do we have to be in the AL East?). But we’re still plugging away and working for improvement. In a couple of years, with all our "up and coming" young players, we should have a decent team. But it won’t happen without some hard knocks and sticking with it.
Have you had some tough stuff happen in your life? Have you had a demoralizingly rough go of it lately where you just feel like giving up? Don’t do it! You can always start again from right where you are. Jesus will never give up on you- in fact he’s your biggest fan! He sees the potential he built into you and not only roots for you, prays for you to overcome!
Tomorrow’s another day. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, make sure everything’s right with God and take that next step. You are needed in the fight and we are promised to be overcomers if we never give up.
That’s what I’m talkin’ about!
I could throw around a lot of bravado here, but that wouldn’t be very realistic. True, we no longer have the second worst percentage in baseball this year- but out of 30 major league baseball teams, we do have the third worst. So we’ll probably not win the World Series this year. Or the playoffs. Or even our division (why do we have to be in the AL East?). But we’re still plugging away and working for improvement. In a couple of years, with all our "up and coming" young players, we should have a decent team. But it won’t happen without some hard knocks and sticking with it.
Have you had some tough stuff happen in your life? Have you had a demoralizingly rough go of it lately where you just feel like giving up? Don’t do it! You can always start again from right where you are. Jesus will never give up on you- in fact he’s your biggest fan! He sees the potential he built into you and not only roots for you, prays for you to overcome!
Tomorrow’s another day. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, make sure everything’s right with God and take that next step. You are needed in the fight and we are promised to be overcomers if we never give up.
That’s what I’m talkin’ about!
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Yahweh Roi, the Great Defragger
Yahweh Roi (Roe-EE)- The Lord my Shepherd. Shepherd brings up a variety of images, but none as clearly as it would have in early biblical times. A shepherd cared for his animals, sometimes with his own life, because he placed himself between the sheep and their enemies. The imagery of shepherd was often applied to Kings and religious leaders.
Our Great Leader, Jesus, places himself between us and our Enemy. But he now faces a defeated enemy, because he already gave his life on our behalf and came out victorious! With Jesus as our shepherd, he guards our path, leading us beside quiet waters- restoring our soul.
As I was meditating on God being my shepherd this morning, I was watching a defrag program running on my Dad’s computer (it’s my job to get his computer back in shape at least once a year!). Now computers store programs and information on a hard drive. But it saves the data in the first empty space on the disk. If the program is too large for that open space, it goes to the next available space and continues saving the file there. And so on, and so on. As you delete and re-save files over a period of time, the files on the hard drive get quite jumbled up. A defrag program moves all the files and puts them back on the disk in order with each file all together. Programs then run smoother and faster. Watching that process visually on my Dad’s screen, it dawned on me- my shepherd does that!
Life gets pretty messed up sometimes. Things get jumbled to the point of creating stress, concern and worry. But if we place our hard drive lives into the hands of our Great Defragger, he reorganizes everything, places it all back in the proper order and settles us down, thereby restoring (defragging) our soul!
Every morning I go to my Great Defragger and allow him to straighten things out in my life. I don’t leave his presence until I sense he has completed the restoration process. Now things will run smoother and if there are any hiccups, I’ll at least be at peace in his presence.
How about it? Do you need a defrag session with the Great Defragger?
Our Great Leader, Jesus, places himself between us and our Enemy. But he now faces a defeated enemy, because he already gave his life on our behalf and came out victorious! With Jesus as our shepherd, he guards our path, leading us beside quiet waters- restoring our soul.
As I was meditating on God being my shepherd this morning, I was watching a defrag program running on my Dad’s computer (it’s my job to get his computer back in shape at least once a year!). Now computers store programs and information on a hard drive. But it saves the data in the first empty space on the disk. If the program is too large for that open space, it goes to the next available space and continues saving the file there. And so on, and so on. As you delete and re-save files over a period of time, the files on the hard drive get quite jumbled up. A defrag program moves all the files and puts them back on the disk in order with each file all together. Programs then run smoother and faster. Watching that process visually on my Dad’s screen, it dawned on me- my shepherd does that!
Life gets pretty messed up sometimes. Things get jumbled to the point of creating stress, concern and worry. But if we place our hard drive lives into the hands of our Great Defragger, he reorganizes everything, places it all back in the proper order and settles us down, thereby restoring (defragging) our soul!
Every morning I go to my Great Defragger and allow him to straighten things out in my life. I don’t leave his presence until I sense he has completed the restoration process. Now things will run smoother and if there are any hiccups, I’ll at least be at peace in his presence.
How about it? Do you need a defrag session with the Great Defragger?
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Your Theological Worldview
If you're a blog reader, you might already have come across this little theological quiz making the rounds. If not, you might be interested in taking it yourself. Click on the link below. I'd be interested in what your scores are.
I scored as follows:
You scored as Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan. You are an evangelical in the Wesleyan tradition. You believe that God's grace enables you to choose to believe in him, even though you yourself are totally depraved. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives you assurance of your salvation, and he also enables you to live the life of obedience to which God has called us. You are influenced heavily by John Wesley and the Methodists.
What's your theological worldview?
created with
I scored as follows:
You scored as Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan. You are an evangelical in the Wesleyan tradition. You believe that God's grace enables you to choose to believe in him, even though you yourself are totally depraved. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives you assurance of your salvation, and he also enables you to live the life of obedience to which God has called us. You are influenced heavily by John Wesley and the Methodists.
86% Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan
79% Neo orthodox
75% Emergent/Postmodern
75% Charismatic/Pentecostal
50% Classical Liberal
36% Roman Catholic
36% Fundamentalist
25% Modern Liberal
21% Reformed Evangelical
What's your theological worldview?
created with
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
I’ve read a couple blogs recently about all the stuff we accumulate and our need to simplify. Jenn and Tara have particularly written some good thoughts to ponder.
When Tara arrived, she stepped off the airplane with all her worldly belongings in two suitcases and a backpack! I was amazed! Since packing to leave Vancouver, Jenn’s been struggling to get her many belongings down to what she is now considering to be reasonable space. And once arriving home, began cutting way back there as well. Last we heard from her (earlier today), she was again re-packing to get it all down even further to take up less space! Just knowing all the shoes Jenn owned alone is amazing in itself!
But they’re not the first to catch my attention with this issue in the Christian’s life. While I’ve heard notions from others, Debbie has made me think a lot about this over the last few years (at least). Again, I marvel at the stuff she’s gotten rid of to lighten her load.
Me? I’m Joe Collector. I‘ve got stuff from way back and stuff from just months ago. When I look around my office, I see old toys, knick-knacks, figurines, stuffed animals- you’d almost think it was a thrift store (which is one place I love to look around)! Then when I dig in my stuff at home, it’s almost crazy. At least that’s the way I feel lately.
But you know what? I think all these people are on the right track. We own too much stuff! And believe it or not, I’ve started my own cleaning out process with my books! Yes, you read that right- my books (not all of them, but I’m just getting started)! I’ve already started a pile at the corps. They’re free for anyone who wants them. If they’re not taken, I’ll give them to our Family Store. When I get home, I’m going to start going through my knick-knacks. Anyone out there want a Star Wars Storm Trooper Model/Figurine?
Why all this fuss? There’s more important things in life that owning stuff. What does it all get us anyway? Do you have any idea how many times I’ve had to re-glue that guardian angel statue on my desk (but it was so important when I bought it)? We don’t need it all and we could certainly use our money for more important things anyway.
What we should really be storing up for ourselves is treasure in heaven.
When Tara arrived, she stepped off the airplane with all her worldly belongings in two suitcases and a backpack! I was amazed! Since packing to leave Vancouver, Jenn’s been struggling to get her many belongings down to what she is now considering to be reasonable space. And once arriving home, began cutting way back there as well. Last we heard from her (earlier today), she was again re-packing to get it all down even further to take up less space! Just knowing all the shoes Jenn owned alone is amazing in itself!
But they’re not the first to catch my attention with this issue in the Christian’s life. While I’ve heard notions from others, Debbie has made me think a lot about this over the last few years (at least). Again, I marvel at the stuff she’s gotten rid of to lighten her load.
Me? I’m Joe Collector. I‘ve got stuff from way back and stuff from just months ago. When I look around my office, I see old toys, knick-knacks, figurines, stuffed animals- you’d almost think it was a thrift store (which is one place I love to look around)! Then when I dig in my stuff at home, it’s almost crazy. At least that’s the way I feel lately.
But you know what? I think all these people are on the right track. We own too much stuff! And believe it or not, I’ve started my own cleaning out process with my books! Yes, you read that right- my books (not all of them, but I’m just getting started)! I’ve already started a pile at the corps. They’re free for anyone who wants them. If they’re not taken, I’ll give them to our Family Store. When I get home, I’m going to start going through my knick-knacks. Anyone out there want a Star Wars Storm Trooper Model/Figurine?
Why all this fuss? There’s more important things in life that owning stuff. What does it all get us anyway? Do you have any idea how many times I’ve had to re-glue that guardian angel statue on my desk (but it was so important when I bought it)? We don’t need it all and we could certainly use our money for more important things anyway.
What we should really be storing up for ourselves is treasure in heaven.
Monday, June 20, 2005
We are Not Defeatists!
There are those who feel that sin is unconquerable. We are stuck in its grip as long as we are stuck in this mortal body. There is no way we mere human sinners can break free of its grasp until we stand before God in the world to come.
Defeatist. That’s what that is.
But we don’t have to live in that place. We salvationists don’t believe any of that devil-inspired crap. We believe in the privilege of holiness. Holiness is a subsequent work of God’s grace in our lives that gives us the ability to break free of sin’s grasp right now. We can live a victorious life without sin!
What is sin? Sin is an offense against God; anything that grieves him. And left to ourselves, we are certainly prone to sin. But God has deposited within us his Holy Spirit, who communes with us and keeps the lines of communication with God open at all times.
When sin comes calling, Holy Spirit is right there (he doesn’t go anywhere like vacation; he needs no break). He reminds us that what we are about to do (or not do) would grieve him- and at that moment, we have the ability to choose not to sin. Holiness is all about keeping that constant communion with Holy Spirit flowing. If we listen to him, we know the right choice at any given moment. We know the "way out," so that we will not fall to it and therefore avoid offending our great love.
Holiness is walking so close to Holy Spirit and listening to his voice, that we do not sin. It’s all about making one choice (not to sin) at a time.
We salvationists are not defeatists. We believe in holiness. We don’t have to sin. Hallelujah!
Defeatist. That’s what that is.
But we don’t have to live in that place. We salvationists don’t believe any of that devil-inspired crap. We believe in the privilege of holiness. Holiness is a subsequent work of God’s grace in our lives that gives us the ability to break free of sin’s grasp right now. We can live a victorious life without sin!
What is sin? Sin is an offense against God; anything that grieves him. And left to ourselves, we are certainly prone to sin. But God has deposited within us his Holy Spirit, who communes with us and keeps the lines of communication with God open at all times.
When sin comes calling, Holy Spirit is right there (he doesn’t go anywhere like vacation; he needs no break). He reminds us that what we are about to do (or not do) would grieve him- and at that moment, we have the ability to choose not to sin. Holiness is all about keeping that constant communion with Holy Spirit flowing. If we listen to him, we know the right choice at any given moment. We know the "way out," so that we will not fall to it and therefore avoid offending our great love.
Holiness is walking so close to Holy Spirit and listening to his voice, that we do not sin. It’s all about making one choice (not to sin) at a time.
We salvationists are not defeatists. We believe in holiness. We don’t have to sin. Hallelujah!
We believe that it is the privilege of all believers to be wholly sanctified and that their whole spirit and soul and body may be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:23). - TSA doctrine #10
It’s your privilege to be holy. Do you walk in holiness right now? If not, what are you waiting for?
Sunday, June 19, 2005
The Greatest Sins?
I don’t know- I’ve been thinking about it and it comes to mind that if God were to make a list of the greatest sins, these 3 would be somewhere near the top.
1) Robbing God of Worship.
Our meetings (services for those of you not in TSA) are not for our enjoyment. In fact, they are not for us at all. We gather together on Sundays to worship God. I believe "the worship" is God’s favorite part of our meetings. Have you ever heard people say something like; "I may be a little late, but I’ll be sure to make it for the ‘Word’" (the message)? For God, it would be the other way around- something like: "I’ll be sure to soak up all your worship, but I may just leave when you stop or go on to other things."
When we do anything but worship in our meetings, we are robbing God of his due. When it becomes rote and we walk through the motions just to do what’s expected of us, we are robbing God. I am sure robbing God is a horrendous thing to him! What do we do in our meetings that could be dropped without missing a spiritual beat? I believe there are quite a few that God wouldn’t miss at all.
2) Making the Worship of God Boring.
God made people to be extremely creative- that’s part of the "in God’s image" stuff that makes us so special. When we allow our worship to get old and/or dry; when it lacks creativity such that there are people (kids especially) who "zone out," I am sure God gets furious! I don’t want to be around anyone standing before him on judgement day who has been responsible for boring worship! In fact, I duck now (watching out for the lightning bolt), when I sit through meetings of this nature.
3) Holding People Back from Their Best Worship.
I think meeting leaders and planners are mostly responsible for this one. When we design the meeting with too many items (especially those irrelevant to the flow of worship); when we take too much time talking about anyone but Jesus (Mother’s and Father’s Days come to mind); when we create an atmosphere that stifles people’s freedom in worship (etc), we are holding people back from offering their best worship to God.
Scripture talks about it being better to have a millstone tied around your neck and be thrown in the ocean than to hinder one of God’s children. That sounds like God takes it all very serious to me!
The greatest sins? I bet some of you were thinking I would mention murder, "the unpardonable sin," Satan worship or some other issue like that. Nope. If there were such a list, I believe the worst sins to God would be those that keep him from receiving his due worship. May none of us ever be held accountable for these.
1) Robbing God of Worship.
Our meetings (services for those of you not in TSA) are not for our enjoyment. In fact, they are not for us at all. We gather together on Sundays to worship God. I believe "the worship" is God’s favorite part of our meetings. Have you ever heard people say something like; "I may be a little late, but I’ll be sure to make it for the ‘Word’" (the message)? For God, it would be the other way around- something like: "I’ll be sure to soak up all your worship, but I may just leave when you stop or go on to other things."
When we do anything but worship in our meetings, we are robbing God of his due. When it becomes rote and we walk through the motions just to do what’s expected of us, we are robbing God. I am sure robbing God is a horrendous thing to him! What do we do in our meetings that could be dropped without missing a spiritual beat? I believe there are quite a few that God wouldn’t miss at all.
2) Making the Worship of God Boring.
God made people to be extremely creative- that’s part of the "in God’s image" stuff that makes us so special. When we allow our worship to get old and/or dry; when it lacks creativity such that there are people (kids especially) who "zone out," I am sure God gets furious! I don’t want to be around anyone standing before him on judgement day who has been responsible for boring worship! In fact, I duck now (watching out for the lightning bolt), when I sit through meetings of this nature.
3) Holding People Back from Their Best Worship.
I think meeting leaders and planners are mostly responsible for this one. When we design the meeting with too many items (especially those irrelevant to the flow of worship); when we take too much time talking about anyone but Jesus (Mother’s and Father’s Days come to mind); when we create an atmosphere that stifles people’s freedom in worship (etc), we are holding people back from offering their best worship to God.
Scripture talks about it being better to have a millstone tied around your neck and be thrown in the ocean than to hinder one of God’s children. That sounds like God takes it all very serious to me!
The greatest sins? I bet some of you were thinking I would mention murder, "the unpardonable sin," Satan worship or some other issue like that. Nope. If there were such a list, I believe the worst sins to God would be those that keep him from receiving his due worship. May none of us ever be held accountable for these.
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Talk is Cheap. Action is Costly.
Deb & I saw the movie "Batman Begins" today. As a person who enjoys comics, sci-fi, fantasy and action heroes, I was bound to like it. In fact, there aren’t too many bad movies, in my opinion! I can always suspend belief long enough to get totally immersed in the temporary world of books or movies (it has to be really bad for me to not enjoy a movie). However it must have been a good movie, because Deb liked it too!
Anyway, here’s the quotable from the movie: "It’s not who you are inside, it’s what you do that defines you" (said to Bruce Wayne by his love interest when he was acting the millionaire playboy jerk). That statement made him think (as Batman is prone to do). It made me think too, as I waffled back and forth between agreeing with it and disagreeing. I finally settled into agreeing with it, because it sounds a lot like the biblical: "Faith without works is dead."
Lots of people have great convictions, but don’t do anything about them- "All talk and no action." What good is it to believe in something, if you don’t do something to back it all up? As William Booth said to his son Bramwell, when he saw so many people under the bridges of London: "Do something!"
The other day I was told of a conversation where someone was complaining about why we send money to the poor overseas when there are so many poor right in our own backyard. The response was: "So what are you doing about the local poor?"
So what are your convictions? I bet you talk a lot about them, but what are you doing about them? It all makes me wonder what I’m doing to make a difference. Talk is cheap. Action is much more costly.
Anyway, here’s the quotable from the movie: "It’s not who you are inside, it’s what you do that defines you" (said to Bruce Wayne by his love interest when he was acting the millionaire playboy jerk). That statement made him think (as Batman is prone to do). It made me think too, as I waffled back and forth between agreeing with it and disagreeing. I finally settled into agreeing with it, because it sounds a lot like the biblical: "Faith without works is dead."
Lots of people have great convictions, but don’t do anything about them- "All talk and no action." What good is it to believe in something, if you don’t do something to back it all up? As William Booth said to his son Bramwell, when he saw so many people under the bridges of London: "Do something!"
The other day I was told of a conversation where someone was complaining about why we send money to the poor overseas when there are so many poor right in our own backyard. The response was: "So what are you doing about the local poor?"
So what are your convictions? I bet you talk a lot about them, but what are you doing about them? It all makes me wonder what I’m doing to make a difference. Talk is cheap. Action is much more costly.
Friday, June 17, 2005
Yahweh Tsuri
I spoke a bit the other day about sometimes being overwhelmed and swept away by the rush of life. Today in my rations, I read about The Lord my Rock (Yahweh Tsuri) and realized the peace that keeps me from being swept away comes from my Rock.
Imagine being swept down a raging river. You may be a good swimmer, but the current is so strong and rough that you just can’t get control of yourself. Bobbing in and out of the water, crashing into jagged rocks- just plain getting dizzy and not being able to get your bearing, you pray for something to happen to get you stabilized.
Just then, you come to rest against a huge rock and quickly climb up and out to safety. True, the river rages on, but you are now above the madness- able to breath and dry off. As you are recovering, you wonder how you’ll ever get back to your old life. But looking around, you realize this rock is big enough to live on. You’re safe and secure- why would you even want to go back?
Such is the way I feel about living a life of relationship with Jesus Christ. I don’t want to go back. I’m safe in the protection of my Rock- Yahweh Tsuri (tsu-REE).
Yes, Yahweh is my Rock! My strong fortress, my shelter, my provider, my shade and safety. When I come to The Rock, I come to the safest, strongest, most permanent and never-changing being in the universe! What have I to fear? Who can stand against me? Who would dare try with such a one as he standing with me?
Imagine being swept down a raging river. You may be a good swimmer, but the current is so strong and rough that you just can’t get control of yourself. Bobbing in and out of the water, crashing into jagged rocks- just plain getting dizzy and not being able to get your bearing, you pray for something to happen to get you stabilized.
Just then, you come to rest against a huge rock and quickly climb up and out to safety. True, the river rages on, but you are now above the madness- able to breath and dry off. As you are recovering, you wonder how you’ll ever get back to your old life. But looking around, you realize this rock is big enough to live on. You’re safe and secure- why would you even want to go back?
Such is the way I feel about living a life of relationship with Jesus Christ. I don’t want to go back. I’m safe in the protection of my Rock- Yahweh Tsuri (tsu-REE).
Yes, Yahweh is my Rock! My strong fortress, my shelter, my provider, my shade and safety. When I come to The Rock, I come to the safest, strongest, most permanent and never-changing being in the universe! What have I to fear? Who can stand against me? Who would dare try with such a one as he standing with me?
Yahweh is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer, my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior- from violent men he saves me. I call to Yahweh, who is worthy of praise and I am saved from my enemies. - 2 Samuel 22:2-4
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Travel Day
Today's a travel day for Debbie & me as we head out for a couple weeks of vacation in Largo, Florida. Since the flight leaves at 5:10 AM, I'm posting ahead of time so I don't have to worry about getting another one in before the day's out. Pray for Travis, since he's taking us to the airport at that ungodly hour! I hope he's awake while driving! I can just see him nodding off . . . {zzz}
My intent is to keep blogging; I should have easy access to the Internet. I also hope to have plenty of time to think and get some good thoughts out here for your perusal.
But then again, I might just take a few days vacation from blogging. We'll see. You'll just have to keep checking to see what happens!
My intent is to keep blogging; I should have easy access to the Internet. I also hope to have plenty of time to think and get some good thoughts out here for your perusal.
But then again, I might just take a few days vacation from blogging. We'll see. You'll just have to keep checking to see what happens!
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
A Wave of Frozen Headlight
Ever feel like a deer in the headlights? I do. Often. It's mostly my personality- not one to usually deal with more than one thing at a time (unlike Debbie who can do many things at the same time, without batting an eye). When it seems like it's all coming too fast; when I feel like I just can't juggle it all without dropping something- The Enemy knows who I am and takes that opportunity to push hard.
It's then that I feel like a huge wave is crashing over me and I have no chance of surviving as I'm being trashed around on the ocean floor. My thoughts get frantic and I can't choose which step to take next. I need some room to breathe, but I can't even get close to the surface.
Anyone else out there ever feel like this?
I've learned that when these times come (and they will come), it's not God who is making me feel overwhelmed. It's not Holy Spirit who's decided to test me by throwing everything at me at once. I know that because a fruit of the Spirit is peace. When we are "centered" in Jesus, we will be at peace- no matter what the circumstances that are swirling around us.
Peace. Perfect peace. My peace, Jesus said.
I have trained myself to know this frantic feeling is The Enemy on the offense (and boy is he offensive!). I watch for it, because I know how devastating it can be to me if I give in to it. That's when I pull a matrix move! Everything goes into slow motion and I see it coming from afar. I take a deep breath and easily step aside and watch it hit the sidewalk and go splashing down into the gutter. Ha!
I've been feeling a lot of pressure lately, but I know the peace my savior brings when I trust in him. Peace enough to laugh at The Enemy's feeble attempts to catch me in a wave of "frozen headlight."
O the peace my savior gives,
Peace I never knew before.
And my way has brighter grown
Since I learned to trust him more!
It's then that I feel like a huge wave is crashing over me and I have no chance of surviving as I'm being trashed around on the ocean floor. My thoughts get frantic and I can't choose which step to take next. I need some room to breathe, but I can't even get close to the surface.
Anyone else out there ever feel like this?
I've learned that when these times come (and they will come), it's not God who is making me feel overwhelmed. It's not Holy Spirit who's decided to test me by throwing everything at me at once. I know that because a fruit of the Spirit is peace. When we are "centered" in Jesus, we will be at peace- no matter what the circumstances that are swirling around us.
Peace. Perfect peace. My peace, Jesus said.
I have trained myself to know this frantic feeling is The Enemy on the offense (and boy is he offensive!). I watch for it, because I know how devastating it can be to me if I give in to it. That's when I pull a matrix move! Everything goes into slow motion and I see it coming from afar. I take a deep breath and easily step aside and watch it hit the sidewalk and go splashing down into the gutter. Ha!
I've been feeling a lot of pressure lately, but I know the peace my savior brings when I trust in him. Peace enough to laugh at The Enemy's feeble attempts to catch me in a wave of "frozen headlight."
O the peace my savior gives,
Peace I never knew before.
And my way has brighter grown
Since I learned to trust him more!
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Just do it
I had my first inner healing session with Tara today- as in, I was the "prayee." It went very well and I now have a lot of stuff to chew on to figure out everything that happened! Overall it was powerful.
What I find most interesting at the moment, is that even though the session was for me, I had my "prayer ministry hat" on and at the beginning, kept trying to think it all through and understand what was happening. That caused me to look at everything more skeptically. That wasn't good, so Tara asked me to visualize my thought process. I immediately saw a large, stubby bolt and nut (I guess representing my nuts and bolts way of looking at things). I finally ended up putting it in a zip-lock baggie and dropping it. From there on out, I was more able to let the time flow without having to work it all out and lead the session.
Sometimes we overthink what God has for us or asks us to do. He tells us to do such and such, but we can't get right to it, because we try too hard to understand what in the world he is doing and how it's going to help our situation. Almost as if once we understand what he's doing, we can then approve his plan and finally accept it! Whoa!
God would much rather we just listen and obey.
In military boot camp, I understand when the instructor yells "jump," you are taught to do it before you even ask how high! That's because you are learning to obey your leader. You're not to ask "why," because it would take too much time to explain and while you're figuring it all out, you die with a bullet in your gut!
Wouldn't it be great if Christians listened that well to our leader, Jesus? Why do we argue with him just because we don't see why he would want us to do something? Don't we trust him enough to forget about why and just do it?
What I find most interesting at the moment, is that even though the session was for me, I had my "prayer ministry hat" on and at the beginning, kept trying to think it all through and understand what was happening. That caused me to look at everything more skeptically. That wasn't good, so Tara asked me to visualize my thought process. I immediately saw a large, stubby bolt and nut (I guess representing my nuts and bolts way of looking at things). I finally ended up putting it in a zip-lock baggie and dropping it. From there on out, I was more able to let the time flow without having to work it all out and lead the session.
Sometimes we overthink what God has for us or asks us to do. He tells us to do such and such, but we can't get right to it, because we try too hard to understand what in the world he is doing and how it's going to help our situation. Almost as if once we understand what he's doing, we can then approve his plan and finally accept it! Whoa!
God would much rather we just listen and obey.
In military boot camp, I understand when the instructor yells "jump," you are taught to do it before you even ask how high! That's because you are learning to obey your leader. You're not to ask "why," because it would take too much time to explain and while you're figuring it all out, you die with a bullet in your gut!
Wouldn't it be great if Christians listened that well to our leader, Jesus? Why do we argue with him just because we don't see why he would want us to do something? Don't we trust him enough to forget about why and just do it?
Monday, June 13, 2005
See You Later
Yesterday a few moments after we said goodbye to our good friends, Paul & Sherry Pelletier, it dawned on us that the next time we saw them, they would no longer be stationed in Bath, Maine. In fact, they would be in a transition stage on their way to Kenya, Africa. For us, good and bad feelings are all over this move.
Good, because God is leading our friends to this new appointment. For that, we are excited and glad to see God's hand at work in their lives.
Bad, because we have had such little time to spend with them over the last few years of knowing them. For that, we are sad that they will no longer be just a phone call away or an hour trip to sharing lunch.
We got to know Paul & Sherry through Paul joining our officer's cell group. He jumped in, halfway through one season and instantly brought new life into our fellowship. Their was such a good connection, Sherry decided to join when the next season of meetings started up. Again, there was new life in our midst.
Over the next couple of years, we grew closer every time we got together and we relished every opportunity to do just that. Through attending school classes together (Paul & I), having lunch, hanging out at either of our homes or just meeting at an Army event, we watched roots of Christian family grow deep down into our lives. And we grew to love them- including Josh & Jenna!
Soon, our connections will be few and far between (except for email). But we do plan on keeping in touch and even sending a missions trip before long to make a ministry connection with Bangor and Kenya.
Right now, I am thankful for our great Army. I am glad that it's never really "goodbye," rather "See you later," because it's true- in this Army, we are bound to see each other again at some event! We so look forward to that time!
As Christians, we all have this same experience. One day, we will see each other again- at least in heaven, where there will be no more separation or loss or pain or sorrow. Jesus himself will wipe away the tears! Hallelujah! What a wonderful blessing Yahweh has in store for us!
For now, it's "See you later," Paul & Sherry! But I'm counting heavily on the "see you" part! God bless your family and ministry in Africa. We love you!
Good, because God is leading our friends to this new appointment. For that, we are excited and glad to see God's hand at work in their lives.
Bad, because we have had such little time to spend with them over the last few years of knowing them. For that, we are sad that they will no longer be just a phone call away or an hour trip to sharing lunch.
We got to know Paul & Sherry through Paul joining our officer's cell group. He jumped in, halfway through one season and instantly brought new life into our fellowship. Their was such a good connection, Sherry decided to join when the next season of meetings started up. Again, there was new life in our midst.
Over the next couple of years, we grew closer every time we got together and we relished every opportunity to do just that. Through attending school classes together (Paul & I), having lunch, hanging out at either of our homes or just meeting at an Army event, we watched roots of Christian family grow deep down into our lives. And we grew to love them- including Josh & Jenna!
Soon, our connections will be few and far between (except for email). But we do plan on keeping in touch and even sending a missions trip before long to make a ministry connection with Bangor and Kenya.
Right now, I am thankful for our great Army. I am glad that it's never really "goodbye," rather "See you later," because it's true- in this Army, we are bound to see each other again at some event! We so look forward to that time!
As Christians, we all have this same experience. One day, we will see each other again- at least in heaven, where there will be no more separation or loss or pain or sorrow. Jesus himself will wipe away the tears! Hallelujah! What a wonderful blessing Yahweh has in store for us!
For now, it's "See you later," Paul & Sherry! But I'm counting heavily on the "see you" part! God bless your family and ministry in Africa. We love you!
Sunday, June 12, 2005
A Positive Example
I praise God for the example of exceptionally spiritual leaders! Having spent the last few days at our Territorial Family Conference in Hershey, Pennsylvania, I had plenty of opportunity to see many of our DHQ/THQ leaders in action. Now it’s not my desire to be negative about anyone by not mentioning them, rather just point out three who really inspire me in my own spiritual walk (not in any special order).
Jim Knaggs (oops- Colonel James Knaggs!). Here is a man who exudes spiritual soundness and trust. He always seems to be cool and collected. There is a calming air about him (must be God’s peace) that just makes you rest at ease- hence the "Jim Knaggs" reference! Most people I know call him Jim instead of Colonel Knaggs. When he participates in a meeting (even offering a simple prayer), you can be sure God will not be far away.
Lt.-Colonel Gil Rynders. Besides his friendly, humble, confident spirituality, which is always evident, this weekend, when seated on the platform, he had his wife sit "ahead" of him in the politically correct seating arrangements (I dislike seeing that political stuff in action in our Army). All the others were husband first, then the wife. But when it came to the Rynders, it was wife first, then husband. Now that may not say much to you, but knowing the "importance" given to such things in that setting, it spoke volumes to me! Here is a man who values his spouse over his "importance." To me, that places him so much higher on the "spirituality scale!" (And huge kudos to Warna for her example of losing weight and trimming up! That speaks volumes as well).
Major Rick Munn. No surprise here! He always gets my "spirituality vote!" He offered a benediction after the commissioning (pulling heavily from a recent Steve Court blog) which properly redirected the attention of the ordination of the new Captains to the ordination of all believers. We were all ordained when we were sworn in as soldiers; we were all ordained when we were saved. This Army believes in the priesthood of all believers! Amen- preach it brother!
Thank-you Yahweh, for the positive spiritual influences on our lives! I pray my example will be a positive spiritual influence on others. What kind of example do you leave with people?
Jim Knaggs (oops- Colonel James Knaggs!). Here is a man who exudes spiritual soundness and trust. He always seems to be cool and collected. There is a calming air about him (must be God’s peace) that just makes you rest at ease- hence the "Jim Knaggs" reference! Most people I know call him Jim instead of Colonel Knaggs. When he participates in a meeting (even offering a simple prayer), you can be sure God will not be far away.
Lt.-Colonel Gil Rynders. Besides his friendly, humble, confident spirituality, which is always evident, this weekend, when seated on the platform, he had his wife sit "ahead" of him in the politically correct seating arrangements (I dislike seeing that political stuff in action in our Army). All the others were husband first, then the wife. But when it came to the Rynders, it was wife first, then husband. Now that may not say much to you, but knowing the "importance" given to such things in that setting, it spoke volumes to me! Here is a man who values his spouse over his "importance." To me, that places him so much higher on the "spirituality scale!" (And huge kudos to Warna for her example of losing weight and trimming up! That speaks volumes as well).
Major Rick Munn. No surprise here! He always gets my "spirituality vote!" He offered a benediction after the commissioning (pulling heavily from a recent Steve Court blog) which properly redirected the attention of the ordination of the new Captains to the ordination of all believers. We were all ordained when we were sworn in as soldiers; we were all ordained when we were saved. This Army believes in the priesthood of all believers! Amen- preach it brother!
Thank-you Yahweh, for the positive spiritual influences on our lives! I pray my example will be a positive spiritual influence on others. What kind of example do you leave with people?
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Life is Not Fair!
When my kids were little, I remember times when they would cry out: "That’s unfair!" My response was usually something like, "Life is unfair. We need to learn how best to deal with it." Well, today I cry: "Unfair!"
As I mentioned previously, our United Way has decided to zero-fund us for the next 3 years. That means over $100,000 of Soup Kitchen support needs to be found if we expect to keep feeding more than 100 people a day in our community. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, they (UW) threw salt on the wound by asking us to remain members anyway! I thought they were crazy until the Bangor Daily News printed an article yesterday on the subject. The United Way’s decision to "toss us out," looked like this: "We (UW) asked them to stay with us, but they (TSA) decided they’d rather try to raise money on their own."
We sent the BDN a Press Release a few days ago. A reporter called to speak with me. I was told the reporter was biased toward UW, so I asked her outright about that. She was aghast I would think such a thing. If she was biased, she would not be assigned to write the article. Sure enough, the reporter didn’t use anything from our press release. Instead, she wrote entirely from the UW’s point of view. Great. Why do I always seem to get burned by trusting reporters?
Here I was concerned with not making UW look bad (and believe me, I’ve got plenty of things to say about their inadequacies). But we took the high ground and I now find myself distressed over the way things are playing out. Unfair!
This morning I read the book of Esther. Therein, we learn about the evil Hamaan attempting to eradicate the entire Jewish race, because one guy (Mordecai) would not show him "respect." The law for their destruction was written and proclaimed and therefore could not be repealed. The Jews were doomed! Unfair!
Ah, but that’s forgetting the awesome God we serve! Before the story is over, the Jews were lifted up and Hamaan was hanged on the very gallows he had built just for Mordecai.
I know that very same awesome God. In fact, I serve him and our Army’s mission is to do the same. My situation may seem unfair at the moment, but if I keep my faith in him strong (and remain on the high ground), he will prove to be our deliverer as well!
Life is certainly unfair, but we need to learn how best to deal with it. Esther and her people prayed and fasted for their deliverance. Can I ask those of you reading this to do the same on our behalf? I’ll keep you posted so you too can share in the victory when it comes. Hallelujah!
As I mentioned previously, our United Way has decided to zero-fund us for the next 3 years. That means over $100,000 of Soup Kitchen support needs to be found if we expect to keep feeding more than 100 people a day in our community. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, they (UW) threw salt on the wound by asking us to remain members anyway! I thought they were crazy until the Bangor Daily News printed an article yesterday on the subject. The United Way’s decision to "toss us out," looked like this: "We (UW) asked them to stay with us, but they (TSA) decided they’d rather try to raise money on their own."
We sent the BDN a Press Release a few days ago. A reporter called to speak with me. I was told the reporter was biased toward UW, so I asked her outright about that. She was aghast I would think such a thing. If she was biased, she would not be assigned to write the article. Sure enough, the reporter didn’t use anything from our press release. Instead, she wrote entirely from the UW’s point of view. Great. Why do I always seem to get burned by trusting reporters?
Here I was concerned with not making UW look bad (and believe me, I’ve got plenty of things to say about their inadequacies). But we took the high ground and I now find myself distressed over the way things are playing out. Unfair!
This morning I read the book of Esther. Therein, we learn about the evil Hamaan attempting to eradicate the entire Jewish race, because one guy (Mordecai) would not show him "respect." The law for their destruction was written and proclaimed and therefore could not be repealed. The Jews were doomed! Unfair!
Ah, but that’s forgetting the awesome God we serve! Before the story is over, the Jews were lifted up and Hamaan was hanged on the very gallows he had built just for Mordecai.
I know that very same awesome God. In fact, I serve him and our Army’s mission is to do the same. My situation may seem unfair at the moment, but if I keep my faith in him strong (and remain on the high ground), he will prove to be our deliverer as well!
Life is certainly unfair, but we need to learn how best to deal with it. Esther and her people prayed and fasted for their deliverance. Can I ask those of you reading this to do the same on our behalf? I’ll keep you posted so you too can share in the victory when it comes. Hallelujah!
Friday, June 10, 2005
The Right Directions
Yesterday was a travel day for the Burrs, as we headed to Hershey, Pennsylvania for our Eastern Territorial Family Enrichment Congress. Whew! about 10 hours on the road, all the way from Maine! But it didn’t seem that long- we had some good conversation, listened to some fun music, thought, prayed and read (and stopped at many a bathroom) until we found ourselves at the Hershey Lodge to register. "Found ourselves" might not be the best way to put it . . .
We had specific directions to our hotel from MapQuest, but we were going to the Lodge first. Now, I’m a man (just in case you didn’t know)- that means I hate to stop and ask for directions. I also get very frustrated when we get "lost," so finding our way proved to be a bit of a challenge. Especially when the signage would point you in one direction, then leave you hanging at the next turn!
"Which way do we go? Does anyone see a sign for the Lodge?"
"Go left. I’m sure it’s that way."
It wasn’t that way. Grrr.
I finally suppressed my manhood and stopped to ask for directions. I must admit, it helped that I had to use the restroom- otherwise, I might never have stopped! And guess what the guy said. Yep- "Keep going where you are headed and it’s just up ahead on your left." HA! If I hadn’t stopped, we would have found it anyway! It’s interesting to note he said lots of people stop with the same question (maybe they should put up more signs).
All is well now. My temperature has gone back down to normal and finding the hotel was simple with the right directions (although there are some issues with the hotel, but that’s another whole story).
Here’s what I learned from our experience. All I ever needed to know I learned from driving to Hershey:
1) Knowing where you are going is a high priority.
2) Having the right directions is important if you don’t want to get lost.
3) The road isn’t always clearly marked, but
4) You’ll get there if you rely on others to help.
Oh and I also learned that not every hotel near Hershey puts a chocolate kiss on your pillow at night. {sigh}
We had specific directions to our hotel from MapQuest, but we were going to the Lodge first. Now, I’m a man (just in case you didn’t know)- that means I hate to stop and ask for directions. I also get very frustrated when we get "lost," so finding our way proved to be a bit of a challenge. Especially when the signage would point you in one direction, then leave you hanging at the next turn!
"Which way do we go? Does anyone see a sign for the Lodge?"
"Go left. I’m sure it’s that way."
It wasn’t that way. Grrr.
I finally suppressed my manhood and stopped to ask for directions. I must admit, it helped that I had to use the restroom- otherwise, I might never have stopped! And guess what the guy said. Yep- "Keep going where you are headed and it’s just up ahead on your left." HA! If I hadn’t stopped, we would have found it anyway! It’s interesting to note he said lots of people stop with the same question (maybe they should put up more signs).
All is well now. My temperature has gone back down to normal and finding the hotel was simple with the right directions (although there are some issues with the hotel, but that’s another whole story).
Here’s what I learned from our experience. All I ever needed to know I learned from driving to Hershey:
1) Knowing where you are going is a high priority.
2) Having the right directions is important if you don’t want to get lost.
3) The road isn’t always clearly marked, but
4) You’ll get there if you rely on others to help.
Oh and I also learned that not every hotel near Hershey puts a chocolate kiss on your pillow at night. {sigh}
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Burning Man

"Burning Man is an annual art festival and temporary community based on radical self expression and self-reliance in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada." So says their web site. In reality, it is a demonic, no-holds-barred slap in God's face. Did the "self-reliance" part give you a clue?
This morning, I asked Jesus to meet me and I found myself sitting in my "heart-living room" (those of you who are long-time readers will remember this place where I meet Jesus, from previous posts). I noticed there were some weeds that had grown up on the outside of the glass roof. They need tending, but when I asked Jesus to get rid of them, he let me know it was my job. It takes constant intentional attention (say that 3 times fast!) to keep our hearts clean and free from weeds. They grow wherever we slack off our vigilance.
I sat on the floor half under the table in the center of the room. The blue fire of Holy Spirit burned softly over the table. I started to think, "so now what?" and immediately, the fire flashed over and jumped into my chest. But as it "divided," the fire on the table did not decrease at all. Fire can do that- as many times as it divideds and spreads itself, it never has to diminish in its original place (I like that thought!).
As I marveled at the fire of Holy Spirit burning within me, I noticed a man walking by outside and I felt compelled to go talk with him. As I neared, the fire jumped from me and into him! Again, no lessening of intensity or volume in me. In fact, as it jumped this time, it not only spread to the other person, it enveloped me completely! I stood there a burning man.
Jeremiah 20:9 came to mind: "It's impossible! If I ever decided to not speak about Jesus, the burning within my heart would get unbearable! I'm a burning man! I couldn't hold it in if I tried!" (BURR translation).
There are days I don't feel like a burning man. There are days I don't feel like talking with other people at all! But Yahweh sees me as a burning man. He speaks it into me and over me as often as he can (which is as often as I'll listen) and desires for me to be a blazing witness of his love, mercy and grace. I so want to live up to his desire for me.
Has it jumped to you yet?
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Where are the Other Four?
Jesus said, "Were not ten healed?
Where are the other nine?" - Luke 17:17
Tara and I were chatting yesterday about talking with people at our Soup Kitchen. I am concerned with their salvation, but not every one of them is as concerned about their welfare as I am! Some are just not ready and/or willing to accept Jesus at this time. So we continue to build relationship and pray for them.
In the last couple of months, 5 people were saved, but of those 5, only 1 is still around and/or attending the corps. Two moved away to Virginia, 1 we have no idea what happened to him and 1 has only been seen once since! What a poor record- 1/5th.
I was bemoaning this fact until Tara brought up the above verse and related it to discipling. Perhaps 1 out of 5 is not so bad after all! Still, I pray for a better record and more effectiveness in our witness with our Soup Kitchen friends.
Even though not everyone is ready at this moment to deal with God, we press forward in developing relationship with them. One day, we believe they will come to the end of their rope. One day, we believe they will give up on everything else, but remember their friend down at The Salvation Army, who seems to have it together (at least most of the time!).
Besides, I don't like thinking of these people as "notches" in our belts of evangelism. They are people Jesus loves. I want to know them and get into relationship with them so that it's more than just getting them to recite the Sinner's Prayer and then forget about them.
What's more important- "Salvations" or Relationships? I think a salvation does not necessarily lead to a relationship, but a relationship will lead to a salvation (I know, they both should, but I'm talking about how it actually happens).
What do you think?
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
A New Day Dawns
No, you've not typed the wrong URL. Nor is your web browser on the fritz. Yes, I have retooled my blog! {insert sounds of thunderous applause here!}
A new day dawns with a new look for my blog! I've still got a few minor tweaks left, but I hope to get to them once I learn a bit more about these templates and their HTML code. If you go back far enough, you'll still see the old brown font color, but you'll just have to live with it- I'm going to. And if you know me at all, you'll know that's quite the minor miracle! {ahem}
Speaking of minor miracles, I called Alaska Airlines yesterday to see if it was possible to get a "non-transferrable" ticket transferred. You may think that's a rediculous mission, but I prayed about it because I was concerned about Josh Ivany (who we purchased the ticket for) losing over $300us! On the first attempt, I reached a busy signal and fought my irritation off, thinking God is going to let me reach someone who is partial to my plea.
When I finally reached an agent (after a long time on hold and 2 games of Spider Solitair) she quickly informed me that Alaska Airlines had just changed their policy for non-refundable tickets- the purchaser (me, in this case) was the only one who could change the person using the ticket. So now, I can use the ticket for one of our two students heading back to Vancouver in August and refund Josh his money (minus a $50 fee, of course, but that's better than losing the whole amount)! Yea! Mission accomplished!
This may be a minor miracle to some, but my God is in the miracle business. Nothing's too small for him; nothing's beyond his care and concern. If a sparrow falling to the ground catches his attention, surely he cares for my little issues in life. I love to think about it- God cares for me!
And he cares for you too!
A new day dawns with a new look for my blog! I've still got a few minor tweaks left, but I hope to get to them once I learn a bit more about these templates and their HTML code. If you go back far enough, you'll still see the old brown font color, but you'll just have to live with it- I'm going to. And if you know me at all, you'll know that's quite the minor miracle! {ahem}
Speaking of minor miracles, I called Alaska Airlines yesterday to see if it was possible to get a "non-transferrable" ticket transferred. You may think that's a rediculous mission, but I prayed about it because I was concerned about Josh Ivany (who we purchased the ticket for) losing over $300us! On the first attempt, I reached a busy signal and fought my irritation off, thinking God is going to let me reach someone who is partial to my plea.
When I finally reached an agent (after a long time on hold and 2 games of Spider Solitair) she quickly informed me that Alaska Airlines had just changed their policy for non-refundable tickets- the purchaser (me, in this case) was the only one who could change the person using the ticket. So now, I can use the ticket for one of our two students heading back to Vancouver in August and refund Josh his money (minus a $50 fee, of course, but that's better than losing the whole amount)! Yea! Mission accomplished!
This may be a minor miracle to some, but my God is in the miracle business. Nothing's too small for him; nothing's beyond his care and concern. If a sparrow falling to the ground catches his attention, surely he cares for my little issues in life. I love to think about it- God cares for me!
And he cares for you too!
Monday, June 06, 2005
It's Almost Scary
I collect quotes. I've got a huge list of them from all over the place; from all kinds of people. Some are funny, some are thought provoking. Here are a few good ones:
"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." - Samuel Clemens
"To do is to be. - Socrates
To be is to do. - Sartre
Do be do be do. - Sinatra"
"If you do not wish a thing heard, do not say it." - Klingon Proverb
"Man who says it cannot be done should not interrupt man doing it."
- Confucius
And my all-time favorite: "Truth is dangerous: it always challenges someone's cherished falsehoods." - Star Trek
Isn't this a fun hobby? Each one of my collected quotes caught my attention and made me think. But have you ever come across a quote that absolutely froze you in your tracks? I just did:
"It's almost scary how much God will hold you responsible for the salvation of those around you." - Catherine Booth (Agressive Christianity, Credo Press)
What can I say about this one? If it doesn't grab you and shake the dust off, you're in need of something more than a good shaking!
O God! There are people around me that are going to hell! Some are friends, some are even family! What am I doing about it?
What am I doing about it?
"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." - Samuel Clemens
"To do is to be. - Socrates
To be is to do. - Sartre
Do be do be do. - Sinatra"
"If you do not wish a thing heard, do not say it." - Klingon Proverb
"Man who says it cannot be done should not interrupt man doing it."
- Confucius
And my all-time favorite: "Truth is dangerous: it always challenges someone's cherished falsehoods." - Star Trek
Isn't this a fun hobby? Each one of my collected quotes caught my attention and made me think. But have you ever come across a quote that absolutely froze you in your tracks? I just did:
"It's almost scary how much God will hold you responsible for the salvation of those around you." - Catherine Booth (Agressive Christianity, Credo Press)
What can I say about this one? If it doesn't grab you and shake the dust off, you're in need of something more than a good shaking!
O God! There are people around me that are going to hell! Some are friends, some are even family! What am I doing about it?
What am I doing about it?
Sunday, June 05, 2005
There was so much bloggable stuff that happened over our recent Northern New England Aflame weekend (at Camp Sebago), I find myself strangely at a loss for words (I know, I know- keep your snide comments to yourself about that one)! What can I possibly say to recap such a powerful event? And Deb & I missed Sunday AM, because we headed back to cover Bangor's meetings. I assume you'll see tons of writting from our students (hint, hint, guys), so I'll just throw out a brief recap of the last few days.
It all started early Friday AM when we drove to Boston to pick up Jenn, who's home for a couple of weeks before heading out to Company 150 for the summer (Link to the left). Her flight was on time and all went well on her last trip from Vancouver, BC. We are so glad to have her home again!
Since it's just too far to travel back to Bangor, then to Camp Sebago again, we just meandered back toward camp, making a few stops along the way- TSA Thrift Store on Rt 1, the Maine Mall in Portland and a few bathroom stops along the way! Then out to Sebago to see who's around that early, get settled into our rooms and go to town for dinner. Again, it's so good to have Jenn with us!
Then the weekend officially started! Danielle Strickland led Worship and it was powerful (all weekend). We had a pick-up group, but Holy Spirit was the glue that held it all together. Danielle and Steve Court tag-teamed the evening preach and we learned the burning bush was not about the bush, but about the fire (among other things)! It's always about the Spirit, not who he's chosen to move in/on/through.
Saturday, Holy Spirit was in charge of the schedule and he revamped it all on the fly! I love it when he does that (actually, I love it when we let him do that)! AM: I was moved into community by the stations around the room where we experienced different aspects of God's work in our lives. PM: I was smitten with new vision for Bangor! I now see some meat on the bones of our current vision and how to get there. Deb & I spoke with Steve afterwards (we talked right through dinner!) about how we can connect with their ministry through some form of MMCCXX in Bangor (see for details as they are forming). Actually, God showed me a much bigger vision of that spreading all around Northern Maine starting in Bangor! Watch this space for more info- this is going to be awesome!
God showed up again (manifest) in our Bangor AM meeting (5 weeks in a row). Even though a lot were away (at camp and family events, etc), we still had a good crowd. Many were new people who have never been to our meetings before! During Worship, I was about to stop our leader and go on about the song we just sang- but she beat me to it! So I picked up from there and when I finished, Debbie took over! It was powerful and we were all tuned in! Seven people became Christians or re-commited to Jesus after the message! God is so working in Bangor these says!
Now, it's back down the mountain into the daily routine. But nothing's going to be routine anymore- God has changed us. God has changed everything! Hallelujah!
It all started early Friday AM when we drove to Boston to pick up Jenn, who's home for a couple of weeks before heading out to Company 150 for the summer (Link to the left). Her flight was on time and all went well on her last trip from Vancouver, BC. We are so glad to have her home again!
Since it's just too far to travel back to Bangor, then to Camp Sebago again, we just meandered back toward camp, making a few stops along the way- TSA Thrift Store on Rt 1, the Maine Mall in Portland and a few bathroom stops along the way! Then out to Sebago to see who's around that early, get settled into our rooms and go to town for dinner. Again, it's so good to have Jenn with us!
Then the weekend officially started! Danielle Strickland led Worship and it was powerful (all weekend). We had a pick-up group, but Holy Spirit was the glue that held it all together. Danielle and Steve Court tag-teamed the evening preach and we learned the burning bush was not about the bush, but about the fire (among other things)! It's always about the Spirit, not who he's chosen to move in/on/through.
Saturday, Holy Spirit was in charge of the schedule and he revamped it all on the fly! I love it when he does that (actually, I love it when we let him do that)! AM: I was moved into community by the stations around the room where we experienced different aspects of God's work in our lives. PM: I was smitten with new vision for Bangor! I now see some meat on the bones of our current vision and how to get there. Deb & I spoke with Steve afterwards (we talked right through dinner!) about how we can connect with their ministry through some form of MMCCXX in Bangor (see for details as they are forming). Actually, God showed me a much bigger vision of that spreading all around Northern Maine starting in Bangor! Watch this space for more info- this is going to be awesome!
God showed up again (manifest) in our Bangor AM meeting (5 weeks in a row). Even though a lot were away (at camp and family events, etc), we still had a good crowd. Many were new people who have never been to our meetings before! During Worship, I was about to stop our leader and go on about the song we just sang- but she beat me to it! So I picked up from there and when I finished, Debbie took over! It was powerful and we were all tuned in! Seven people became Christians or re-commited to Jesus after the message! God is so working in Bangor these says!
Now, it's back down the mountain into the daily routine. But nothing's going to be routine anymore- God has changed us. God has changed everything! Hallelujah!
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Magic Eye
Tomorrow's sermon is titled: If You Can't See, You're Blind. We're going to be talking about how non-Christians really aren't "in their right mind" until they become a Christian. At that time, Holy Spirit enlightens so that we can know truth.
So if you're in the process of arguing with a non-Christian about the Gospel, you might as well give it up. They're not going to get it that way- they can't. Pray for God to open the eyes of their hearts (revelation).
So what do you see in the above picture? Who'll be the first to respond with the right answer?
Friday, June 03, 2005
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Yahweh Shalom
This morning as I read about Yahweh Shalom (The Lord is Peace), I found myself strangely stressed-out. I was worrying about my upcoming schedule, some of the people at my corps, situations I'm soon facing, etc. There was actually a bit of tightness in my chest as my heart beat faster! This is not right!
So I stopped my musings over future issues and looked my stress directly in the face. This is what I discovered: My God is Yahweh Shalom (sha-LOAM). He does not deal in stress. However, my Enemy does. So I realized that when I am feeling unable to cope, heavily stressed or anxious- it is not Yahweh Shalom directing my soul. It is that old serpent Satan orchestrating my attentions away from the peace in which my God surrounds himself.
Lesson learned: when I am not operating in peace; when my foundation is not on the quiet assurance of my God; when I am not standing on the "Shoes of Peace," it is Satan who has the momentary upper hand in my soul. God is not in control if I am not at peace. I don't want that! So I meditate on Yahweh Shalom. I extend my faith and allow Holy Spirit to settle me down and settle down around me (the fruit of His presence is Peace).
Are the future issues still looming on my horizon? Yes. Am I still concerned about my people? Yes. Do I still have lots to do and little time to accomplish it all? Yes. BUT (God loves big buts!)- I now face them with faith that my God, Yahweh Shalom is in control. He is sovereign and he has a plan. A plan he wants to let me in on, if I seek him in peace.
- - - - -
"Shalom is a Hebrew word, so much richer in its range of meanings than the English word 'peace,' which usually refers to the absense of outward conflict or to a state of inner calm. The concept of shalom includes these ideas, but goes beyond them, meaning 'wholeness,' 'completeness,' 'finished word,' 'perfection,' 'safety' or 'wellness.' Shalom comes from living in harmony with God. The fruit of that harmony is harmony with others, prosperity, health, satisfaction, soundness, wholeness and well-being. When you pray to Yahweh Shalom, you are praying to the source of all peace. No wonder his Son is called the Prince of Peace." - Ann Spangler, Praying the Names of God, p. 146.
So I stopped my musings over future issues and looked my stress directly in the face. This is what I discovered: My God is Yahweh Shalom (sha-LOAM). He does not deal in stress. However, my Enemy does. So I realized that when I am feeling unable to cope, heavily stressed or anxious- it is not Yahweh Shalom directing my soul. It is that old serpent Satan orchestrating my attentions away from the peace in which my God surrounds himself.
Lesson learned: when I am not operating in peace; when my foundation is not on the quiet assurance of my God; when I am not standing on the "Shoes of Peace," it is Satan who has the momentary upper hand in my soul. God is not in control if I am not at peace. I don't want that! So I meditate on Yahweh Shalom. I extend my faith and allow Holy Spirit to settle me down and settle down around me (the fruit of His presence is Peace).
Are the future issues still looming on my horizon? Yes. Am I still concerned about my people? Yes. Do I still have lots to do and little time to accomplish it all? Yes. BUT (God loves big buts!)- I now face them with faith that my God, Yahweh Shalom is in control. He is sovereign and he has a plan. A plan he wants to let me in on, if I seek him in peace.
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
- Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)
- - - - -
"Shalom is a Hebrew word, so much richer in its range of meanings than the English word 'peace,' which usually refers to the absense of outward conflict or to a state of inner calm. The concept of shalom includes these ideas, but goes beyond them, meaning 'wholeness,' 'completeness,' 'finished word,' 'perfection,' 'safety' or 'wellness.' Shalom comes from living in harmony with God. The fruit of that harmony is harmony with others, prosperity, health, satisfaction, soundness, wholeness and well-being. When you pray to Yahweh Shalom, you are praying to the source of all peace. No wonder his Son is called the Prince of Peace." - Ann Spangler, Praying the Names of God, p. 146.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Company 150
In my "Awesome Blogs" list to the right, I would like you to notice the addition of a new one: Company 150.
My daughter Jenn, is a part of this Gospel Arts team that is traveling throughout Ontario for the summer. I assume the blog will keep us all posted on their exploits. Right now, it gives you the opportunity to "meet" all the members and get a sense of who they are- each has their own info page.
So check it out; bookmark the address. That way we can all keep up with Jenn this summer, before she heads to London, Ontario to help start another 6:14 corps in the Fall.
My daughter Jenn, is a part of this Gospel Arts team that is traveling throughout Ontario for the summer. I assume the blog will keep us all posted on their exploits. Right now, it gives you the opportunity to "meet" all the members and get a sense of who they are- each has their own info page.
So check it out; bookmark the address. That way we can all keep up with Jenn this summer, before she heads to London, Ontario to help start another 6:14 corps in the Fall.
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