Thursday, June 09, 2005

Burning Man

"Burning Man is an annual art festival and temporary community based on radical self expression and self-reliance in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada." So says their web site. In reality, it is a demonic, no-holds-barred slap in God's face. Did the "self-reliance" part give you a clue?

This morning, I asked Jesus to meet me and I found myself sitting in my "heart-living room" (those of you who are long-time readers will remember this place where I meet Jesus, from previous posts). I noticed there were some weeds that had grown up on the outside of the glass roof. They need tending, but when I asked Jesus to get rid of them, he let me know it was my job. It takes constant intentional attention (say that 3 times fast!) to keep our hearts clean and free from weeds. They grow wherever we slack off our vigilance.

I sat on the floor half under the table in the center of the room. The blue fire of Holy Spirit burned softly over the table. I started to think, "so now what?" and immediately, the fire flashed over and jumped into my chest. But as it "divided," the fire on the table did not decrease at all. Fire can do that- as many times as it divideds and spreads itself, it never has to diminish in its original place (I like that thought!).

As I marveled at the fire of Holy Spirit burning within me, I noticed a man walking by outside and I felt compelled to go talk with him. As I neared, the fire jumped from me and into him! Again, no lessening of intensity or volume in me. In fact, as it jumped this time, it not only spread to the other person, it enveloped me completely! I stood there a burning man.

Jeremiah 20:9 came to mind: "It's impossible! If I ever decided to not speak about Jesus, the burning within my heart would get unbearable! I'm a burning man! I couldn't hold it in if I tried!" (BURR translation).

There are days I don't feel like a burning man. There are days I don't feel like talking with other people at all! But Yahweh sees me as a burning man. He speaks it into me and over me as often as he can (which is as often as I'll listen) and desires for me to be a blazing witness of his love, mercy and grace. I so want to live up to his desire for me.

Has it jumped to you yet?

1 comment:

Gideon son of Joash said...

I want some of that burr burning man blessing!! YEAH!!