Thursday, June 16, 2005

Travel Day

Today's a travel day for Debbie & me as we head out for a couple weeks of vacation in Largo, Florida. Since the flight leaves at 5:10 AM, I'm posting ahead of time so I don't have to worry about getting another one in before the day's out. Pray for Travis, since he's taking us to the airport at that ungodly hour! I hope he's awake while driving! I can just see him nodding off . . . {zzz}

My intent is to keep blogging; I should have easy access to the Internet. I also hope to have plenty of time to think and get some good thoughts out here for your perusal.

But then again, I might just take a few days vacation from blogging. We'll see. You'll just have to keep checking to see what happens!

1 comment:

Christin ><> said...

WHAT? No DougBurr Blog??????? I might Die!!!!!!!!

Seriously, have a great vacation!