Thursday, June 02, 2005

Yahweh Shalom

This morning as I read about Yahweh Shalom (The Lord is Peace), I found myself strangely stressed-out. I was worrying about my upcoming schedule, some of the people at my corps, situations I'm soon facing, etc. There was actually a bit of tightness in my chest as my heart beat faster! This is not right!

So I stopped my musings over future issues and looked my stress directly in the face. This is what I discovered: My God is Yahweh Shalom (sha-LOAM). He does not deal in stress. However, my Enemy does. So I realized that when I am feeling unable to cope, heavily stressed or anxious- it is not Yahweh Shalom directing my soul. It is that old serpent Satan orchestrating my attentions away from the peace in which my God surrounds himself.

Lesson learned: when I am not operating in peace; when my foundation is not on the quiet assurance of my God; when I am not standing on the "Shoes of Peace," it is Satan who has the momentary upper hand in my soul. God is not in control if I am not at peace. I don't want that! So I meditate on Yahweh Shalom. I extend my faith and allow Holy Spirit to settle me down and settle down around me (the fruit of His presence is Peace).

Are the future issues still looming on my horizon? Yes. Am I still concerned about my people? Yes. Do I still have lots to do and little time to accomplish it all? Yes. BUT (God loves big buts!)- I now face them with faith that my God, Yahweh Shalom is in control. He is sovereign and he has a plan. A plan he wants to let me in on, if I seek him in peace.
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
- Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)

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"Shalom is a Hebrew word, so much richer in its range of meanings than the English word 'peace,' which usually refers to the absense of outward conflict or to a state of inner calm. The concept of shalom includes these ideas, but goes beyond them, meaning 'wholeness,' 'completeness,' 'finished word,' 'perfection,' 'safety' or 'wellness.' Shalom comes from living in harmony with God. The fruit of that harmony is harmony with others, prosperity, health, satisfaction, soundness, wholeness and well-being. When you pray to Yahweh Shalom, you are praying to the source of all peace. No wonder his Son is called the Prince of Peace." - Ann Spangler, Praying the Names of God, p. 146.

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