Sunday, August 07, 2005

10 Ways to Order Your World to Create Simplicity in Your Life

1) Buy things for their usefulness rather than their status.

2) Reject anything that is producing an addiction in you.

3) Develop a habit of giving things away.

4) Refuse to be propagandized by the custodians of modern gadgetry.

5) Learn to enjoy things without owning them.

6) Develop a deeper appreciation for the creation.

7) Look at a healthy skepticism at all "buy now, pay later" schemes.

8) Obey Jesus' instructions about plain, honest speech.

9) Reject anything that will breed the oppression of others.

10) Shun whatever would distract you from you main goal: "Seek first the kingdom of God."

- Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline


YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said... more blobs? i may be addicted...

Seeker of The Light said...

Well, being "addicted" to some things might be good- like prayer or bible study. Maybe even blogs if it's all for the right purpose!