Saturday, August 13, 2005

Overthrowing Hopelessness

I've discovered the name of a territorial spirit over Bangor. It might be over a larger area like Maine or New England (and I'm leaning this way), but for now, I know he's a very powerful influence over people in Bangor. I've actually been wrestling with him for the last five years, but until just this past week, was not able to pin a name on him.

So tomorrow I'm preaching about him and his influence over Bangorians. These past few days I've been preparing my message and I've not been so attacked in a long time! Working at my computer, I've felt sleepy, scared, overwhelmed, sad and even a bit depressed. But it was so obvious, I just laughed and fought him off! HA!

And you know what? that's the key. When you begin to feel down, tired, lazy, depressed, etc, you immediately know it's that spirit of hopelessness and you just fight it off with the promises of scripture and faith in God our Hope (Miqweh Bangor- the Hope of Bangor). We are never disappointed when we put our hope in Yahweh!

The problem is, many people don't know what's going on and get sucked down into a deadly spiral that ends in days, weeks or even months of depression and doing nothing. I see it all around me in Bangor.

So pray for tomorrow's service as we take Hopelessness head on. I expect a mighty victory!

Salvation Army Songbook #684

1. God's trumpet is sounding: To arms! is the call;
More warriors are wanted to help on the war;
My King's in the battle, he's calling for me,
A salvation soldier for Jesus I'll be.

Stand like the brave! Stand like the brave!
Stand like the brave, with your face to the foe!

2. On land and on water my colors I'll show,
Through ten thousand battles with Jesus I'll go,
In danger I'm certain he'll take care of me,
His blood and fire soldier forever I'll be.

3. I'll fight to the last with the Lord's sword and shield,
And count it an honor to die in the field;
In death and the grave there is victory for me,
A salvation soldier in Glory I'll be.

4. The war will go on till the world is possessed,
The Salvation Army Jehovah has blessed;
More heroes of faith on the roll we shall see;
The Salvation Army's the Army for me.

- Frederick Booth-Tucker (1853-1929) (verses),
- Fanny Crosby (1820-1915) (chorus)


YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

territorial spirits arentfun. they cause some problems- i will be praying for strength and strategy to fight.

God,please give doug and others in bangor strength, strategy, and authority to fight this territorial spirit in bangor. amen.

Jim Knaggs said...

We're praying and fighting with you in Christ.

Seeker of The Light said...

Thanx friends! Sunday AM went VERY well! There were quite a few people missing who needed to hear this one- hmmm. However, the whole meeting was powerfully anointed and Debbie said I spoke with passion.

I believe we're going to see some nice changes in the days ahead!