Thursday, August 18, 2005

Tara's (a) Blessing!

Well today I'm feeling a little bit like what I think it's going to feel like when both my kids leave home for good- empty nest syndrome! All our War College students have finally flown the coop, with Tara winging her way to Toronto today. {sigh}

I was surprised when I got to the corps this morning to pick Tara up for the long ride to Boston airport- almost the entire MacKay clan was there to say "fare well!" We prayed for Tara and very few eyes were dry. Tara herself went through at least 2 tissues! Just goes to show you how pouring yourself into people can affect you even over a very short time of interaction (but it's got to be sincere interaction). Praise the Lord for Tara Ayer! We wish you would have stayed longer. So say we all!

While praying (rations, for all you War College alumi!) this morning I was impressed by God to write out a fatherly blessing for Tara. Actually, I've been impressed by God to do this for some time now for other people, but today I finally listened. Not knowing how to do it, I read some fatherly blessings from Genesis. While reading, God began to download some stuff for Tara and I wrote it all down. Then I rewrote it and put the thoughts into sentences- just a short paragraph, really, but powerful in that I believe these are words God means to see fulfilled in Tara's life.

I feel this is something God is asking me to do on a regular basis, so I will be reading up on this practice so I can practice (to make perfect) and put it into practice (how's that for a tang toungler?)!

I hope Tara doesn't mind, but here's my blessing for her:
Tara’s Blessing
You are a fruitful tree bringing freedom to all who find rest in your branches.
You are a blessing to many; a fountain of refreshing water from the arid desert dryness.
You are a deer dancing on the heights, bringing joy and laughter where there was none before.
You are an iron arrow in God’s bow, driving deep into the Enemy’s side and bringing the killing blow.
As a thorn in the Enemy’s side, he will fight against you as if to make your way hard. But you will overcome by the Word of your testimony.
The very blood of Jesus will be your shield and fortress- your rock.
In times of your deepest need you will worship at His feet and find refreshment for your own soul.
- 8/18/05

Tara, you're one of us- always will be and we claim you as a Bangorian! I hope in some way, we blessed you at least half as much as you blessed us this summer.

1 comment:

Tara Ayer said...

Thanks Doug...yeah, just thanks!