Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Were You Faithful?

Wow! What a day! It's late, I'm beat to my socks, but I can hardly believe all the ministry that got crammed into this wonderful day! God sure had a plan for the day- I'm glad I listened to his voice and played along with his plan. You see, if I had my way, I'd have not allowed all those "people interruptions!"

I say that with a tongue placed firmly in my cheek, because I know that it's the office work that's the real interruption to my day. People are the whole reason for it all! Where would we be if we only did office work 24/7? I shudder to think of it.

Some of the things I said were easy. It is simple to see how God can use those words to bring about good in and for others. Some of the things I said were hard. I can see how God could possibly use what I said for his good, but it sure wasn't very obvious. In fact, some of it was real hard to say, because I knew a few people would find my words hard to swallow. But I felt then and still feel now that they were from God. I must leave those words and people to him to accomplish the good he desires. I trust him to do that. My part is to obey and do what he wants me to.

Now I'm not trying to blow my own horn here, but some day I believe God will remind me of this day. I think he'll be pretty happy with my obedience and the good he accomplished through me by just being faithful to his will. After all, my main goal in life is to be faithful to my God.

So how was your day? Were you faithful?

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