Friday, August 05, 2005

Guest Blogger: Melinda Peters

Tara had a good idea in inviting a guest blogger (I'm not stealing the idea, just borrowing it! And I'm giving Tara credit for a great idea too)! I think I might just do this every now and then . . . if I don't get sued. (heh, heh)

Today my guest is Melinda Peters. When I was in Vancouver for BTI recently, we had a prayer session for her and this is how she saw it as it happened:

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I'm in the woods and there is a white bird with brilliant blue eyes. He is fat/large and is sitting there looking right at me. I feel peace. I realize the bird is the Holy Spirit. The bird flies away and I feel called to step out of the woods onto a beach.

I go to the beach and the ocean is very calming and soothing to me. I see Jesus walking up the beach towards me. He comes and puts his arm around me and we sit in silence. After awhile, I look down and I see a bunch of smooth stones in my hands. I am playing with them and throwing them into the water. They have the fruit of the spirit words written on them. Next Jesus invites me to play in the water with him.

Then all of sudden I am up in a tree on the end of a limb. I am afraid because fear has brought me here before. I look down and there is the water below me. I am afraid of falling in the water because I might drown. But I see Jesus in the water and he is calling to me to jump in and join him. After some hesitation, I decide to take that leap of faith and I fall in the water. Once there, I discover I can breath under the water! It is great! My fear was all for nothing!

So Jesus and I are swimming under the water. He's showing me all the things under the water like fish and plants. After a few minutes, we watch a whale swim by! It is so exciting and so freeing! And to think I was afraid of this for so long.

Then I see Jesus picking up shells and he invites me back to the shore. He weaves the shells into an ankle braclet and into a necklace. One has the word "LOVE" on it and the other "PEACE." He ties them on me so they can never come off. Then he reaches down and I see 2 pearl earrings in his hand. He pierces my ears with the earrings. He gives me a warm hug and says "Now go."

I look it him a bit confused and he says "No, seriously- go!" I ask him where and he shows me a place and tells me not to tell anyone.

Next I am flying with Jesus and we are going really fast. When I look forward I see things going by quickly. When I look to either side, they come into focus. He says "We are going far and we are going fast." And then it was over and we talked awhile about what had happened and what it all meant. I'm still working on some of it, though!

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Thanks Melinda for sharing your experience with us.


YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

i like melinda. shes a nice kid. even though she dont know meeee! actually, she do. haha!
guest blobbers are fun. maybe i should get one, too.

Gideon son of Joash said...

Melinda got to hang out under wtare and I wnat to walk on water how cool is that??

Rebekah Dooley said...

praise the lord :D
thanks you for blogging this experience and allowing us to experience it with you.