Monday, August 01, 2005

The OOB Air Force

Continuing the interruption of BTI News, here is an exclusive report on the prayer meeting that took place during the Sunday AM meeting at Old Orchard Beach yesterday. Our reporter was there as it happened, so we now move to this first hand report . . .

Last year, God called a few of us to remain in the OOB corps chapel after the morning prayer meeting and continue to pray throughout the holiness meeting. The purpose was to break down the enemy's attacks of distraction (and worse) and support meeting participants with appropriate "air cover" (it seems we talk much about prayer, but practice it little). The Salvation "Air Force" was successful in its first mission at OOB.

This year the team was a little smaller, but was effective nonetheless! Here is a key scripture verse that came out of our time together:
The [Old] Orchards and fields of my people will yield bumper crops . . .I have broken their chains of slavery and rescued them! - Ezekiel 34:27.

We believe God is giving us a promise that the "crop" of seekers will soon be the best yet! First fruits were evident as there was much activity at the altars after a powerfully annointed message by Commissioner William Franicis.

We look forward with anticipation as we wait on God to send us those bumper crops!

1 comment:

YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

god and his promises...gotta love'em!