Monday, August 22, 2005

It's Official. My Little Girl's Engaged!

Yesterday, Jenn was all excited because she was planning on surprising Josh by being at the airport when he arrived in Toronto. On her way there, she stopped at a local mall with Josh's sister. While there, someone walked up to her and gave her a rose. My how strange, they both thought (or at least one of them thought- the other was acting)!

Then one by one other strangers stopped and gave her individual roses until she had eleven in hand. By now she was thinking something was going on! Looking for Josh, he showed up, gave her the twelfth rose and knelt before her on one knee. Yup- that ol' smoothie!

So now my little girl, who just recently turned 20, is actually engaged. Where have all those years gone?

Congratulations Jenn & Josh! We love you both and are praying for your joined life to be better together than if you each lived it alone.


YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

wow- only God could have pulled that off with no hitches. dang, He's good...

Anonymous said...

They are so cute!!!!