MySpace has received some bad publicity recently. Simply put, there are predators who use MySpace to feed their habit and there are some kids who have suffered because of this.
It appears The Salvation Army (in the USA) has jumped on this negative publicity bandwagon and has banned the use of MySpace from any officially TSA owned computer.
At first, I agreed and spent some time getting to know a little about MySpace and encouraging kids to stay away from it. But as I learned, I saw both good and bad can be a part of this growing network.
Two things to notice in my last paragraph: 1) "Spent some time getting to know; as I learned" and 2) "growing network."
No one can take the advice of today's media at first glance. Way more than half of what I hear from the media (Radio, TV, Internet, Newspapers) has very little to do with fact or truth. More and more, reporters are giving us their opinions- not the news. And very few of these people hold Christian beliefs anyway. I take their "advice" with a grain of salt and begin my own research, if I am even interested in a particular subject.
Technology is growing so fast I don't know how anyone can keep up with it. I keep trying (so I can be relevant), but there are areas I'm losing the battle with! Before long, I'm going to be a dinosaur. And dinosaurs have very little to teach generations that follow them. I DON'T WANT TO BE IRRELEVANT! SO, I need to keep as updated with what's going on in the world as I can.
MySpace is growing. Whether I like it or not, it is becoming a valid place for the next generation to express themselves. Am I going to avoid it or learn about it and use it?
There are people who use cell phones to sell drugs and detonate bombs. That's terrible, but am I going to decry cell phones because of those evil few? No.
There are people who use cars to get away from crimes or run people over. That's terrible, but am I going to decry cars because of those evil few? No.
What about computers? What about some of the awful programming on TV? What about unhealthy food? There will always be people who are determined to use anything for evil. Does that make that thing inherently evil? No. Should I avoid a good thing because there are a few who use it for evil? No.
MySpace is a next generation field "white unto harvest." Are we going to let it go it's own way and miss this great salvation opportunity? We should be on this front line plowing, reaping and helping to make it reach it's potential for good.
Don't take my word for it- get out there and learn for yourself. You might actually form an opinion! {gasp} If what I say holds truth, it will stand up to your scrutiny. If not, it should be discarded anyway.
Bad things happen when good people do nothing.
May you see more positive than negative in new things. May you work to tip the scales in God's direction rather than walk away from an entire generation because they do things differently than you know. And may your influence be great in reaching that entire generation for our Lord and Savior Jesus, who loves every single person- even the sinner.
PS: Wanna see a GOOD MySpace place? Click HERE.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Send a Special Christmas Card
I received the gist below from a friend and thought it was a great idea. I've altered the wording a bit.
So how about it? Join in the fun this Christmas season!
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Wanna have some fun this CHRISTMAS? Send the ACLU a CHRISTMAS CARD!
As they are working so very hard to get rid of the CHRISTmas part of this holiday, we should all send them a nice CHRISTian card to brighten up their dark, sad, little world.
Make sure it says "Merry Christmas" on it! Just don't be rude or crude (it's not the Christian way, you know).
Here's their main address- of course, you could also find the address of an office close to you and spread even more CHRISTmas joy!
125 Broad Street
18th Floor
New York, NY 10004
So how about it? Join in the fun this Christmas season!
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Wanna have some fun this CHRISTMAS? Send the ACLU a CHRISTMAS CARD!
As they are working so very hard to get rid of the CHRISTmas part of this holiday, we should all send them a nice CHRISTian card to brighten up their dark, sad, little world.
Make sure it says "Merry Christmas" on it! Just don't be rude or crude (it's not the Christian way, you know).
Here's their main address- of course, you could also find the address of an office close to you and spread even more CHRISTmas joy!
125 Broad Street
18th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Did You Know? (Part 2)
So if you were paying attention to my blog and the responses last Thursday, you'll know there was some discussion on our first draft "Did You Know?" Campaign radio ad. I took it seriously and put a lot of thought into what we were going to do to make the ad more interesting to a younger generation and at the same time reach the non-churched.
We made some changes, but probably not as many as some would prefer. But I started thinking that we don't JUST want to reach the unchurched or JUST the younger generation. We want to reach everyone (as many as we can anyway)- especially if they are looking for a church (or spiritual connection) and don't even know The Salvation Army is an option. After all, our campaign is to let people know we ARE a church. So we shouldn't then go about making us sound like we're NOT a church at the same time. You know- can't have your cake and eat it too.
So listen to the newest ad by clicking on the title above. Make sure the volume is high enough to hear the new background music. Then let me know what you think.
We made some changes, but probably not as many as some would prefer. But I started thinking that we don't JUST want to reach the unchurched or JUST the younger generation. We want to reach everyone (as many as we can anyway)- especially if they are looking for a church (or spiritual connection) and don't even know The Salvation Army is an option. After all, our campaign is to let people know we ARE a church. So we shouldn't then go about making us sound like we're NOT a church at the same time. You know- can't have your cake and eat it too.
So listen to the newest ad by clicking on the title above. Make sure the volume is high enough to hear the new background music. Then let me know what you think.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
It was a LONG Night Last Night
Yesterday we traveled back from visiting Jenn & Josh for a week in Canada. It's a LONG drive, but we decided to take some scenic roads to stave away the boredom of the monotonous highway. Somewhere around 2/3s of the way home, I began having chest pains.
It didn't hurt all the time, just when I took deep breaths or moved a certain way so I figured it was nothing to worry about. Around 11:30 I was just trying to get to sleep and a couple of my fingers began to tingle. This concerned me and when it wouldn't go away, I decided Deb should take me to the emergency room.
When I told the nurses what was happening, they asked me a lot of questions. It seemed every other thing they asked about was positive so they took me to the nearest room (it happened to be in Intensive Care Unit, even though I wasn't considered that bad). There, they wired me for an EKG, took lots of blood to test (ouch) and put an IV in my arm just in case. They gave me more aspirin (I had taken a small dose at home before leaving) and some Vicodin (I'm STILL groggy from it!).
Deb went home, because they said I was going to spend the night there waiting for test results and more test results. I actually slept about 1 1/2 hours, going in and out of consciousness, until they told me all was well- I could go home; it wasn't my heart. Maybe I pulled a chest muscle or something, but the Doctor said I did the right thing. In any such case, caution should prevail.
What an experience! I don't remember the last time I was in the hospital and the last time I was in the emergency room for myself was when I was a young kid. I don't recommend it- unless, of course, you need it!
The thing that I am most pleased about is how I handled it all. At no time was I worried or even anxious. I was praying the whole time, but I wasn't at all frantic. I joked with the nurses and kept upbeat about the whole situation. The thing that concerned me the most was Deb missing her sleep (she never mentioned it)!
Now that I look back on my long night, I am glad I was able to trust God through all that was happening. I just knew he was in control and I could have faith in his provision. I guess some of what I preach is rubbing off on the preacher!
May the things you have learned about Christianity be expressed regularly in your life; especially in the rough moments you experience. May your faith be strong and may you know for certain God is in control. And may you accept all that without accquivocation.
It didn't hurt all the time, just when I took deep breaths or moved a certain way so I figured it was nothing to worry about. Around 11:30 I was just trying to get to sleep and a couple of my fingers began to tingle. This concerned me and when it wouldn't go away, I decided Deb should take me to the emergency room.
When I told the nurses what was happening, they asked me a lot of questions. It seemed every other thing they asked about was positive so they took me to the nearest room (it happened to be in Intensive Care Unit, even though I wasn't considered that bad). There, they wired me for an EKG, took lots of blood to test (ouch) and put an IV in my arm just in case. They gave me more aspirin (I had taken a small dose at home before leaving) and some Vicodin (I'm STILL groggy from it!).
Deb went home, because they said I was going to spend the night there waiting for test results and more test results. I actually slept about 1 1/2 hours, going in and out of consciousness, until they told me all was well- I could go home; it wasn't my heart. Maybe I pulled a chest muscle or something, but the Doctor said I did the right thing. In any such case, caution should prevail.
What an experience! I don't remember the last time I was in the hospital and the last time I was in the emergency room for myself was when I was a young kid. I don't recommend it- unless, of course, you need it!
The thing that I am most pleased about is how I handled it all. At no time was I worried or even anxious. I was praying the whole time, but I wasn't at all frantic. I joked with the nurses and kept upbeat about the whole situation. The thing that concerned me the most was Deb missing her sleep (she never mentioned it)!
Now that I look back on my long night, I am glad I was able to trust God through all that was happening. I just knew he was in control and I could have faith in his provision. I guess some of what I preach is rubbing off on the preacher!
May the things you have learned about Christianity be expressed regularly in your life; especially in the rough moments you experience. May your faith be strong and may you know for certain God is in control. And may you accept all that without accquivocation.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Think God's Not Listening?
The only survivor of a shipwreck washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect himself from the elements and to store his few possessions.
One day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, with smoke rolling up to the sky. The worst had happened and everything was lost. He was stunned with disbelief, grief and anger. "God, how could you do this to me?" he cried!
Early the next day he was awakened by the sound of a ship approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. When he stepped into the boat, he asked his rescuers "How did you know I was here?"
Their reply: "We saw your smoke signal."
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Feel like God isn't listening to your cry for help? Feel like everything around you seems to be crashing down around your feet? Maybe the crash is God's way of providing. Have faith while you're waiting. Tomorrow you'll see he was working even when you thought he wasn't.
May you trust God in the middle of your crises. May you believe his promises to take care of you . . . even when it doesn't look that way at the moment.
One day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, with smoke rolling up to the sky. The worst had happened and everything was lost. He was stunned with disbelief, grief and anger. "God, how could you do this to me?" he cried!
Early the next day he was awakened by the sound of a ship approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. When he stepped into the boat, he asked his rescuers "How did you know I was here?"
Their reply: "We saw your smoke signal."
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Feel like God isn't listening to your cry for help? Feel like everything around you seems to be crashing down around your feet? Maybe the crash is God's way of providing. Have faith while you're waiting. Tomorrow you'll see he was working even when you thought he wasn't.
May you trust God in the middle of your crises. May you believe his promises to take care of you . . . even when it doesn't look that way at the moment.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Did You Know?
I mentioned in an earlier blog that we are soon starting a publicity campaign in Bangor to let the community know The Salvation Army is a church. One of the main facets is some radio spots which will show up on some of our more popular stations in Bangor.
The ads are almost completed and ready to go, but if you'd like to get an early sample, click on my title above to listen! I believe you'll have to have an mp3 player of some sort installed on your computer.
The ads are almost completed and ready to go, but if you'd like to get an early sample, click on my title above to listen! I believe you'll have to have an mp3 player of some sort installed on your computer.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
A Battle School Guest Blogger
Today I want to offer another guest blogger. The teenaged Eddie Bell just got back from 5 1/2 weeks of Battle School in Vancouver, Canada and shares his experience (no editing). I was impressed and blessed, as I'm sure you will be as you read of his exploits. O that all of our teens would be so fired up for God!
If you want to know more about the Battle School, click on my title above, which links to the ArmyBarmy info pages. Next years session is already beginning to book, so sign up early!
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Hello Everyone,
This is Eddie Bell I am back from Vancouver and wanted to tell some of the things that happened to me.
My days in Vancouver were long and they were filled with excitement. During the mornings I had a class taught to me, one about cleasing stream. We went threw a book and we talked about problems and learn to deal with the problems and what scripture say's.
We also had a time, ground force, which is physical labor at the shelter for homeless people. We did all sorts of manuel labor like painting, organizing and cleaning.
On tues. we had class with Danielle Strickland and learned about leadership. I learned that we cannot be a leader with out good character.
Thurs we had class with Stephen Court and we learned about Evangilsm. sharing the gospel with everyone you meet. After I had the class we went to Oppenheimer Park which is a park that has alot of drug dealers and addicts and we played with the kids that were at the park. We were trying to be friends to the kids.
God was teaching me to be on fire for him! We also learned that we can be helpful to everyone we meet. We gave people things that they needed like food, coffee, and Jesus.
I also think that we should dive into the cleansing flood of Jesus. Just be like Jesus, by trying to be pure and heal people and pray for people. I am not going to turn back away from the flood of Jesus.
On my last day there I was surfing on a crowd of people and they were shouting blessings over me. We were at Cariboe Hill and we were singing send the fire and the fire alarm went off. God was trying to tell us that He is going to send the fire!
I also found out that I have the gift of evangilism. I found out by talking to people on the streets that were high on drugs and drug addicts and dealers. Regular people too. I was nervous talking to these people but I felt God told me to talk to them and I wanted to be on fire for God so I talked. I talked to kids
about God too. This gift has changed me.
I want to start a cell group for 11-15 year old kids at our after school club. This will be a bible study and fun time to hang out and learn about God. My mom and I are going to work on this together.
thank you for praying for me while I was away.
Eddie Bell
If you want to know more about the Battle School, click on my title above, which links to the ArmyBarmy info pages. Next years session is already beginning to book, so sign up early!
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Hello Everyone,
This is Eddie Bell I am back from Vancouver and wanted to tell some of the things that happened to me.
My days in Vancouver were long and they were filled with excitement. During the mornings I had a class taught to me, one about cleasing stream. We went threw a book and we talked about problems and learn to deal with the problems and what scripture say's.
We also had a time, ground force, which is physical labor at the shelter for homeless people. We did all sorts of manuel labor like painting, organizing and cleaning.
On tues. we had class with Danielle Strickland and learned about leadership. I learned that we cannot be a leader with out good character.
Thurs we had class with Stephen Court and we learned about Evangilsm. sharing the gospel with everyone you meet. After I had the class we went to Oppenheimer Park which is a park that has alot of drug dealers and addicts and we played with the kids that were at the park. We were trying to be friends to the kids.
God was teaching me to be on fire for him! We also learned that we can be helpful to everyone we meet. We gave people things that they needed like food, coffee, and Jesus.
I also think that we should dive into the cleansing flood of Jesus. Just be like Jesus, by trying to be pure and heal people and pray for people. I am not going to turn back away from the flood of Jesus.
On my last day there I was surfing on a crowd of people and they were shouting blessings over me. We were at Cariboe Hill and we were singing send the fire and the fire alarm went off. God was trying to tell us that He is going to send the fire!
I also found out that I have the gift of evangilism. I found out by talking to people on the streets that were high on drugs and drug addicts and dealers. Regular people too. I was nervous talking to these people but I felt God told me to talk to them and I wanted to be on fire for God so I talked. I talked to kids
about God too. This gift has changed me.
I want to start a cell group for 11-15 year old kids at our after school club. This will be a bible study and fun time to hang out and learn about God. My mom and I are going to work on this together.
thank you for praying for me while I was away.
Eddie Bell
Salvation Army,
Spiritual Warfare
Monday, August 21, 2006
The Way it Should Work
I have been frustrated for years in finding the right people for special ministry in Bangor. We've got some long time faithful people ensconced in ministry here, but finding new people to add just the right "missing pieces" has been tough.
I was very pleased when Aurora Atell heard a call to come to Bangor for specialized ministry! She was the first, as it were, to join our team from "afar" and her input has been wonderful. In fact, she has added so much in many more ways than I originally imagined.
But she can't do it all (neither can those who are already playing their part here). There's much more to accomplish for The Kingdom.
So I have been frustrated again recently in trying to find someone to help with our pre-teen ministry (which I blogged about the other day). All of our leads have come to naught and I was feeling badly that we were back in the middle of a great plan with no one (the RIGHT someone) to put it into action. {Boo hoo, woe is me!}
Today I got an email from a young lady who is moving to Bangor and wants to get involved in ministering to pre-teens (no names yet, but she read my blog). She has held a position as a youth pastor and has experience in and passion for listening prayer- with pre-teens! Sounds like God has something in mind, I'd say!
{HUGE sigh of relief here!}
And shouldn't that be the way it works? God gave me the assignment to get a pre-teen ministry going, so why would he do that and not send me the right person to make it happen? I don't know if this person will be the right one, but I do believe they will at least play a part. Maybe even in forming the ministry's shape. I'm psyched!
And therefore at ease to go on a week vacation to London, Ontario to visit Jenn & Josh! We leave tomorrow bright and early.
May you have the grace to trust God even when it doesn't look like he's working on your situation. May you know without a doubt he doesn't give assignments without giving the resources to make them happen. And may you know the difference between your "bright" ideas and God's, because he isn't obligated to make your plans happen, but he does obligate himself to make his own plans come to completion.
I was very pleased when Aurora Atell heard a call to come to Bangor for specialized ministry! She was the first, as it were, to join our team from "afar" and her input has been wonderful. In fact, she has added so much in many more ways than I originally imagined.
But she can't do it all (neither can those who are already playing their part here). There's much more to accomplish for The Kingdom.
So I have been frustrated again recently in trying to find someone to help with our pre-teen ministry (which I blogged about the other day). All of our leads have come to naught and I was feeling badly that we were back in the middle of a great plan with no one (the RIGHT someone) to put it into action. {Boo hoo, woe is me!}
Today I got an email from a young lady who is moving to Bangor and wants to get involved in ministering to pre-teens (no names yet, but she read my blog). She has held a position as a youth pastor and has experience in and passion for listening prayer- with pre-teens! Sounds like God has something in mind, I'd say!
{HUGE sigh of relief here!}
And shouldn't that be the way it works? God gave me the assignment to get a pre-teen ministry going, so why would he do that and not send me the right person to make it happen? I don't know if this person will be the right one, but I do believe they will at least play a part. Maybe even in forming the ministry's shape. I'm psyched!
And therefore at ease to go on a week vacation to London, Ontario to visit Jenn & Josh! We leave tomorrow bright and early.
May you have the grace to trust God even when it doesn't look like he's working on your situation. May you know without a doubt he doesn't give assignments without giving the resources to make them happen. And may you know the difference between your "bright" ideas and God's, because he isn't obligated to make your plans happen, but he does obligate himself to make his own plans come to completion.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Another Great SonDay in Bangor!
Today we farewelled our Accepted Candidates to the School for Officers Training, Jeff & Becki Kirk. Not knowing them very well, I was grateful for the opportunity to watch them participate and hear them speak their testimonies. I must say, I was impressed! They both had a good word for us and hearing their sincere desire to reach the lost was VERY good for us.
I was especially pleased with their time of commissioning prayer (we commissioned them to go in our stead and with our blessing) when we gathered around them to pray and seek God's Word for them directly. This was perhaps the largest group of people that have ever come forward to pray for people in Bangor and I heard some real growth in many of those people through their prayers (you go, Alberta!).
God was in this prayer time powerfully! At more than a few points I sensed God's pleasure and nearness. As we prayed, I noticed we had a picture of William Booth pointing on the screen (the one I use on this blog, to the right) and God quickened it to my heart. I asked him what he meant and he said he wanted to give them both the anointing of William Booth for the lost. So that's what I prayed when I anointed them for their future ministry. Keep an eye on these two, because I believe God has some big plans for them!
And I am always impressed with the preaching of Frank Kirk! He just gets up there and speaks his heart in such a simple yet direct way. He has a knack of speaking specifically and directly to the people in Bangor- I just watch in amazement! His humor has much to be desired (heh, heh- just kidding Frank), but he always hits the nail squarely on the head here. It is a special blessing to be able to have the Kirks come back to Bangor for whatever reason.
So there you have it- another great SonDay in Bangor. God sure must love us a lot!
May you be blessed by God every SonDay in worship. May your worship reach the heart of God so that his face turns toward you in grace and compassion. And may you, in turn, reflect that grace and compassion to others.
I was especially pleased with their time of commissioning prayer (we commissioned them to go in our stead and with our blessing) when we gathered around them to pray and seek God's Word for them directly. This was perhaps the largest group of people that have ever come forward to pray for people in Bangor and I heard some real growth in many of those people through their prayers (you go, Alberta!).
God was in this prayer time powerfully! At more than a few points I sensed God's pleasure and nearness. As we prayed, I noticed we had a picture of William Booth pointing on the screen (the one I use on this blog, to the right) and God quickened it to my heart. I asked him what he meant and he said he wanted to give them both the anointing of William Booth for the lost. So that's what I prayed when I anointed them for their future ministry. Keep an eye on these two, because I believe God has some big plans for them!
And I am always impressed with the preaching of Frank Kirk! He just gets up there and speaks his heart in such a simple yet direct way. He has a knack of speaking specifically and directly to the people in Bangor- I just watch in amazement! His humor has much to be desired (heh, heh- just kidding Frank), but he always hits the nail squarely on the head here. It is a special blessing to be able to have the Kirks come back to Bangor for whatever reason.
So there you have it- another great SonDay in Bangor. God sure must love us a lot!
May you be blessed by God every SonDay in worship. May your worship reach the heart of God so that his face turns toward you in grace and compassion. And may you, in turn, reflect that grace and compassion to others.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
The Blessing
You may have noticed I've started ending ("started ending?" Oxymoron, Josh Lyle!) my blogs with a blessing. For the last year or so I've noticed God telling me that blessing people is an important thing for me to do. But I don't often have a good opportunity to offer them, except on SonDay's at our corps.
I've actually written out a few for certain people- when I know I am going to be able pray it over them in person. I believe I may even have blogged one or two after I gave them to the person awhile back.
Rob Bell, an awesome teacher I have come to listen to a lot, always offers a blessing after his teachings and videos. He speaks a truth that he desires to come into being over the listener, based on the teaching he just offered. He is a master of the blessing and I look to him as an example.
The Bible is full of instances of people pronouncing blessings over people. I believe they can take on a prophetic role and "announce" a prophecy that God desires to fulfill in that person's life. That's how I think of them: I think, listen and pray a lot over a blessing before I give it. I don't just want to offer something that sounds cool or pompous. I want it to mean something, and if the person believes it and allows it to happen in their lives, come into fruition.
The blessing is a lost art form, which we should be steadily rediscovering and using. That's my goal.
So please take my blog blessings seriously. Allow them to flow over you as anointing oil flows over the head and drips down the body. Allow them to permeate your being and begin to be fulfilled in your life.
May you learn to receive the Good Word God sends to you through his people. May you grab onto it, pull it inside and plant it deep within. May you water it, shelter it and allow it to grow into the flowering plant God desires. May you, in turn, become a large flowering plant that others can rest in your shade.
I've actually written out a few for certain people- when I know I am going to be able pray it over them in person. I believe I may even have blogged one or two after I gave them to the person awhile back.
Rob Bell, an awesome teacher I have come to listen to a lot, always offers a blessing after his teachings and videos. He speaks a truth that he desires to come into being over the listener, based on the teaching he just offered. He is a master of the blessing and I look to him as an example.
The Bible is full of instances of people pronouncing blessings over people. I believe they can take on a prophetic role and "announce" a prophecy that God desires to fulfill in that person's life. That's how I think of them: I think, listen and pray a lot over a blessing before I give it. I don't just want to offer something that sounds cool or pompous. I want it to mean something, and if the person believes it and allows it to happen in their lives, come into fruition.
The blessing is a lost art form, which we should be steadily rediscovering and using. That's my goal.
So please take my blog blessings seriously. Allow them to flow over you as anointing oil flows over the head and drips down the body. Allow them to permeate your being and begin to be fulfilled in your life.
May you learn to receive the Good Word God sends to you through his people. May you grab onto it, pull it inside and plant it deep within. May you water it, shelter it and allow it to grow into the flowering plant God desires. May you, in turn, become a large flowering plant that others can rest in your shade.
Friday, August 18, 2006
To Comment or Not to Comment. That is the Question.
I just got an email note from a friend who reads my blog regularly. He said he has never signed up for a blogger account so he can comment, because he feels he would then spend too much time in "blog world." Reading takes enough time as it is!
This friend is not the first I have heard from with similar news- I often get email notes from people commenting on my blog. For various reasons, many people like to read certain blogs, but they prefer not to respond. I understand- many times I have commented with good intentions and ended up word sparring with someone I don't even know. When that happens I usually end up feeling bad because I am misunderstood or we just don't see eye to eye. Or sometimes I just don't have the time to comment like I'd like to, then I forget to get back to it later.
I recently heard of someone who reads my blog even though it irritates them! Apparently they don't agree with my basic views, but I hear they keep coming back anyway. I hope they are open enough to let God speak to them through my words. Maybe some day they'll come around. Scripture says speaking the truth in love may one day bring about a new friend.
There are times I feel like I should just close this thing down and save the time it takes to think and prepare a blog daily (I shoot for daily, if I'm not always successful). And it can get irritating if I feel no one is reading it in the first place. But I keep plugging away because I feel God has something for me to accomplish here.
Then I discovered ClustrMaps (the map to the right)! Now every time someone drops by my blog, it plots where they are from on the map. There is a key to tell you what the dot sizes represent- basically the bigger the dot, the more hits from that area. By clicking on the map itself, you get a bigger map that shows things a bit more clearly.
Right now, ClustrMaps tells me that I've gotten 239 hits since I started using the map and 29 hits from yesterday alone. Not bad! I've gotten hits from Africa, Australia, Spain and England (I'd expect Canada and USA- I wonder how I can get some from all those other countries? Know any friends you could encourage to drop by?). It's very encouraging to know there are really people out there reading what I have to say even if they aren't telling me specifically.
Now I'm NOT trying to guilt people into commenting! I figure your reasons for commenting (or not) are good enough for you and I'm okay with that. It's just comforting to know what I'm doing is not useless. I hope my thoughts are either helping people or at least stimulating some good thought out there.
May you be encouraged in what you do today. May you see results from your labors. May you know your energies are going for good in God's Kingdom and may you know God is pleased with your efforts.
This friend is not the first I have heard from with similar news- I often get email notes from people commenting on my blog. For various reasons, many people like to read certain blogs, but they prefer not to respond. I understand- many times I have commented with good intentions and ended up word sparring with someone I don't even know. When that happens I usually end up feeling bad because I am misunderstood or we just don't see eye to eye. Or sometimes I just don't have the time to comment like I'd like to, then I forget to get back to it later.
I recently heard of someone who reads my blog even though it irritates them! Apparently they don't agree with my basic views, but I hear they keep coming back anyway. I hope they are open enough to let God speak to them through my words. Maybe some day they'll come around. Scripture says speaking the truth in love may one day bring about a new friend.
There are times I feel like I should just close this thing down and save the time it takes to think and prepare a blog daily (I shoot for daily, if I'm not always successful). And it can get irritating if I feel no one is reading it in the first place. But I keep plugging away because I feel God has something for me to accomplish here.
Then I discovered ClustrMaps (the map to the right)! Now every time someone drops by my blog, it plots where they are from on the map. There is a key to tell you what the dot sizes represent- basically the bigger the dot, the more hits from that area. By clicking on the map itself, you get a bigger map that shows things a bit more clearly.
Right now, ClustrMaps tells me that I've gotten 239 hits since I started using the map and 29 hits from yesterday alone. Not bad! I've gotten hits from Africa, Australia, Spain and England (I'd expect Canada and USA- I wonder how I can get some from all those other countries? Know any friends you could encourage to drop by?). It's very encouraging to know there are really people out there reading what I have to say even if they aren't telling me specifically.
Now I'm NOT trying to guilt people into commenting! I figure your reasons for commenting (or not) are good enough for you and I'm okay with that. It's just comforting to know what I'm doing is not useless. I hope my thoughts are either helping people or at least stimulating some good thought out there.
May you be encouraged in what you do today. May you see results from your labors. May you know your energies are going for good in God's Kingdom and may you know God is pleased with your efforts.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
2 Specific Things to Concentrate on in Bangor This Year
There are 2 specific things God has told us to concentrate on this year in Bangor. And it's my plan to accommodate him! Since hearing his leading, I've been working on ways to make some changes.
God's Instruction: Concentrate on training your Intercessors.
Our Plan: I purchased a special book about the relationship between Leaders and their Intercessors, "Intercessors and Pastors: The Emerging Partnership of Watchmen and Gatekeepers" by Eddie and Alice Smith (Spirit Truth Publishing). I am reading it now (there's LOTS of awesome insight in there, so far!) to prepare myself for the next step:
I purchased 6 books for 6 of our Intercessors (I already have them singled out), "The Beginner's Guide to Intercession" by Dutch Sheets (Gospel Light Publishing). My plan is to work through the book together in a small group setting.
As you know (if you've been reading my blog for any time at all), my mission is to equip and empower His people for their ministries (see "About Me" upper right). Therefore this is right up my alley, so to speak! Intercession is one of our corps' spiritual gifts as well, so this training is vital to our reaching our purpose as a part of the Body here in Bangor.
I expect this to be an awesome time of fellowship, training and learning how to further release our corps' purpose of intercession. Watch this space to hear of our progress.
God's Instruction: Concentrate on spiritually developing your Pre-Teens.
Our Plan: I'm actively looking to find a young woman (there's reason for it to be a woman) to take a part time job focusing specifically on developing our Pre-Teens. Her task would be to work closely with them, teach their SonDay School class in which they would develop their spiritual ears (hearing God speak to them), praying and getting them involved in our worship services.
I'm hoping to get involved a bit myself. I'm not sure yet what that's going to look like, but I am working on it. We'll see.
We have such a powerful young force available, but we have not been faithful in developing them to their potential. God wants us to change that.
May you hear God's voice and know it's him when he speaks to you. May you not only understand what he wants you to do, may you joyfully jump straight into his purpose for you and concentrate on the specifics that will make it happen, to the glory of God our Father through Jesus Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit.
God's Instruction: Concentrate on training your Intercessors.
Our Plan: I purchased a special book about the relationship between Leaders and their Intercessors, "Intercessors and Pastors: The Emerging Partnership of Watchmen and Gatekeepers" by Eddie and Alice Smith (Spirit Truth Publishing). I am reading it now (there's LOTS of awesome insight in there, so far!) to prepare myself for the next step:
I purchased 6 books for 6 of our Intercessors (I already have them singled out), "The Beginner's Guide to Intercession" by Dutch Sheets (Gospel Light Publishing). My plan is to work through the book together in a small group setting.
As you know (if you've been reading my blog for any time at all), my mission is to equip and empower His people for their ministries (see "About Me" upper right). Therefore this is right up my alley, so to speak! Intercession is one of our corps' spiritual gifts as well, so this training is vital to our reaching our purpose as a part of the Body here in Bangor.
I expect this to be an awesome time of fellowship, training and learning how to further release our corps' purpose of intercession. Watch this space to hear of our progress.
God's Instruction: Concentrate on spiritually developing your Pre-Teens.
Our Plan: I'm actively looking to find a young woman (there's reason for it to be a woman) to take a part time job focusing specifically on developing our Pre-Teens. Her task would be to work closely with them, teach their SonDay School class in which they would develop their spiritual ears (hearing God speak to them), praying and getting them involved in our worship services.
I'm hoping to get involved a bit myself. I'm not sure yet what that's going to look like, but I am working on it. We'll see.
We have such a powerful young force available, but we have not been faithful in developing them to their potential. God wants us to change that.
May you hear God's voice and know it's him when he speaks to you. May you not only understand what he wants you to do, may you joyfully jump straight into his purpose for you and concentrate on the specifics that will make it happen, to the glory of God our Father through Jesus Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit.
Hearing God,
Spiritual Gifts
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
2 New Resources
You may have noticed I've added a couple of new resources to the right. The first will be fun as we see where people who read this blog come from. Tip of the hat to Larry for that one.
The second one (found on Andrew's site) is definitely NOT fun. In fact, I almost didn't put it there because while it intrigued me at first, it soon began to annoy me. I'm not much for distractions while I'm trying to do something like read a blog, so that little counting number thing irritated me. After a time I noticed it was counting faster than a second per number and I thought: "Hmm, someone got the timer wrong." Soon thereafter, it dawned on me:
It's NOT counting seconds, it's counting how many people are dying!
Ouch! More than 1 per second. You know, we don't think about that stuff often enough (if at all). Each number racing past represents a person Jesus created and died for. Each one represents another spirit leaving this physical 3D plane and moving on to higher (or lower) spiritual dimensions. Each one is known intimately by their creator. And each one is either celebrated or mourned as they make that move.
Now I'm saddened too. For almost all of these people, I can't make a bit of a difference. I never knew them; never came in contact with them; never had a chance to tell them about Jesus and their eternal spirits.
But there are some that I do know. They don't pass without my knowledge, but as each one leaves this realm, I must ask myself what I have done to either let them in on "the secret," or help them know Jesus better.
It's a personal question; directed at me. I require an answer from myself. But as I come to account for my actions or lack thereof, you too must ask a similar question of yourself. It's a personal question; directed at you.
May you ask the right question of yourself and may it change the way you look at the people around you. May you be a huge influence on their lives by helping them know of their eternal spirits and the eternal lover of those spirits.
And may more of those speedily counting numbers to the right be a reason for celebration than mourning.
The second one (found on Andrew's site) is definitely NOT fun. In fact, I almost didn't put it there because while it intrigued me at first, it soon began to annoy me. I'm not much for distractions while I'm trying to do something like read a blog, so that little counting number thing irritated me. After a time I noticed it was counting faster than a second per number and I thought: "Hmm, someone got the timer wrong." Soon thereafter, it dawned on me:
It's NOT counting seconds, it's counting how many people are dying!
Ouch! More than 1 per second. You know, we don't think about that stuff often enough (if at all). Each number racing past represents a person Jesus created and died for. Each one represents another spirit leaving this physical 3D plane and moving on to higher (or lower) spiritual dimensions. Each one is known intimately by their creator. And each one is either celebrated or mourned as they make that move.
Now I'm saddened too. For almost all of these people, I can't make a bit of a difference. I never knew them; never came in contact with them; never had a chance to tell them about Jesus and their eternal spirits.
But there are some that I do know. They don't pass without my knowledge, but as each one leaves this realm, I must ask myself what I have done to either let them in on "the secret," or help them know Jesus better.
It's a personal question; directed at me. I require an answer from myself. But as I come to account for my actions or lack thereof, you too must ask a similar question of yourself. It's a personal question; directed at you.
May you ask the right question of yourself and may it change the way you look at the people around you. May you be a huge influence on their lives by helping them know of their eternal spirits and the eternal lover of those spirits.
And may more of those speedily counting numbers to the right be a reason for celebration than mourning.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Anonymous Strikes Again!
I've had a quote stickied to my monitor since I discovered it awhile ago. It came from the mouth of that famous author, Anonymous (I think he lived back in the days when we called people by one name, like Aristotle, Plato, Cher and "The Artist Formerly Known as Prince-" O wait- that's more than one name).
I get frustrated, because truth is a non-negotiable, but it is still negotiated. People believe truth to be what they want it to be. We distort facts, add a bit of wishful thinking, sprinkle in a bit of poor logic and come up with something we call truth, but is often the very opposite. But worse than that, we then base our lives on this self-made shaky foundation!
"Jesus is Lord." This is truth, but there are people who refuse to believe it. While most people believe there are angels and fallen angels, they refuse to believe there are demons (the more common name we call fallen angels). Or at least they refuse to believe demons bother us. People join The Salvation Army to fight the "good fight" against Satan and sin, yet there are those who refuse to believe in "Spiritual Warfare." I could go on and one here . . .
I think people choose to believe certain things because 1) if we change our beliefs, it would show we've been wrong for some time, 2) if we change our beliefs, that would mean we'd have to change our actions [heaven forbid!], 3) we've been taught to believe certain things and, well, "so and so" just couldn't have been wrong! and 4) we're just too stubborn.
Too bad. I'd rather be proven wrong and learn the truth than hold onto my cherished falsehoods. Today we may be able to live with the lies, but some day we will not. Being wrong for eternity gives you no time to learn the truth.
May God give you the grace to seek truth and desire it deep within your spirit. May you gain the humility to let go of your cherished falsehoods when you discover that truth. May you be set free by knowing Jesus as The Truth.
Truth is not always popular, but it is always right.Another famous person asked Jesus the question: "What is truth?" The more I think about what truth is, the deeper I get into frustration. One thing I know- one day we will all stand before God and know the truth. We will know many great truths of eternity as well as who it was that repeatedly stole just one of your socks from the dryer.
I get frustrated, because truth is a non-negotiable, but it is still negotiated. People believe truth to be what they want it to be. We distort facts, add a bit of wishful thinking, sprinkle in a bit of poor logic and come up with something we call truth, but is often the very opposite. But worse than that, we then base our lives on this self-made shaky foundation!
"Jesus is Lord." This is truth, but there are people who refuse to believe it. While most people believe there are angels and fallen angels, they refuse to believe there are demons (the more common name we call fallen angels). Or at least they refuse to believe demons bother us. People join The Salvation Army to fight the "good fight" against Satan and sin, yet there are those who refuse to believe in "Spiritual Warfare." I could go on and one here . . .
I think people choose to believe certain things because 1) if we change our beliefs, it would show we've been wrong for some time, 2) if we change our beliefs, that would mean we'd have to change our actions [heaven forbid!], 3) we've been taught to believe certain things and, well, "so and so" just couldn't have been wrong! and 4) we're just too stubborn.
Too bad. I'd rather be proven wrong and learn the truth than hold onto my cherished falsehoods. Today we may be able to live with the lies, but some day we will not. Being wrong for eternity gives you no time to learn the truth.
May God give you the grace to seek truth and desire it deep within your spirit. May you gain the humility to let go of your cherished falsehoods when you discover that truth. May you be set free by knowing Jesus as The Truth.
Monday, August 14, 2006
The First Presentation of the Gospel
When does the Bible first present the Gospel message of Jesus Christ? Matthew? Isaiah? How about Genesis. Genesis 5 to be specific. Take a moment and look it up. Do you see it?
"The first genealogy!" you say. "Those things? I just bleep over them!"
Why do you do that? Doesn't the Bible say: "ALL scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching . . . " (2 Timothy 3:16)?
I learned an awesome tip the other day listening to a teaching tape (mp3) by Chuck Missler. When the Bible lists a genealogy or list of names, put the name meanings together and see what the sentence says! Tricky, huh?
So NOW take a look at Genesis 5:1-29. Adam means "man," Seth means "appointed," Enos(h) means "mortal," Cainan means "sorrow," Mahelal(eel) means "the blessed God," Jared means "shall come," Enoch means "teaching," Methuselah means "his death shall bring," Lamech means "the despairing," and Noah means "rest."
Put that sentence together (with a couple of connecting words) and you get:
Even at the beginning of time (as we know it), God was hinting at his planned redemption of his people! The more I learn about the God of the Bible and his Word to us, the more I see how very much we DON'T know. And the more I see how incredible he is!
Now try this with the lists of the tribes of Israel- they're often written in differing orders- maybe for a different message? Or maybe the Apostles? There are certainly plenty of other genealogies. Any other name lists you can think of? Anyone out there willing to do some research- fill us in on what you find!
May you begin to discover the brilliance of our God, Yahweh. May you learn of the incredible ways he has worked throughout time to reach and connect with us. May you know his great love for his creation- especially his great love for you!
"The first genealogy!" you say. "Those things? I just bleep over them!"
Why do you do that? Doesn't the Bible say: "ALL scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching . . . " (2 Timothy 3:16)?
I learned an awesome tip the other day listening to a teaching tape (mp3) by Chuck Missler. When the Bible lists a genealogy or list of names, put the name meanings together and see what the sentence says! Tricky, huh?
So NOW take a look at Genesis 5:1-29. Adam means "man," Seth means "appointed," Enos(h) means "mortal," Cainan means "sorrow," Mahelal(eel) means "the blessed God," Jared means "shall come," Enoch means "teaching," Methuselah means "his death shall bring," Lamech means "the despairing," and Noah means "rest."
Put that sentence together (with a couple of connecting words) and you get:
Man('s) appointed (to) mortal sorrow. But the blessed God shall come down teaching (and) his death shall bring the despairing, rest.Sometimes it may be harder to put them together coherently, because some names may mean more than one thing. But all that aside, isn't this AWESOME?
Even at the beginning of time (as we know it), God was hinting at his planned redemption of his people! The more I learn about the God of the Bible and his Word to us, the more I see how very much we DON'T know. And the more I see how incredible he is!
Now try this with the lists of the tribes of Israel- they're often written in differing orders- maybe for a different message? Or maybe the Apostles? There are certainly plenty of other genealogies. Any other name lists you can think of? Anyone out there willing to do some research- fill us in on what you find!
May you begin to discover the brilliance of our God, Yahweh. May you learn of the incredible ways he has worked throughout time to reach and connect with us. May you know his great love for his creation- especially his great love for you!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
SonDay Musings
In case you missed our service in Bangor today, you can go below and read my message (Saturday's blog)! Of course, in person I threw in a couple of good jokes (I said "good jokes" Tara- people actually laughed!), but you'll get the gist.
This message was one of those that you just knew God was going to bless, because I had an awesome sense about it even as I was writing it. Holy Spirit within was witnessing to my spirit (TSA doctrine #8) and I could hardly wait to speak it out to God's people. True to his word to me, God led seekers to our altar and we had a powerful time of prayer.
At one point during prayer, I looked over and saw "Walmart" (written on the crutch padding of one of our seekers) laying on the floor under the altar. Seeing Walmart prostrate at the foot of the penitent form hit me as a profound thing- kind of like the statuette of Santa kneeling at the creche of baby Jesus. Very enlightening: one day EVERY knee will bow . . .
It's good to bow at Jesus feet. I often spend my SonDay mornings on my face in prayer in our chapel. God has been faithful to my years long commitment and we regularly see God move in our midst these days. Good thing. I'm not sure I could survive without his presence. I certainly wouldn't want to; like when God told Moses to lead the people on, but God wouldn't go with them. Moses said: "If you don't go with us, why would we go?"
I wouldn't want to be in ministry without God's presence. I can't imagine doing all God has called me to do without his being right there with me in a physical way; his manifestation. I know there are people (soldiers, ministers, pastors, officers, etc) who don't know what God's manifest presence is (or at least experience it rarely)- it was around 12 years into my officership that I learned what that was and started experiencing it regularly! How sad.
Living in God's presence only comes with spending lots of time in prayer in God's presence. That's one of the reasons I'm thrilled to see the latest prayer movement growing strong. This next generation is spending time in God's presence praying and they will learn to walk in that presence. God will be able to work powerfully through them and they will know what it is to see the miraculous as a common thing. Incredible!
We're seriously talking about designing and building a newly partitioned room in our corps as a dedicated prayer room. It will probably take some time to get it up to 24/7 prayer speed, but we're already on our way. That will help us accomplish our corps mission of intercessory prayer for our community.
It's coming and I can hardly wait!
May you learn to kneel in God's presence regularly. When you do, may he lay his hand on your back and fill you with his presence and power. May you not be able to live without him.
This message was one of those that you just knew God was going to bless, because I had an awesome sense about it even as I was writing it. Holy Spirit within was witnessing to my spirit (TSA doctrine #8) and I could hardly wait to speak it out to God's people. True to his word to me, God led seekers to our altar and we had a powerful time of prayer.
At one point during prayer, I looked over and saw "Walmart" (written on the crutch padding of one of our seekers) laying on the floor under the altar. Seeing Walmart prostrate at the foot of the penitent form hit me as a profound thing- kind of like the statuette of Santa kneeling at the creche of baby Jesus. Very enlightening: one day EVERY knee will bow . . .
It's good to bow at Jesus feet. I often spend my SonDay mornings on my face in prayer in our chapel. God has been faithful to my years long commitment and we regularly see God move in our midst these days. Good thing. I'm not sure I could survive without his presence. I certainly wouldn't want to; like when God told Moses to lead the people on, but God wouldn't go with them. Moses said: "If you don't go with us, why would we go?"
I wouldn't want to be in ministry without God's presence. I can't imagine doing all God has called me to do without his being right there with me in a physical way; his manifestation. I know there are people (soldiers, ministers, pastors, officers, etc) who don't know what God's manifest presence is (or at least experience it rarely)- it was around 12 years into my officership that I learned what that was and started experiencing it regularly! How sad.
Living in God's presence only comes with spending lots of time in prayer in God's presence. That's one of the reasons I'm thrilled to see the latest prayer movement growing strong. This next generation is spending time in God's presence praying and they will learn to walk in that presence. God will be able to work powerfully through them and they will know what it is to see the miraculous as a common thing. Incredible!
We're seriously talking about designing and building a newly partitioned room in our corps as a dedicated prayer room. It will probably take some time to get it up to 24/7 prayer speed, but we're already on our way. That will help us accomplish our corps mission of intercessory prayer for our community.
It's coming and I can hardly wait!
May you learn to kneel in God's presence regularly. When you do, may he lay his hand on your back and fill you with his presence and power. May you not be able to live without him.
Hearing God,
Salvation Army,
Saturday, August 12, 2006
More on BE Over DO
Anyone like Math? Not me! But I know you need it to live. Imagine paying for a $1 item with a $20 bill and getting back $5! No matter what we think of Math, we need it to live.
In Math you need to solve equations. Some simple (x-4=10), some hard (2x2-x-1=0). To get the answer, you have to solve the equation.
The other day, I mentioned God gave me a spiritual equation:
- - -
What does it mean? What is he trying to say to me? To get the answer, I had to solve the equation. So I started looking at Behaviors and Customs; I got the idea from reading Romans 12:2 (NIV):
The world is getting busier and faster. Daily, there's more to do, more to be aware of, more to get involved with, more you need to see, more you need- more, more, more!
Many years aog Alvin Toffler wrote a book called "Future Shock." In it he said we are learning information at such a fast pace, it will soon build up until we go into information shock. He was right. That's exactly what's happening all around us. Many Christians have gotten sucked in too!
When God gave me this equation, I was thinking about how much I HAD to do! I was rushed, I was anxious, I was stressing out! THIS is the Way of the World. THIS is what the World has to offer us. Do, do, do!
The Behaviors and Customs of The Kingdom
The Kingdom says there is time enough- to get everything done, to work, to play, to build, to tear down, to laugh, to cry (read Ecclesiastes 3:1-15) . . .
Ever notice how Jesus was never rushing anywhere? He always walked (I wonder, did he ever run?) Even when a close friend was dying, he took his time. People said: "Your Friend died! Run! Rush to him!" They all thought he was crazy to move so slowly!
But you see, accomplishing things is NOT what God is concerned about. He's concerned with WHO you ARE. Your character, not your resume! This whole "life thing," while we're here on earth, is just preparation for living in eternity. It's not about what you do, it's about WHO you are becoming, so you can live with God forever. Who you ARE when you go to be with him, is the most important thing. Period. It matters to him. That's WHY we're here. Be, be, be.
Which Behaviors and Customs are You Going to Follow?
So it all boils down to a choice. A choice YOU have to make. Which Behaviors and Customs are You going to follow?
If you choose The World, you can count on a life of rushing, a life of stress, of worry, of headaches and stomach pains. A life that just keeps adding more to your plate, keeps building until one day, you're going to POP! Or you're going to stand before God with a HUGE list of things you accomplished, but an empty character.
If you choose The Kingdom, you can count on a life of time enough, peace, trust, of happiness and joy. A life that keeps everything in the perspective of eternity until one day, you're going to bless someone! Or you're going to stand before God with an awesome character and he won't even CARE about the list of things you've done.
Stop a moment. Take a good long look into your heart. Are you at peace now? Or are you anxious to get to that next place; accomplish the next thing on your list? Hurry up and finish reading this blog so you can move on to the next one?
BE Over DO. Always. That's what really matters.
What is Holy Spirit saying to your heart right now? Have you solved the equation yet?
May you be at peace as you listen to God's voice. May you make good choices in your life, starting right now. May you choose The Kingdom over The World in everything. May you always choose to BE over DO. And may God be pleased with what you have done with your time when you stand before him on That Great and Wonderful Day.
In Math you need to solve equations. Some simple (x-4=10), some hard (2x2-x-1=0). To get the answer, you have to solve the equation.
The other day, I mentioned God gave me a spiritual equation:
- - -
What does it mean? What is he trying to say to me? To get the answer, I had to solve the equation. So I started looking at Behaviors and Customs; I got the idea from reading Romans 12:2 (NIV):
Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world,but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is.The Behavior and Customs of this World
The world is getting busier and faster. Daily, there's more to do, more to be aware of, more to get involved with, more you need to see, more you need- more, more, more!
Many years aog Alvin Toffler wrote a book called "Future Shock." In it he said we are learning information at such a fast pace, it will soon build up until we go into information shock. He was right. That's exactly what's happening all around us. Many Christians have gotten sucked in too!
When God gave me this equation, I was thinking about how much I HAD to do! I was rushed, I was anxious, I was stressing out! THIS is the Way of the World. THIS is what the World has to offer us. Do, do, do!
The Behaviors and Customs of The Kingdom
The Kingdom says there is time enough- to get everything done, to work, to play, to build, to tear down, to laugh, to cry (read Ecclesiastes 3:1-15) . . .
Ever notice how Jesus was never rushing anywhere? He always walked (I wonder, did he ever run?) Even when a close friend was dying, he took his time. People said: "Your Friend died! Run! Rush to him!" They all thought he was crazy to move so slowly!
But you see, accomplishing things is NOT what God is concerned about. He's concerned with WHO you ARE. Your character, not your resume! This whole "life thing," while we're here on earth, is just preparation for living in eternity. It's not about what you do, it's about WHO you are becoming, so you can live with God forever. Who you ARE when you go to be with him, is the most important thing. Period. It matters to him. That's WHY we're here. Be, be, be.
Which Behaviors and Customs are You Going to Follow?
So it all boils down to a choice. A choice YOU have to make. Which Behaviors and Customs are You going to follow?
If you choose The World, you can count on a life of rushing, a life of stress, of worry, of headaches and stomach pains. A life that just keeps adding more to your plate, keeps building until one day, you're going to POP! Or you're going to stand before God with a HUGE list of things you accomplished, but an empty character.
If you choose The Kingdom, you can count on a life of time enough, peace, trust, of happiness and joy. A life that keeps everything in the perspective of eternity until one day, you're going to bless someone! Or you're going to stand before God with an awesome character and he won't even CARE about the list of things you've done.
Stop a moment. Take a good long look into your heart. Are you at peace now? Or are you anxious to get to that next place; accomplish the next thing on your list? Hurry up and finish reading this blog so you can move on to the next one?
BE Over DO. Always. That's what really matters.
What is Holy Spirit saying to your heart right now? Have you solved the equation yet?
May you be at peace as you listen to God's voice. May you make good choices in your life, starting right now. May you choose The Kingdom over The World in everything. May you always choose to BE over DO. And may God be pleased with what you have done with your time when you stand before him on That Great and Wonderful Day.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Ambassador of Grace
I want to plug a new Blog I have posted to the right (click on the title above or the link below):
Ambassador of Grace
This is a blog you'll want to read often, because Shaun Bellanger (the author) truly epitomizes an Ambassador of Grace (he also epitomizes a huggable teddy bear).
Shaun is one of my favorite people. It is always a bright moment when he comes into the picture of my day, either by thought or in person. Laughing 90% of the time and crying on his knees in intercession the other 10%, Shaun is a powerful Christian leader. I want to be just like him when I grow up!
So follow Shaun's musings with me as he enters the blogosphere, uniquely redirecting our way back to our Savior's unlimited grace.
May you daily experience God's grace to you in new ways and may that grace become your foundation. May you not only receive his grace, may you also BE his grace to others who need his touch in their lives.
Ambassador of Grace
This is a blog you'll want to read often, because Shaun Bellanger (the author) truly epitomizes an Ambassador of Grace (he also epitomizes a huggable teddy bear).
Shaun is one of my favorite people. It is always a bright moment when he comes into the picture of my day, either by thought or in person. Laughing 90% of the time and crying on his knees in intercession the other 10%, Shaun is a powerful Christian leader. I want to be just like him when I grow up!
So follow Shaun's musings with me as he enters the blogosphere, uniquely redirecting our way back to our Savior's unlimited grace.
May you daily experience God's grace to you in new ways and may that grace become your foundation. May you not only receive his grace, may you also BE his grace to others who need his touch in their lives.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Being Spirit-led
I just finished reading the Intercessors Update for Vancouver 614. Carla does a nice job with this and I am often taken by the requests and answers to prayer. This time, my reading came to a screeching halt with this request:
Pray that we will be Spirit-led and not program-led in our ministry.
WOW! I thought!
I was so impressed, I thought it backwards: WOW!
Program is NOT the end-all of our ministry. Friends, I'm sorry to drop that bomb on you. I hope you survive it's destructive explosion in your life! I really do, because if you survive, you might actually get over that trap of The Enemy and get back to the people who ARE the end-all.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not against programs. Sometimes programs are wonderful. But too often they control us and dictate what we do and who we are. Sometimes they even dictate {shudder} what we can't do (by the way, in case you didn't notice, "can't" is a 4 letter word according to Philippians 4:13)!
A program should come about when 1) a large group of people are clamoring for it to happen, 2) there is someone so interested in making that program happen they volunteer to make it happen by taking ownership and leading it or 3) Holy Spirit tells you to do it.
A program should NOT come about when 1) a couple of people are clamoring for it to happen, 2) neither of them are willing to lead it, 3) "every other" corps does it, 4) you need the stats or 5) leadership (somewhere up the line) tells you to start it because they have taken a special liking to that program and therefore all corps should now put their attention in this direction.
As you can easily see, there are more reasons NOT to start a program than to actually start one and the reasons are harder to come by.
We have started all kinds of new programs (or projects) over our years of officership. The only ones that were successful over the long haul were the ones that God told us to start. I guess this all boils down to listening to God's voice and doing what he tells you to do.
What a concept!
May you be blessed with a keen ear to hear God's voice in your life. May you learn to discern the difference between God's voice, The Enemy's and your own will. May you not be convinced by people to move on something unless God is clearly the instigator. May his Spirit lead you in all things.
Pray that we will be Spirit-led and not program-led in our ministry.
WOW! I thought!
I was so impressed, I thought it backwards: WOW!
Program is NOT the end-all of our ministry. Friends, I'm sorry to drop that bomb on you. I hope you survive it's destructive explosion in your life! I really do, because if you survive, you might actually get over that trap of The Enemy and get back to the people who ARE the end-all.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not against programs. Sometimes programs are wonderful. But too often they control us and dictate what we do and who we are. Sometimes they even dictate {shudder} what we can't do (by the way, in case you didn't notice, "can't" is a 4 letter word according to Philippians 4:13)!
A program should come about when 1) a large group of people are clamoring for it to happen, 2) there is someone so interested in making that program happen they volunteer to make it happen by taking ownership and leading it or 3) Holy Spirit tells you to do it.
A program should NOT come about when 1) a couple of people are clamoring for it to happen, 2) neither of them are willing to lead it, 3) "every other" corps does it, 4) you need the stats or 5) leadership (somewhere up the line) tells you to start it because they have taken a special liking to that program and therefore all corps should now put their attention in this direction.
As you can easily see, there are more reasons NOT to start a program than to actually start one and the reasons are harder to come by.
We have started all kinds of new programs (or projects) over our years of officership. The only ones that were successful over the long haul were the ones that God told us to start. I guess this all boils down to listening to God's voice and doing what he tells you to do.
What a concept!
May you be blessed with a keen ear to hear God's voice in your life. May you learn to discern the difference between God's voice, The Enemy's and your own will. May you not be convinced by people to move on something unless God is clearly the instigator. May his Spirit lead you in all things.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
A Spiritual Equation
Yesterday I had so much to do I got up extra early to head to the office. Early morning (or early evening) is a great time to get things done, because most people aren't in yet and the phone doesn't start ringing yet. And "off to work" I was, as I cleared things off my desk and emptied my Lotus Notes email. I was feeling pretty good, then the "people" started.
Now I don't want you to get the wrong impression- people ARE my business, as it were. But when things need to get done and paperwork piles high, the people "interruptions" can get me feeling anxious that I won't get everything done when it needs to be done. They also drain me so I feel wiped out at the end of the day.
I know, I know! People aren't the interruptions- the paperwork is. And the people are the main work, not the paper. But you know how it gets sometimes and you can be easily sidetracked by the "squeaky wheel" of paperwork. It wants grease. It wants it NOW! And it will make BIG TIME irritating noise until you deal with it.
Running late for lunch because of a building inspection, I sped up to Subway to grab a sandwich to take to the office and get back to "work." I pulled in next to Aurora's car (I could tell because of the repaired front bumper!) and peeked in the door to see who might all be there. Aurora and Mary Campbell were seated together near the back of the room. They had just come from helping clean someone's house. I ALMOST hesitated and went to another place, because I was in a hurry and I didn't want to be sidetracked. But that would take more time.
I went through the line and after I had my order, I noticed they hadn't seen me yet. Maybe I could sneak out before they saw me at all! But no, I felt I should go over and say "hi." After chatting for a few, Aurora asked me if I wanted to join them.
There it was. An invitation I didn't want because I needed to get back to work. If I said "no," would they be offended? Could I take a few minutes to eat with them?
At that moment, God spoke to me (thankfully I was listening) and reminded me: "It's all about the people." So I sat. And NOT reluctantly. It felt good to join them and chat for awhile. Too many of my quick lunches are by myself when they could (and should) double as fellowship.
I had a great time!
THEN I went back to work, but feeling better and a little bit refreshed.
In prayer this morning, God gave me a spiritual equation:
Be over Do. Always. It's a Spiritual Law. We should NEVER sacrifice BEING over DOING. Never. That would be similar to "the end justifying the means." It doesn't and we should never be caught in that trap of The Enemy.
Neither should we be caught in the trap of doing things instead of being the person God wants us to be. Or that things are more important than people.
Oh to be sure, there are things that NEED to be done. I get it. HOWEVER, those things NEVER take precedence over WHO we are and HOW we do those things.
May you always remember to put people over things. May the fellowship of the body be more important to you than anything you have to do in any given day. May God's grace be obvious over your work and over your relationships. May you accomplish what God wants you to today. No more. No less.
And may you be at peace with that.
Now I don't want you to get the wrong impression- people ARE my business, as it were. But when things need to get done and paperwork piles high, the people "interruptions" can get me feeling anxious that I won't get everything done when it needs to be done. They also drain me so I feel wiped out at the end of the day.
I know, I know! People aren't the interruptions- the paperwork is. And the people are the main work, not the paper. But you know how it gets sometimes and you can be easily sidetracked by the "squeaky wheel" of paperwork. It wants grease. It wants it NOW! And it will make BIG TIME irritating noise until you deal with it.
Running late for lunch because of a building inspection, I sped up to Subway to grab a sandwich to take to the office and get back to "work." I pulled in next to Aurora's car (I could tell because of the repaired front bumper!) and peeked in the door to see who might all be there. Aurora and Mary Campbell were seated together near the back of the room. They had just come from helping clean someone's house. I ALMOST hesitated and went to another place, because I was in a hurry and I didn't want to be sidetracked. But that would take more time.
I went through the line and after I had my order, I noticed they hadn't seen me yet. Maybe I could sneak out before they saw me at all! But no, I felt I should go over and say "hi." After chatting for a few, Aurora asked me if I wanted to join them.
There it was. An invitation I didn't want because I needed to get back to work. If I said "no," would they be offended? Could I take a few minutes to eat with them?
At that moment, God spoke to me (thankfully I was listening) and reminded me: "It's all about the people." So I sat. And NOT reluctantly. It felt good to join them and chat for awhile. Too many of my quick lunches are by myself when they could (and should) double as fellowship.
I had a great time!
THEN I went back to work, but feeling better and a little bit refreshed.
In prayer this morning, God gave me a spiritual equation:
Be over Do. Always. It's a Spiritual Law. We should NEVER sacrifice BEING over DOING. Never. That would be similar to "the end justifying the means." It doesn't and we should never be caught in that trap of The Enemy.
Neither should we be caught in the trap of doing things instead of being the person God wants us to be. Or that things are more important than people.
Oh to be sure, there are things that NEED to be done. I get it. HOWEVER, those things NEVER take precedence over WHO we are and HOW we do those things.
May you always remember to put people over things. May the fellowship of the body be more important to you than anything you have to do in any given day. May God's grace be obvious over your work and over your relationships. May you accomplish what God wants you to today. No more. No less.
And may you be at peace with that.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
SonDay's are Awesome in Bangor!
Today was another awesome SonDay in Bangor! I must admit, it took me awhile to sincerely believe this truth (a lot of growth has been going on over the last few years), but once it finally hit me, I have become always grateful for every chance to worship with this local family of believers.
Many of our number were still at OOB for the camp meetings, but we still had a good attendance. People were open to worship and the gist of the service (being faithful). Heather Dolby and Acacia Wulfing were visiting and participated with testimony and song. It was so good to have them with us! What they both offered was right on target with the intended theme without my previously filling them in (I LOVE it when Holy Spirit does that!). The theme of faithfulness was woven nicely throughout the service.
Afterwards, someone said how that message had been helpful for them. My response was that I usually preach for myself and let God apply it to others as he sees fit. That way I am more passionate about what I am saying. I have also found that if I preach "at" any specific person in the congregation, it ends up backfiring anyway! Besides, it's not my job to convict people, Holy Spirit does that quite nicely on his own, if we let him work!
I love SonDay's in Bangor at The Salvation Army! What happens at your place of worship? Are you filled with a sense of God's presence? Does God "show up" regularly? What kind of family has developed?
Fill me in. I'd like to know. Oh, and if you're every in Bangor on a SonDay- join us and be blessed!
Many of our number were still at OOB for the camp meetings, but we still had a good attendance. People were open to worship and the gist of the service (being faithful). Heather Dolby and Acacia Wulfing were visiting and participated with testimony and song. It was so good to have them with us! What they both offered was right on target with the intended theme without my previously filling them in (I LOVE it when Holy Spirit does that!). The theme of faithfulness was woven nicely throughout the service.
Afterwards, someone said how that message had been helpful for them. My response was that I usually preach for myself and let God apply it to others as he sees fit. That way I am more passionate about what I am saying. I have also found that if I preach "at" any specific person in the congregation, it ends up backfiring anyway! Besides, it's not my job to convict people, Holy Spirit does that quite nicely on his own, if we let him work!
I love SonDay's in Bangor at The Salvation Army! What happens at your place of worship? Are you filled with a sense of God's presence? Does God "show up" regularly? What kind of family has developed?
Fill me in. I'd like to know. Oh, and if you're every in Bangor on a SonDay- join us and be blessed!
Saturday, August 05, 2006
How Efficient are We?
I found a great quote the other day from Peter Drucker:
Yeah, good idea! So here are the ground rules:
1) Funny is good, but it's got to be truth. No fabrications!
2) Naming a specific person is NOT good (nor should it be obvious even though not mentioned).
3) Soap boxes are allowed, as long as you don't get mean spirited.
4) All answers should be efficiently written (ha!).
Let's see what we can come up with. Ready? Set. Go!
"There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all."Sometimes I wonder. While I love this Army dearly, we are often very good at doing things that just shouldn't be done in the first place . . . I was just about to list a couple and then got a brilliant idea. Why not ask you, the reader, to help me form this list?
Yeah, good idea! So here are the ground rules:
1) Funny is good, but it's got to be truth. No fabrications!
2) Naming a specific person is NOT good (nor should it be obvious even though not mentioned).
3) Soap boxes are allowed, as long as you don't get mean spirited.
4) All answers should be efficiently written (ha!).
Let's see what we can come up with. Ready? Set. Go!
Friday, August 04, 2006
Chapel Pictures - I Am; You Are

When I say these pictures, I mean these very same pictures. Recently, you might remember my blog on the dedication of the new Red Bank, New Jersey Corps. While there, I mentioned to Captain John Ferreira (CO) that I just could not find copies of those pictures we had on the old building chapel wall. He said they had placed them in an upstairs room in the new building and if we'd like them, he'd be more than happy to let us have them! He'd rather see them in a chapel than on the wall of a game room. I was overwhelmed with gratitude!
So they both went into our van to travel all the way to Bangor,

These two pictures are very special to Debbie and me and come to Bangor with a lot of sacred history pointing the way to worship. Good things happened in our Red Bank worship services; powerful things! We were truly able to cut through any evil resistance there and purely worship our Lord and Savior. May that truth be evident in Bangor as well.
We pray these pictures will continue to remind worshippers of who it is we come to honor in worship and who we are because of who Jesus is. This fits nicely with our corps vision of living the Promise of who we are in Jesus!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Chapel Pictures - Jesus' Baptism

I bought it anyway to put on the side wall! Ha!
This picture exemplifies the Bangor Corps' Logo: Promise, Purity and Power (the logo is posted in a much earlier blog, if you want to see it again). Here's the gist- when you Live the Promise you are in Jesus Christ and Model the Purity God expects of His children, You can Know the Power of Holy Spirit in our daily lives.
Is there any other event that can summon up this truth in our spirits better than the Baptism of Jesus?
This picture on our chapel wall is a beautiful reminder of our Vision in Bangor. May God remind us of his Son when we look at this image. May we truly Live the Promise, Model the Purity and Know the Power of God in our daily lives!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Chapel Pictures - Jesus Praying

I searched the Internet looking through many different worship banner sites and Christian stores. I went to the local Christian bookstore over and over again (as if my walking in the door once more would change what they had to offer), looking at 2-3 pictures I thought might work well for us. I even borrowed their catalog and took it back to the corps to ask people what they thought.
I finally settled on one and was about to buy it, when I mentioned this whole process to Joel Boyd. Joel said he thought the current picture of Jesus praying on our back wall was perfect. Why would we want to change that?
So I went in the chapel and walked straight to the picture shown here. Immediately I knew he was right. I don't know how long this picture has been overlooking our worship, but it exemplifies perfectly what our corps mission is: intercessory prayer. Our Corps Purpose Statement (posted way back on this blog), offers as one of our objectives: "To actively practice intercessory prayer for our community."
This picture still remains on our back chapel wall where it has been for many years. It is a wonderful reminder of our purpose and our Savior who actively intercedes for us as our example. May we be faithful to our calling.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Renovations Complete!

I thought I'd post the pictures here, so you could all see what it looks like now. Especially those who haven't been to Bangor in a few years.
Here's a list of the changes: fresh paint with a new color scheme (egg shell whi

As mentioned above, we soon hope to re-finish the altar furniture to match the reddish tones of the seating and windows.
We believe this refreshing was important because 1) We want to offer the very

I think I'll talk a bit about the pictures tomorrow, so for now I hope you can just get a feel for the physical look.
The chapel at the Bangor Salvation Army is a special place for many people. Here they have found God, deepened their relationship with God, reconciled with those around them, experienced holine

May your heart be continually renewed and renovated by God's Holy Spirit within you. And may you worship him from that holy place where he chooses to live.
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