Friday, August 04, 2006

Chapel Pictures - I Am; You Are

When renovating our last corps chapel at the Red Bank Corps, in New Jersey, we decided to put these two pictures on our back wall. The intent, of course, is to bring us into worship by reminding us of who Jesus is and who we are in relationship to our Savior. So these pictures were framed and placed prominently for all to see and meditate on.

When I say these pictures, I mean these very same pictures. Recently, you might remember my blog on the dedication of the new Red Bank, New Jersey Corps. While there, I mentioned to Captain John Ferreira (CO) that I just could not find copies of those pictures we had on the old building chapel wall. He said they had placed them in an
upstairs room in the new building and if we'd like them, he'd be more than happy to let us have them! He'd rather see them in a chapel than on the wall of a game room. I was overwhelmed with gratitude!

So they both went into our van to travel all the way to Bangor,
Maine where they were reframed and readied for their new "place of honor." Who would have ever thought where these pictures would end up?

These two pictures are very special to Debb
ie and me and come to Bangor with a lot of sacred history pointing the way to worship. Good things happened in our Red Bank worship services; powerful things! We were truly able to cut through any evil resistance there and purely worship our Lord and Savior. May that truth be evident in Bangor as well.

We pray these pictures
will continue to remind worshippers of who it is we come to honor in worship and who we are because of who Jesus is. This fits nicely with our corps vision of living the Promise of who we are in Jesus!

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