Friday, August 18, 2006

To Comment or Not to Comment. That is the Question.

I just got an email note from a friend who reads my blog regularly. He said he has never signed up for a blogger account so he can comment, because he feels he would then spend too much time in "blog world." Reading takes enough time as it is!

This friend is not the first I have heard from with similar news- I often get email notes from people commenting on my blog. For various reasons, many people like to read certain blogs, but they prefer not to respond. I understand- many times I have commented with good intentions and ended up word sparring with someone I don't even know. When that happens I usually end up feeling bad because I am misunderstood or we just don't see eye to eye. Or sometimes I just don't have the time to comment like I'd like to, then I forget to get back to it later.

I recently heard of someone who reads my blog even though it irritates them! Apparently they don't agree with my basic views, but I hear they keep coming back anyway. I hope they are open enough to let God speak to them through my words. Maybe some day they'll come around. Scripture says speaking the truth in love may one day bring about a new friend.

There are times I feel like I should just close this thing down and save the time it takes to think and prepare a blog daily (I shoot for daily, if I'm not always successful). And it can get irritating if I feel no one is reading it in the first place. But I keep plugging away because I feel God has something for me to accomplish here.

Then I discovered ClustrMaps (the map to the right)! Now every time someone drops by my blog, it plots where they are from on the map. There is a key to tell you what the dot sizes represent- basically the bigger the dot, the more hits from that area. By clicking on the map itself, you get a bigger map that shows things a bit more clearly.

Right now, ClustrMaps tells me that I've gotten 239 hits since I started using the map and 29 hits from yesterday alone. Not bad! I've gotten hits from Africa, Australia, Spain and England (I'd expect Canada and USA- I wonder how I can get some from all those other countries? Know any friends you could encourage to drop by?). It's very encouraging to know there are really people out there reading what I have to say even if they aren't telling me specifically.

Now I'm NOT trying to guilt people into commenting! I figure your reasons for commenting (or not) are good enough for you and I'm okay with that. It's just comforting to know what I'm doing is not useless. I hope my thoughts are either helping people or at least stimulating some good thought out there.

May you be encouraged in what you do today. May you see results from your labors. May you know your energies are going for good in God's Kingdom and may you know God is pleased with your efforts.

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