Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Chapel Pictures - Jesus Praying

During the renovation process, I thought a lot about what pictures or banners would adorn the walls of our place of worship. I looked everywhere to find just the right images that would direct us to worship and our Corps' purpose.

I searched the Internet looking through many different worship banner sites and Christian stores. I went to the local Christian bookstore over and over again (as if my walking in the door once more would change what they had to offer), looking at 2-3 pictures I thought might work well for us. I even borrowed their catalog and took it back to the corps to ask people what they thought.

I finally settled on one and was about to buy it, when I mentioned this whole process to Joel Boyd. Joel said he thought the current picture of Jesus praying on our back wall was perfect. Why would we want to change that?

So I went in the chapel and walked straight to the picture shown here. Immediately I knew he was right. I don't know how long this picture has been overlooking our worship, but it exemplifies perfectly what our corps mission is: intercessory prayer. Our Corps Purpose Statement (posted way back on this blog), offers as one of our objectives: "To actively practice intercessory prayer for our community."

This picture still remains on our back chapel wall where it has been for many years. It is a wonderful reminder of our purpose and our Savior who actively intercedes for us as our example. May we be faithful to our calling.


Agent of Renewal said...

Bless you Doug:

God inhabits the prayers and praise of His people.

God is with us - in and through it all, glad the pier ministry went well, even though you were deeply missing two participants.

God still gets the glory - he sometimes writes straight with crooked lines.

In Him we trust....and journey together.


kathryn said...

that picture is beautiful. .