Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A Spiritual Equation

Yesterday I had so much to do I got up extra early to head to the office. Early morning (or early evening) is a great time to get things done, because most people aren't in yet and the phone doesn't start ringing yet. And "off to work" I was, as I cleared things off my desk and emptied my Lotus Notes email. I was feeling pretty good, then the "people" started.

Now I don't want you to get the wrong impression- people ARE my business, as it were. But when things need to get done and paperwork piles high, the people "interruptions" can get me feeling anxious that I won't get everything done when it needs to be done. They also drain me so I feel wiped out at the end of the day.

I know, I know! People aren't the interruptions- the paperwork is. And the people are the main work, not the paper. But you know how it gets sometimes and you can be easily sidetracked by the "squeaky wheel" of paperwork. It wants grease. It wants it NOW! And it will make BIG TIME irritating noise until you deal with it.


Running late for lunch because of a building inspection, I sped up to Subway to grab a sandwich to take to the office and get back to "work." I pulled in next to Aurora's car (I could tell because of the repaired front bumper!) and peeked in the door to see who might all be there. Aurora and Mary Campbell were seated together near the back of the room. They had just come from helping clean someone's house. I ALMOST hesitated and went to another place, because I was in a hurry and I didn't want to be sidetracked. But that would take more time.

I went through the line and after I had my order, I noticed they hadn't seen me yet. Maybe I could sneak out before they saw me at all! But no, I felt I should go over and say "hi." After chatting for a few, Aurora asked me if I wanted to join them.

There it was. An invitation I didn't want because I needed to get back to work. If I said "no," would they be offended? Could I take a few minutes to eat with them?

At that moment, God spoke to me (thankfully I was listening) and reminded me: "It's all about the people." So I sat. And NOT reluctantly. It felt good to join them and chat for awhile. Too many of my quick lunches are by myself when they could (and should) double as fellowship.

I had a great time!

THEN I went back to work, but feeling better and a little bit refreshed.

In prayer this morning, God gave me a spiritual equation:


Be over Do. Always. It's a Spiritual Law. We should NEVER sacrifice BEING over DOING. Never. That would be similar to "the end justifying the means." It doesn't and we should never be caught in that trap of The Enemy.

Neither should we be caught in the trap of doing things instead of being the person God wants us to be. Or that things are more important than people.

Oh to be sure, there are things that NEED to be done. I get it. HOWEVER, those things NEVER take precedence over WHO we are and HOW we do those things.

May you always remember to put people over things. May the fellowship of the body be more important to you than anything you have to do in any given day. May God's grace be obvious over your work and over your relationships. May you accomplish what God wants you to today. No more. No less.

And may you be at peace with that.

1 comment:

kathryn said...

that's an easy equation to remember. I like that.