Sunday, August 20, 2006

Another Great SonDay in Bangor!

Today we farewelled our Accepted Candidates to the School for Officers Training, Jeff & Becki Kirk. Not knowing them very well, I was grateful for the opportunity to watch them participate and hear them speak their testimonies. I must say, I was impressed! They both had a good word for us and hearing their sincere desire to reach the lost was VERY good for us.

I was especially pleased with their time of commissioning prayer (we commissioned them to go in our stead and with our blessing) when we gathered around them to pray and seek God's Word for them directly. This was perhaps the largest group of people that have ever come forward to pray for people in Bangor and I heard some real growth in many of those people through their prayers (you go, Alberta!).

God was in this prayer time powerfully! At more than a few points I sensed God's pleasure and nearness. As we prayed, I noticed we had a picture of William Booth pointing on the screen (the one I use on this blog, to the right) and God quickened it to my heart. I asked him what he meant and he said he wanted to give them both the anointing of William Booth for the lost. So that's what I prayed when I anointed them for their future ministry. Keep an eye on these two, because I believe God has some big plans for them!

And I am always impressed with the preaching of Frank Kirk! He just gets up there and speaks his heart in such a simple yet direct way. He has a knack of speaking specifically and directly to the people in Bangor- I just watch in amazement! His humor has much to be desired (heh, heh- just kidding Frank), but he always hits the nail squarely on the head here. It is a special blessing to be able to have the Kirks come back to Bangor for whatever reason.

So there you have it- another great SonDay in Bangor. God sure must love us a lot!

May you be blessed by God every SonDay in worship. May your worship reach the heart of God so that his face turns toward you in grace and compassion. And may you, in turn, reflect that grace and compassion to others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay my name is in the lights!