Thursday, August 31, 2006


MySpace has received some bad publicity recently. Simply put, there are predators who use MySpace to feed their habit and there are some kids who have suffered because of this.

It appears The Salvation Army (in the USA) has jumped on this negative publicity bandwagon and has banned the use of MySpace from any officially TSA owned computer.

At first, I agreed and spent some time getting to know a little about MySpace and encouraging kids to stay away from it. But as I learned, I saw both good and bad can be a part of this growing network.

Two things to notice in my last paragraph: 1) "Spent some time getting to know; as I learned" and 2) "growing network."

No one can take the advice of today's media at first glance. Way more than half of what I hear from the media (Radio, TV, Internet, Newspapers) has very little to do with fact or truth. More and more, reporters are giving us their opinions- not the news. And very few of these people hold Christian beliefs anyway. I take their "advice" with a grain of salt and begin my own research, if I am even interested in a particular subject.

Technology is growing so fast I don't know how anyone can keep up with it. I keep trying (so I can be relevant), but there are areas I'm losing the battle with! Before long, I'm going to be a dinosaur. And dinosaurs have very little to teach generations that follow them. I DON'T WANT TO BE IRRELEVANT! SO, I need to keep as updated with what's going on in the world as I can.

MySpace is growing. Whether I like it or not, it is becoming a valid place for the next generation to express themselves. Am I going to avoid it or learn about it and use it?

There are people who use cell phones to sell drugs and detonate bombs. That's terrible, but am I going to decry cell phones because of those evil few? No.

There are people who use cars to get away from crimes or run people over. That's terrible, but am I going to decry cars because of those evil few? No.

What about computers? What about some of the awful programming on TV? What about unhealthy food? There will always be people who are determined to use anything for evil. Does that make that thing inherently evil? No. Should I avoid a good thing because there are a few who use it for evil? No.

MySpace is a next generation field "white unto harvest." Are we going to let it go it's own way and miss this great salvation opportunity? We should be on this front line plowing, reaping and helping to make it reach it's potential for good.

Don't take my word for it- get out there and learn for yourself. You might actually form an opinion! {gasp} If what I say holds truth, it will stand up to your scrutiny. If not, it should be discarded anyway.

Bad things happen when good people do nothing.

May you see more positive than negative in new things. May you work to tip the scales in God's direction rather than walk away from an entire generation because they do things differently than you know. And may your influence be great in reaching that entire generation for our Lord and Savior Jesus, who loves every single person- even the sinner.

PS: Wanna see a GOOD MySpace place? Click HERE.


Anonymous said...

i think phil leager is cool. i really like the Hero song. good recommendation of a myspace.

Denise said...

Yeah, I've spent some of the last few months discussing MySpace with people and realizing that for the younger generation out there(cause man, I'm out of it now), MySpace is the new e-mail. Its like the text messaging of the internet.
So, as much as I was against it for some of what I saw, I now how a site!! I've been able to connect people, and exhort some of my young Christian friends for their choice of language or far its been interesting.

kathryn said...

i like your examples, Doug. It's very 'ostrich' like behaviour (not to mention fearful) to ban myspace. . myspace is not evil. . it is where tons and tons of people spend time. They network and connect and they read and interact.