Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Get with the Program!

We are God's masterpiece! He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. - Ephesians 2:10

God don't make no junk, as the saying goes! Each one of us was planned by God. Not an after-thought, but a deliberate puzzle piece that fits exactly into this grand scheme of things. If there are "bumps," it's so you would fit snugly against the next piece. You're a masterpiece. And his whole purpose (our purpose in life) is to accomplish the things he set out for us to accomplish. These things were planned so very long ago, none of us were around- not even our great-great-grand-parents!

With that thought in mind, it would be good if we had an idea of what it was God wants us to do- ya think? So what are your spiritual gifts? These gifts mix together with your personality, talents and desires so that you are the perfect vessel to complete God's assignments for you. Wouldn't it be a shame if you stood before God on that great day and found out you missed it? Or even just some of it?

You are important to God: 1) because he loves you so much and 2) because he needs you to do certain things so that his plan of grand redemption will come into it's fullness, blessing and reaching as many of his children as possible (he wants them all saved, by the way- there's a lot of work yet to do). Sure, God could do it all himself, but that's just not the way he designed things.

So let's get with the program! Do you know your spiritual gifts? Good- get to it then. Don't quite know what you're supposed to be doing? Find out- ASAP. There are plenty of good books on spiritual gifts and plenty of good people in the body of Christ willing to help you get it all straight. It's too important to ignore. God needs you. Shoot, I need you- you just might be that piece that fits so snugly against me!

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Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow: How to Find Your Gifts and Use Them to Bless Others, C. Peter Wagner, 2004, Regal Books, Ventura, CA.

Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow: Help People Find Their Gifts and use Them to Bless Others (Work Book), C. Peter Wagner, 1999, Regal Books, Ventura, CA.
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