Sunday, January 02, 2005

I do See Miracles

Dec 24th I talked about a couple signs of God's blessing- one particularly being miracles. Make no mistake- I want to see miracles regularly in my ministry! But the more I thought about my comment, the more I realized I have seen miracles in my ministry.

The first I'm aware of, was years ago when I was the counselor of a cabin at music camp. One of the guys came down with strep throat and after seeing the doctor, was heading home later the next day. In my morning face-time with God, he was nudging me to pray for this boy's throat. I was scared, so we had quite a long "argument" about it! Finally, I gave in, because I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest if I didn't obey! To make a long story short, we prayed, his throat was healed and he finished the whole camp session with no problems. The doctor even gave him a clean bill of health. I was in awe of God, but the memory of it all faded in a couple of days.

Most recently, we had a woman who's knee was so sore, she could not walk without severe pain. The doctor said the cartiladge was gone and she would need surgery. She was in agony for a long time- she could not afford the surgery, so even missed almost 2 months of work. We prayed for her during a healing service. During prayer, I "saw" an image in my mind of something like flat plastic growing into two shapes like fingers, but still connected. She felt better right away and has been back to church and work ever since. No surgery was necessary! But even the recent memory of that miracle has faded and hardly anyone talks about it anymore.

I can list some others, specifically as they relate to inner-healing and casting out demons (one of my spiritual gifts), but the common thread I can see clearly now, as I write, is that after the initial rush, the reality of the miracle faded away very quickly and I moved back into the routine again- always hoping to see miracles in my ministry. Hmmm- I wonder what that's all about?

I guess I do see miracles in my ministry! I'm thinking that I would see more if I spent more time talking about what God has already done and praising him for it all.

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