Thursday, January 27, 2005

Our Foundation of Peace

I was heading to a potentially difficult confrontation one day. I was anxious to get there and get it over with, but God had other plans. The bridge was closed for a couple hours! So as I turned the car to go the long way around, I sensed God tell me I needed more time to prepare myself for the meeting. Instinctively I knew I was supposed to pray on the armor of God from Ephesians 6.

When I got to the Shoes of Peace, it dawned on me that we stand on our shoes. In a real sense, they are our foundation. It was then that I got revelation from the Holy Spirit about standing on peace in the midst of stressful situations. The Christian's very foundation is peace.

That revelation has done me well over the years as I've found myself in all kinds of tough situations. If I am not at peace, I am not standing on the right foundation. All I need do, is quiet myself enough to hear God's still, small voice whisper his peace. It is then I know I am at that place where I can hear God speak even in the middle of great cacohpony! And we're much more able to make a good decision or say the right thing if we are at peace. Jesus' peace. Peace that the world doesn't give (John 14:27). Peace that is perfect (Isaiah 26:3).

I told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have trouble. But be brave! I have defeated the world! - Jesus (John 16:33 (ICB))

You know what? I feel pretty peaceful about my blog toay.

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