Friday, December 23, 2005
Which is More Important?
Which is more important? And why do you think so?
1) Getting people saved.
2) Training the saved to grow and get people saved.
Maybe I'll blog some of my thoughts once I get some input.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Booth-Tucker Institute 2006
The new session will take place June 23-30, 2006. I understand there will be all kinds of good stuff happening this year to help you better win the world for Jesus, so mark your calendars now and plan to attend.
Debbie attended the inaugural session in 2004. I am a member of the graduating class of '05. Let me tell you, this experience is life-changing!
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*The War College is a one year incarnational ministry training program that can best be explained as Salvation Army boot camp! The intent is to get soldiers back to their Army roots and get busy with our mission of winning the world for Jesus. Their mission to "Recruit, Train and Deploy" is working. They are sending dedicated men and women out on the battle field that are making a difference all over the world.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Diary of a Snow Shoveler
They HAD to create this after watching me my first year here.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
You Never Know . . .
I am told we should take the time to stop and smell the roses. How about stop and take the time to appreciate the people who make your life a pleasure? Why is it we always appreciate people after they're gone?
You never know how much you appreciate someone until they're gone and your situation changes for lack of their presence and input.
Bless Yahweh for those people he's put in your reach. In fact, why not reach out to them while they're still there and tell them how much you appreciate them . . . before it's too late and you regret taking them for granted?
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Every Knee Will Bow
EVERY Knee will bow! When was last time you bowed before Jesus?
Contrary to what some World Religions teach, the Jesus of Christianity is more than just a good man. He is God. We worship him as God and marvel in his awesome sacrifice that made it possible for us to be reconciled to God without suffering as he did- for our sins.
He is God; the King of kings; creator, preserver, governor of all things. He is above all. He is almighty; he is magnificent; he is Lord of all.
He is the ONLY proper object of worship. There are no ifs, ands or buts- whether people believe that and worship him or not, one day, EVERY knee will bow before Jesus and acknowledge him as all of these things- and more!
On that day he will rise above all thoughts, all ideas, all theologies and he will stand high above everything and everyone to receive the honors he alone deserves- EVERY one will see the truth; who he is-
and in that moment, EVERY knee will bow.
When was the last time you bowed before Jesus? Have you EVER bowed before Jesus?
Sooner or later EVERY Knee Will Bow!
Years ago when Jesus was just a baby, some kings realized the truth. They traveled far and offered valuable gifts as they knelt before this little child. They knew who they were and they knew who he was. They did the only thing they could- they knelt- in submission- and worshiped.
Have you ever bowed in submission before Jesus?
Some Bow Before Santa:
O great gift-giver: I worship you so that I can get everything I want! Gimme, gimme, gimme! Here’s my list, make sure I get it all!This may satisfy them for now, but on that great day, they will bow before a different giver and see the truth- and all the folly of being selfish. They will bow unwillingly, but they will bow. EVERY knee will bow.
Some Bow Before Humankind:
O great spirit of humanity: I worship you so that I can be master of all I survey! I am in control; I am complete w/in myself; I can do anything I put my mind to. I will be the captain of my own destiny!This may satisfy them for now, but on that great day they will bow before a different master and see the truth- and all the folly of being self-absorbed. They will bow unwillingly, perhaps even struggling to the last in bending their knee to another, but they will bow. EVERY knee will bow.
Some Bow Before Jesus:
O great King of kings: I know who you are and I worship you because I also know my own insignificance. I know my sins and I see them as opposed to your purity and perfection. I am undone in your presence; I worship you because you know who I am and still love me; still stoop down to lift me up.These will never stop praising Jesus; they will never feel they have worshiped enough for all of Jesus’ goodness and love. Their humility will be a sweet fragrance to God, instinctively drawing him to them for another whiff.
On that day, they will bow as willingly as they do now, but they will see the truth even more clearly as EVERY knee around them will bow as well.
Kings. Kings! Kings bowed before Jesus, even when he was just a little baby!
Will you bow willingly? Or will you bow under the pressure of that moment of truth?
When was the last time you bowed before Jesus? Have you ever?
Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before Yahweh our maker, for he is our God. We are the people he watches over, the sheep under his care. Oh, that you would listen to his voice today! - Psalm 95:6-7
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Scrooge is Alive and Well . . .
Well, I tried to be understanding, but if you've read any of my blogs and/or listened to my sermons lately, you'll know I was quite irritated at her irritation! I had little sympathy. No, strike that- I had no sympathy! I was nice and thanked her for her other help, but inside I wanted to get up and shout at her:
"Are you kidding?! You're angry because we asked you for a buck? Let me tell you about some people who wish they had a buck to give!"I guess Scrooge is alive and well and living too close for my comfort. {sigh}
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!
When I talk with the kids at my corps about Christmas, they are only too willing to tell me what they want; what they are expecting their parents to give them. Shoot, many adults are the same way. I guess we've done a great job at teaching them? I can understand why the stores want to promote this way of thinking, but why we let them direct us there (as if with blinders on) is questionable at best.
My Dad has this great button he wears during the Christmas season: "Christmas is all about giving. Gimme, gimme, gimme!" Alvin the Chipmunk said he wanted a big empty box for Christmas. When Dave asked him why, he said: "So you can fill it with all kinds of toys for me!"
What can we do to at least start the process of getting out from under this consumerism? Any ideas?
Debbie & I have stopped giving each other gifts at Christmas. I mean it seems silly to ask someone who shares your bank account what they want, then go buy it when they could just as easily buy it themselves any time they want. And why buy something for someone they wouldn't buy for themselves? If they wouldn't buy it, why should I? Is giving someone something supposed to be proof of your love? I can think of many better ways.
And why should people go in debt each Christmas season?
At our corps we have decided to forgo giving Christmas presents to our Teens and Adults. Instead, we are raising money to send to the needy in some other part of the world through World Vision (a special offering every SonDay). As of right now, we have raised enough to buy a camel and a sewing machine! We're shooting for "The Whole Barnyard of Animals" package. I wonder if, by still giving our corps kids presents we are encouraging them into the consumerism I'm questioning here?
What do I want for Christmas? Nothing that you could buy for me. I want a quiet (rowdy?) Christmas SonDay Service (Holiness Meeting!) with my corps family. I'm praying ALL of them will come join in the celebration!
Friday, December 09, 2005
No Church on Christmas?
Mike Gallagher, a radio talk show host, says he's asked these churches why and their primary response was "they can't meet expenses to hold services because not enough people show up when Christmas is on a SonDay." They said they also want to free their ministry staff to spend the day with their families.
Now these churches are holding special services before SonDay- some are holding many special services. But Gallagher and Jerry Falwell (Gallagher's phone interviewee today) feel this is anathama (maybe anathama's a little strong) and can't believe these churches are passing on services just because SonDay falls on a holiday.
As I listened to their conversation, I felt anger at these churches for caving so easily. After all, worship is not something we drop because it is inconvenient. In fact, King David felt sacrifice was an important aspect of worship. But then as I kept thinking about it, I also thought about the fact that worship doesn't have to just happen on SonDay. In fact, if it's the only time it does happen in someone's life, then I question if it is true worship.
Now I'll be at my church on Christmas SonDay (as I always have), but should I think less of those who choose to worship another time that week and stay home that day? What about those who always choose to worship on another day over SonDay? {Shudder to think! Worship on Saturday?!}
I think it's has a lot to do with the culture we've been brought up in. Holding a "church service" is not the most important spiritual aspect of being a Christian each week. Having relationship with the church is. Some accomplish that on SonDay's others work that out throughout the week.
Where will you be on this Christmas SonDay?
Monday, December 05, 2005
The Jesus Tree
Saturday, December 03, 2005
MMCCXX and Maine. Perfect Together!
What I like most about MMCCXX for Maine, is how well it fits our demographics. Maine is mostly made up of small towns- too small, in fact, to support the typical Salvation Army operation of a corps. While we have tried to open new corps (in our division) over the last few years, we have had to back down and close them after years of failure- mostly financial. MMCCXX (we've GOT to come up with a pronounceable title!) is a model for planting Salvation Army presence in communities with NO financial support outside of the workers who take on the ministry!
As I see it, 2-4 people commit to starting MMCCXX in a Maine community. They "open fire" by moving into that community, find a place to stay and jobs. This model is called tent-making, after Paul who worked at making tents to support his ministry. From there, they start making friends and pray and invite their friends to hang out, eat with them and pray with them. How easy can you get?
As their numbers grow, they start cell groups. The cells divide as they get bigger. Before you know it, you've got vital Salvationists covering (infesting?!) a whole new community and it cost The Army nothing. Do you see how this model can work so well in Maine?
I'm convinced! We've got an MMCCXX plant starting right in Bangor as I write. God has provided 2 people to plow the ground (Aurora and Travis) and get things moving. Hopefully, we'll get 2-4 more people to start up in Millinocket next. Then maybe Callais? Ellsworth? Belfast? Before you know it, this Army will be covering Maine (and Northern New England)!
To steal a line from New Jersey- MMCCXX and Maine. Perfect together!
Anyone reading this getting a nudge to move to Millinocket this Fall? Let me know. I'm expecting takers, because I know God is speaking.
Friday, December 02, 2005
My Bible Marking System
I use colored marker pens (pencils would do) to underline and a yellow highlighter to . . . highlight {heh}. Here's the key to the colors I use:
Blue - is a promise of God.
Red - is anything bad (a punishment, a complaint, etc.).
Green - is a fact.
Purple - is means something special to me; catches my attention.
Orange - is a command; something we should do.
Brown - is a word of praise to God.
Yellow Highlighter - is for something I REALLY like; want it to jump out at me!
(sorry, I can't do highlighting in this blog, but you get the idea right? Below, I'll make the text BOLD to mean yellow highligher).
I don't necessarily mark everything, but here is a passage to give you an example:
2 Peter 3:8-18
But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.
11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.
14 So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. 15 Bear in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. 16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.
17 Therefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position. 18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
This makes for a great way for me to remember things God has given me in past studies. I can quickly find passages in my Bible when looking for a specific thing, because if I'm looking for a promise, I look for something marked in blue. Any different Bible I use could be marked differently, due to different things God gives me when I use that particular Bible.
So that's what I do. Do you have any particular method of marking your Bible? Tell me about it.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Casting Pearls Before Swine
Here's a good example I got from a friend today: There is nothing we can do to teach a baby to value a fine antique vase- except show them our value of it as they grow up. If they respect us, over the years they too will learn to value the vase. One day, they may even be entrusted with its safekeeping.
I think the growing up part is important. Kids have little experience in life. The younger they are, the less experience. As they grow up, they have more experiences. Through it all, they learn to value some things and not value other things. What they learn to value depends on their experience.
Those who do not have our experience, will not have our values. We cannot expect them to understand why some things are important to us and others are not. In fact, it often works in reverse as well. What one person values another does not. That's where the saying came from: "One person's trash is another person's treasure."
What I have come to realize is I cannot teach another person to appreciate my spiritual values. I can discuss, argue and/or beat them over the head, but until and unless Holy Spirit gives them individual revelation the best I can do is pray for them. And continue to talk with them in hopes that God will use my mere words to jumpstart the process.
Then I work real hard at not letting them pull me or my values down. But that's the real hard part, huh?
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Take the AIDS Test
I must admit, I was surprised by things I didn't know about AIDS. And certainly, this short test doesn't include everything there is to know about AIDS.
Now- what are we going to do about it?
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Movements Move!
By definition, movements "move" and therefore require leaders who are not stuck and insecure when it comes to change and adaptation.
Harland Cleveland (Nobody In Charge) provides a list of eight attitudes that he believes are indispensable to the management of complexity. They apply equally well to leadership among the people of God.
1) A lively intellectual curiosity; an interest in everything, because everything really is related to everything else and therefore to what we are trying to do, whatever it is.
2) A genuine interest in what other people think and why they think that way- which means you have to be at peace with yourself for a start.
3) A feeling of special responsibility for envisioning a future that's different from a straight-line projection of the present. Trends are not destiny.
4) A hunch that most risks are there not to be avoided but to be taken.
5) A mindset that crises are normal, tensions can be promising and complexity is fun.
6) A realization that paranoia and self-pity are reserved for people who don't want to be leaders.
7) A sense of personal responsibility for the general outcome of your efforts.
8) A quality I call "unwarranted optimism;" the conviction that there must be some more upbeat outcome than would result from adding up all the available expert advice.
The church needs navigators tuned to the voice of God, not map readers. Navigational skills have to be learned on the high seas and in the midst of varying conditions produced by the wind, waves, currents, fogbanks, darkness, storm clouds and perilous rocks.
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My comments:
Movements "move-" Anything alive grows and changes. Anything dead changes not. Today's Army is growing where it is changing and getting better. Our Army is dying where it remains the same it always has been.
3) Trends are not destiny- If it looks like it will go in a straight line it probably won't. I don't know a single story in the Bible where the outcome could have been obviously projected from the current situation.
4) Most risks need to be taken- Hallelujah! Now we're talking! An army is not meant to be a "safe" place. We are at war. A turtle never gets anywhere unless he sticks his neck out. I am a risk taker, but most of my career I have not been allowed to do so. When I have been given that option, I can point to great things God has done through those risks.
5) Crises are normal- "The church is a mess!" We're dealing with people and that alone means things will be unusual at best. Starting from this understanding, we can move through each crisis certain that God has the future in his hands.
6) Self pity- Wouldn't the Enemy love to keep us in this frame of mind? Oh, woe is me!
7) Personal responsibility- with responsibility comes trust. At least it should work that way! If I am given a responsibility, I should be given the trust to follow through to the best of my abilities and then stand on the outcome.
Tuned to the voice of God- It's not about what I want to do- it's about what God wants me to do. How can I know that without listening to his voice? I fear too many leaders in this Army listen to their own voice and believe it must be what God wants. I have often found what God wants scares me; I don't want to take that risk! But I must, if it is in fact, his voice.
This thought provoking blurb was sent to me today (minus my comments) from one of my leaders. It is encouraging to see this coming from that position in today's Army. This is the kind of leader I want to follow and the kind of leader I want to be.
Let's move!
Monday, November 28, 2005
525,600 Minutes
Good music- although I often feel like the melodies in many musicals are a bit jumpy. This was no exception, but the pieces that stood out were excellent- there was some good chording in there. The worst part was that when the instruments got loud, you couldn't hear the words being sung. In a musical, the words are important! The best part was the way all the main character's voices sounded- especially together! Some of the duets were incredible!
As was intentioned by the authors I'm sure, I really liked all the main characters and felt for their experiences throughout the movie. At the end, I felt good, but a bit sad. All in all I liked the movie and the general theme it presented.
What concerned me was the way it presented the homosexual lifestyle. Some of the characters had AIDS, but no one seemed to understand it came from that lifestyle. Now we need to be careful here- I don't hate homosexuals. I love them- as we all should. However, I don't condone their lifestyle. Just the same as I don't condone an addictive lifestyle (drugs or alcohol, etc- and the movie gave a clear message that drugs were bad) but I love those who find themselves caught in its grip.
I think there might be a lot less push for gay rights, if we Christians (in general) judged less and loved more. We are usually too good at condemnation, which is strange when Jesus fought so hard against that very thing. Remember how Jesus treated the woman caught in adultery? We should be so loving.
How do you measure a year in the life? Remember the love. Measure in love.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
A Passion for . . .

I got my first Christmas card the other day. It was from The Salvation Army- some guy named Major Douglas Burr. You see, I'm on our Bangor Mail Appeal list and this year the company who handles our mailings enclosed a card with a "hand-written" note. We actually give to this appeal, by the way.
It's a nice card, but I noticed the picture on the front was a holiday decorated reindeer. Unlike Walmart, it does mention Christmas, but the spiritual significance of the season is couched in generalities (peace, hope, love); unlike our new National quip (Doing the Most Good), it does mention God (once, in the salutation: "Thank you and God bless").
Too bad we missed this opportunity to offer the Gospel message. Not even a biblical picture (manger, 3 kings, etc).
William Booth once said: "Some men's passion is Art. Some men's passion is Fame. Some men's passion is God. My passion is the Souls of Men." Have we traded our passion for Souls for a passion for Funds? Are we truly doing the most good?
I believe money will come if we keep our focus on the right thing. After all, my God owns the kettles in a thousand malls! I also believe if we stick to our "God" message, more people will give just because of that- even more than will not give if we water our message down, thinking we might offend givers.
While God is not obligated to fund my "grand schemes," he has obligated himself to fund his own plans- especially his plans to reach the entire world for himself. I've seen his faithfulness in the past. I'm living in his faithfulness right now for the vision he's given us in Bangor. He is always faithful!
If we're doing what he wants, we'll never be at a loss for funding. Never.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Prayer SO Works. Why do we Worry?
So the time finally came to confront the issue and as nervous as I was, it worked out so simply I was amazed. So I sit here now contemplating why I worried when I prayed. I mean, if prayer works (and I believe it does), why can't I just trust God to answer and start looking forward to the creative way he is going to bring it to conclusion? Imagine going into a tough situation excited to see what God is going to do this time!
Sounds like a plan. Who's with me?
Friday, November 25, 2005
Silent Night?

Must be nice. No traffic.
I just got back from taking my morning share of our kettle workers out, here in Bangor. The traffic wasn't too bad, because I've learned the short cuts to get around all the busy streets! It might look like my trip would be longer on a map, but distance is not my concern when everyone from 2 hours away has been shopping since 5:00 AM this morning! Anything for a deal, right?
One of the things I have liked about being in Maine these last 5 years is the lack of traffic. O I hear people complain every now and then: "Could you believe the traffic out on such-n-such street this morning?" But I've come to understand that means there were 6 extra cars added to the other 6. Hmm, I can still remember being stuck in a stand-still traffic jam at 2:00 AM on the Long Island Expressway once. "Traffic" is a relative term!
As each new Christmas season comes crashing down around me and I am tempted to be drawn into the hectic rush that commercialism has made it, I always go back to the words: "Peace on earth, good will to man." Where did we misplace the "Silent Night?" Aauugghh!! Christmas was not meant to be hectic!
And when it comes to de-peacifying Christmas, I'm afraid we salvos have been the worst culprits. I don't know too many officers who make it through the season without pulling most of their hair out . . . (except those in headquarters appointments!). "It's our busiest time of year," we routinely tell people. Sometimes I wonder if it's all worth it. Not the helping people part, just the 24/7 activity that keeps us focused on anything but spiritual matters.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. - Jesus (John 14:27)I've found it just takes a few moments to "center" myself and get back to the peace I usually live in. If silence is golden then peace is platinum.
This season don't let it all get to you. Stop long enough, whenever you need it, to get back in the center of Holy Spirit's presence. That's what it's all about.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
I'm Thankful
- That I'm not a turkey.
- That grass doesn't grow through snow, necessitating winter mowing as well as shoveling.
- That there are only twenty-four hours available each day for TV programming.
- That there aren't twice as many Congressional Representatives and half as many doctors.
- That teenagers ultimately will have children who will become teenagers.
- That the space available for messages on T-shirts and bumpers is limited.
- That snow covers the unraked leaves.
- That hugs and kisses don't add weight or cause cancer.
- That DVDs and radios and TV sets and washers and mixers and lights can be turned off.
- That no one can turn off the moon and stars.
- That it's not required to make a blog entry every day.
- That God answers prayer.
What are YOU thankful for?
Monday, November 21, 2005
The Growing List of Blogs
Jesus: So what did you accomplish on earth?
Me: Lots of things, I guess.
Jesus: Did you keep in touch with the people I wanted you to?
Me: Well, not always, but I DID read their blogs!
Hmm. There must be a cut off I can live with somewhere! If anyone can help me, I'd appreciate it! Well, on to my point (and I DO have one).
If you notice, I've got a growing list of blogs that I recommend to the right. Since I now list them in a "greater than sign" pattern, you might not notice any new ones I put up. PLEASE notice "Ambassador for Christ." This is NOT one of those "what I did today" type of blogs. She has some awesome stuff to say and says it well. I "found myself" in her words more than once, in just one entry!
Let me know what you think. Or at least let her know by leaving comments.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Interesting Site for the Day
Click below and enter any two words/things and find out what I mean.
How about William Booth and The Matrix?
Thursday, November 17, 2005
The Fall of Lucifer
One word: "Awesome!"
The author, Wendy Alec, has seemingly been shown how it all happened and has woven a very emotional, worship inspiring epic which is hard to put down. I absolutely loved it! I recommend it to anyone who likes fantasy/fiction.
"The Fall of Lucifer" is Book 1 in a series called "The Chronicles of Brothers" that traces the angelic brotherhood of Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer. Unfortunately, Book 2 won't be published until October 2006. But you can bet, I'll have it on pre-order to read as soon as it hits the market.
Here is the company's blurb on their new line of books:
Discover Christian fiction that charts realms no living human has visited before. Fantasy, supernatural thrillers, time travel, spiritual warfare, futuristic fiction. Mind-stretching thrillers from the most imaginative Christian authors of our day. Every book a portal to another world, another reality. Travel through time to biblical Babylon in Fallen from Babel. Battle demons dethroned in a fantasy kingdom in Daughter of Prophecy. Escape mechanical assassins in The Personifid Project. And enter heaven itself-in time to see the first seeds of evil spring forth-in The Fall of Lucifer. Realms: Christian Fiction whose time has come.
Check out their web site for more details on this and other books.
If you're interested in buying "The Fall of Lucifer," you can click on my picture link to the right and it will take you to the cheapest place I found to buy it.
Let me know if you read it and what you think.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Warren & Jody’s Blessing
One of my responsibilities was to offer a "toast" at the reception. After thinking about it, I decided I should rather pronounce a blessing. After appropriate prayer and listening to God's answer for them, this is what I spoke over them:
This union is God’s design for you and He revels in it even more than you.
He covers over you with His Banner of Love and watches over your way.
He has prepared limitless blessings for you to share and offers them freely.
As you walk together, you will follow in His footsteps while showing your Father’s kindness and gentleness to all who observe His love in you.
You will lead the way for many who seek His will in their own relationships; You will exemplify a life together that wafts a pleasing aroma to the throne of Yahweh and clearly points the way for them to follow; you will influence many- more than you would imagine.
God’s hand is here; He will be your hiding place; your strong tower in times of trouble and you will break through them all because you look to Him for guidance.
Have you ever had that feeling at a wedding that the two aren't quite right for each other? I have. But not this time! I am positive Warren & Jody listened carefully for God's choice for them and they have chosen well.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Don't Play Around!
Today Chris got his letter from the Division of Motor Vehicles. THE letter he's been waiting for, setting his appointment for his driving test. We've been expecting it for a few days now . . . Chris has been dying to get it for months now!
He sprained his wrist last Friday, so he asks his Mom to open it for him as he stands there salivating (but acting cool, not wanting us to know his anxiety). "What's it say" he asks?
"They denied your request for a test date," says Mom.
"WHAT?!?" moans Chris! "What do you mean?"
Mom breaks out laughing, not able to keep a straight face any longer!
Chris says angrily, "Don't do that!" But after he sees me join in, he laughs too, but not really heart-felt. I am ultimately relieved we averted a heart attack.
The moral of the story? Don't play around with THE driving test date of a 16 year old! {whew! lol}
Sunday, November 13, 2005
A Preacher Recommendation
If you want to hear him, here's a link to his web site where you can download the latest sermons spoken at their church. I assume the other speakers are good as well, but so far I've only listened to Rob.
Download. Listen. Be blessed. You won't regret it. Then let me know what you think of him.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Christmas MIAs
Anyway, while there, my thoughts drifted off to those who did not show up. There were quite a few. Now I assume there are as many reasons for not coming as there were people who did not come, but I missed them and was sad they were not there to taste a bit of our divisional officer family.
In Northern New England we are quite spread out and it takes some corps many hours to travel just half-way across our division for any particular event! So one of the ways we have eased that difficulty is to schedule fewer divisional events than most other divisions. That's good for a lot of reasons, but one it's not good for is our lack of getting together with each other.
We really do need each other and I hope those who did not show up still take opportunity to fellowship outside of their own little worlds. Often we can't see the greater forest for the trees in our immediate face. Maybe we'll have to get out there to see some of them one of these days.
Here's to our Christmas MIAs: May God bless them too much!
Do you have any Christmas MIAs that could use your attention? Maybe they're just regular weekly church MIAs? Hmmm.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Happy Birthday Miriam!

Happy 15th Birthday Miriam J. Martinez Moedano!
The Burr family "adopted" Miriam when she was 9 years old. We have sponsored her ever since, keeping track of her life through the mail. World Vision is doing a wonderful job of taking care of her! We are pleased to help them.
In the Western world we have so much. Maybe too much. I thank God daily for all of it. But what kind of Christian would I be if I didn't share what I have with those who have so much less? Not to sound like I'm patting my own back here. I could be doing much more and I should be.
Who are the Miriam's in your life? They might not be in Mexico. They might just be in your own backyard! I challenge you to look around you and discover what kind of difference you can make in the lives of others. Maybe it's serving in a Soup Kitchen. Maybe it's adopting an orphan and taking them into your home. Maybe it's living simply so that others may simply live. Maybe it's supporting a child in another country. Maybe it's . . . ?
What are you doing? Tell me about it; leave a comment.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Down the Slippery Slope
This vote was actually an attempt to repeal a recent law which gives gays legal rights to not be discriminated against. Let me first state that no one- no matter who they are, what color they are or what they believe should be discriminated against. Discrimination is an abomination. But this is just a small step that will lead to a progressive gay rights agenda in our state. The future will prove the truth of this statement.
What bothers me most about this referendum was its wording. If you were for it, you had to vote no. If you were against it, you had to vote yes. I believe there were many people who misunderstood their vote. Why did "they" have to word it this way? Because they knew it would be to their advantage. They were right and it worked. The vote was relatively close. If a hair more than 5% of the voters voted differently, the results would have been the opposite.
I believe those who are radically for or against any particular issue (often a minority) stir up plenty of votes while the largest percentage of the people are ignorant of the situation. The majority loses for lack of interest or understanding.
Now we're heading down a very slippery slope. Maine's in trouble if we don't watch carefully what our next steps are.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
There's Power in the Blood!
When the king of Moab saw that the battle had gone against him, he took with him seven hundred swordsmen to break through to the king of Edom, but they failed. Then he took his firstborn son, who was to succeed him as king, and offered him as a sacrifice on the city wall. The fury against Israel was great; they withdrew and returned to their own land. - 2 Kings 3:26-27At first look, this passage may only be confusing. Why would there be fury against Israel when the king of Moab killed his own son? I looked this up in a few commentaries and one actually suggested that God got mad at Israel for making the king of Moab do such a thing.
What?! God sent them against the Moabites in the first place!
Sometimes the answer is so obvious we miss it completely.
An offering of life-blood causes a real transaction of power in the spiritual realm. For instance- when Adam and Eve sinned, God shed animal blood to provide them with clothing. God told the Israelites to shed animal blood on an altar to atone for their sins. Or more importantly, when humankind sinned, God shed his own Son's blood to atone. This is more than just a gory ritual!
When the king of Moab offered his son as a sacrifice to his god, that blood provided spiritual power to the demon they worshipped and they were able to overcome the Israelites with that power.
There is real power in the spiritual realm that is all around us! That realm exists and it is accessed by anyone serving Yahweh . . . or serving Satan.
What Christians need to understand is that Jesus' blood offering is a more powerful sacrifice than any other of all time- either past, present or future! Through the blood of Christ, we have the victory over anything The Enemy can throw against us.
There's power in the Blood of the Lamb! Hallelujah!When Christ came as high priest of the good things that are already here, he went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not man-made, that is to say, not a part of this creation. He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption. The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! - Hebrews 9:11-14
Monday, November 07, 2005
You Just Know it!
Deep in your hearts you know that every promise of the LORD your God has come true. Not a single one has failed! - Joshua 23:14I came across this verse a couple of days ago and was floored! I know it's true, but it just jumped out at me. It was one of those times when Holy Spirit quickened his Word directly to my heart. For some reason, I needed this wonderful promise to settle me and give me peace. It worked!
What an awesome God we serve! He is faithful beyond anything we could ever hope to accomplish or imagine. He has never gone back on his word.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Is it?
Think about it.
One thing for sure- it isn't. Common, I mean. If it were, more people would have it. But I find it is actually quite a rare commodity.
I wish more people had it. We'd all be a lot better off.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
My Firecrest Visit
I'm basking in warm thoughts of my last few days at the Atlanta CFOT (College for Officer Training). Things went better than I could have planned myself. While they worked me almost as hard as Steve Court (I love it!), I did get plenty of sleep at nights and didn't have to deal with a 3 hour time change.
Monday I got lost twice trying to find baggage claim at the Atlanta airport, but found my things just before Shimei Hewitt and Major John Needham arrived to pick me up. They dropped me off at my room to settle in and freshen up before my first class with the Firecrest students.
Their first session is graduating very soon and will be sent out to their inner city appointments next week. They may be a bit small in number (they've lost a couple), but the ones still there sure make up for it in depth and enthusiasm! Teddy, Brent, Shimei and Doyle were joined by Nemin (there from India for the next session starting soon), and Tammi (Shimei's sister who is working in an administrative capacity for the program).
I taught a class 2 times a day 9:30 - noonish and 1:30-3:30ish. Then I scheduled individual prayer ministry sessions in the evenings right after dinner (I even squeezed a couple extras in where I could). On Tuesday I taught a combined Spiritual Warfare class of 2nd year students and Firecresters in the AM. On Wednesday I also taught Listening Prayer at the local corps in the evening.
Here are my highlights (not in any special order): Seeing Shimei again and hearing her wonderful laugh! Getting to meet Tami and try to answer her many in-depth questions! Hanging out with Brent and Nemin (and guiding both their prayer sessions into some interesting discoveries)! Almost selling out of all the Battle Gear I brought with me (and even taking orders for more to send back)! Casting out a demon of suicide/death and seeing an amazing change in that person afterwards! The great questions and discussion in all my classes! Watching the corps peoples eyes light up when they discovered a new way to listen to God's voice in their own lives!
God is alive and well in Atlanta- and I was only too glad to be there and witness the evidence. I'd love to return for a longer stay next time (hint, hint)!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Chicken Anyone?
But you were hired to cook chicken! Now when people come in your really clean store, there's no chicken. They might admire your floor shine, but there's nothing they came looking for, so they leave . . . hungry.
You've been hired by God to perform a specific job in his family. Wouldn't it be nice if you actually did what he wanted you to do? Do you even know what task he's assigned you?
What are your spiritual gifts? What you actually accomplish in God's kingdom is based on what your gifts are. If you don't yet know your gifts, how in the world can you possibly know what your job description is? And won't the church suffer if you aren't doing your job?
Hey- I need you to do your job. Not mine or anyone else's- your job. We need more "chicken" in the church. Get with the program.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Missed Opportunities?
We just had a special "Deeper Life" weekend at our corps. We plan these for our corps (I like to hold 2 a year, but our schedule can’t always accommodate) so we can deepen our spiritual lives without having to travel or pay conference fees. Many large churches hold these types of events- why can’t we smaller ones get the same benefit?
We brought in some friends (Ian and Elaine Gillingham) from London, Ontario Canada who had been to our corps before, made a great impression on us and blessed us tremendously. The subject this time was Mercy and Social Justice and I don’t know many other people who could teach with their wisdom, knowledge and experience.
God has been challenging us recently to expand our outreach. We have a soup kitchen that serves 100+ people a day, but it is staffed mostly by volunteers from our community. Only a few of us Army Soldiers have any involvement with the people and the huge opportunity it represents. I’m afraid we’ve also hired a professional Social Worker to do our "dirty work." I’ve said it before: just because "The Army" is serving and helping people, doesn’t mean we are doing it. I don’t think Jesus gives us individuals any credit at all for our Army’s good work if we aren’t doing it ourselves.
So here’s this incredible opportunity to spend a few hours on a Saturday learning and serving; being challenged to get involved; fellowshipping- but only a handful showed up. As I sat there blessed by the ones who did show up (having been "in on" their spiritual growth over the last 5 years), I also mourned for those who haven’t "gotten" it yet. They were not only "not there," they have missed the point of being soldiers in this great Army- we’re out to win the world (that’s people, by the way)! There were so many who could have used that time for their spiritual benefit!
{frustrated sigh}
Well those of us who did show up were blessed. We learned a lot and received some welcome impartation from some of my favorite people (who are welcome in Bangor any time)!
Are there any opportunities you’ve missed lately?
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Can You Read This?
Olny srmat poelpe can.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Come on, Travis!
I mean, really! Who wouldn't want to stand kettles wearing short-sleeves in Florida? What kind of a challenge is that?
Check out his blog (Made for War)- I think we've got him scared silly of the "stupid cold" we have in Maine. He's already collecting blankets, but were going to have to get him some snow shoes before he gets burried in his house one morning.
Bwa ha ha ha!
Monday, October 24, 2005
Crazy Schedule!
Friday afternoon, our special guests for our Deeper Life Weekend, Ian & Elaine Gillingham arrive with Aurora and Jenn in tow (Jenn's just coming for the weekend, but Aurora's staying to start MMCCXX cell group ministry). The Gills are going to lead our evening cell group that night.
Saturday, we have a day of learning about Mercy and Social Justice (9:30 - 2:30). But not just learning, we'll actually be practicing it when we prepare and serve our Saturday Soup Kitchen meal. SonDay the Gills will continue challenging us as we serve Soup Kitchen breakfast, worship together and hang with the Bangor Teen Group.
Then as the Gills head back home to London, Ontario (long trip via car!), I head out to Atlanta, Georgia to teach a few days at Southern Territory's FireCrest and College for Officer Training. I'll be teaching about Listening to God and Spiritual Warfare, not to mention spending time in Prayer Ministry with students. This is a huge opportunity and I trust God has some equally huge things in store for that week!
When I get back home, I head out the next day for our Divisional Officer's Family Christmas Party (for those of you who don't know about the Army officer's Christmas Season schedule, suffice it to say we don't have time to do this event any closer to Christmas!).
The next day, we get a single day of vacation- probably our last for the year. We usually spend the night in a hotel somewhere in Maine, Vermont or New Hampshire and visit another corps on SonDay.
Then it's back to the office for a couple of days. On the very next Thursday, our kettle season starts, but I am headed off to New Jersey (for three days including travel) to participate in a good friend's wedding (Warren Smith, Jr). I'll be the best man (don't tell my brother, he always thinks he's the best man). When I get back, I'll just jump right into the Christmas schedule at our corps.
I'd like to request your prayer support for these days. If you're willing, drop me a line or post a comment. Check back here to see the results.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Can we Really be Christian if we Don't Help the Poor?
During our worship, Holy Spirit began to move and as we went into prayer, many of us were already moving with him. After singing about asking God to convict us, Debbie stood and spoke with anointing about our need to be convicted for our lack of sincerity in our faith. Tears flowed freely as the altars were lined.
When people began moving back to their seats, we moved on and leaned about the kind of Christianity God expects of his children- to help the poor. The question that was left on our hearts was: "Can we really be Christian if we don't help the poor?"
It's a good question that deserves a lot of thought. What do you think?
Saturday, October 22, 2005
The Creepiness of Sin
What?! Are you crazy? Before all this mess started, we were paying somewhere around $1.45. Gas is roughly $1.00 higher than it was a year ago and we're praising the oil industry because of the wonderfully low prices?
You know how this happens? First, gas prices spike so high (more than double, well over $3.50 and rumor has it it's going even higher) that people actually consider other means of transportation. They whine and complain until the prices begin to drop a little. We are so pleased with the small dip, we forget what prices were in the first place.
Hmm, sounds a lot like the "frog in the kettle" syndrome.
If you drop a frog in a kettle of boiling water, he'll jump out immediately. But if you put him in a kettle and slowly bring the temperature up to boiling, he'll stay there until he boils to death!
Sin is like that. If things change quickly, we complain and run from it. If things slowly creep up on us, we get used to the minute changes and before we know it, it overwhelms us and we never knew what hit us. Give Satan an inch, he'll take a mile!
Case in point- have you watched any TV recently? Stuff that is "normal" today would never have been allowed just 10 years ago!
That's why we need to be vigilant. We must know what sin is and watch for minute changes in our life around us. We must stop the creep before it starts if we expect to get the better of it.
How creepy is that?
Friday, October 21, 2005
One of my Greatest Frustrations, Part 2
The problem is that many Christians actually fall into that same category. They are prayerless and therefore powerless. After years of not expereincing any real power in their lives, they begin to believe that's all there is to Christianity; that we are to go through life with a Western worldview that precludes any spiritual power. I've seen lots of them! Too many. And they can only teach what they know.
Here's the rub: though they themselves have not experienced real power in their lives, they argue that anyone else who testifies of more is crazy or suspect. They throw around terms like "Pentecostal" or "charismatic" as if those are supposed to be insulting (by the way, I am not Pentecostal. That is a denominational reference and my denomination is The Salvation Army. I am, however, charismatic. That means you move in the charisma [greek] or gifts of the Spirit).
My frustration is that these people are causing more problems in the church than they are helping solve. And one day they are going to be extremely sad when Jesus points out to them that they were road blocks to his Spirit's desires in the world around them. Scripture calls this practice "quenching-" in other words, putting out the Spirit's fire. Woe unto quenchers!
So we move forward. Sometimes we move with difficulty because we have Christian brothers and sisters blocking our way and even fighting against us. It should not be so. But we move forward nonetheless. Sometimes these people even have authority over us. It is at these times we must move with caution because we should submit to our authorities as David did with Saul (even though Saul was totally off the wall, David listened to God and treated Saul with respect and dignity).
I pray for these people. Not that I don't have my own issues, but I hope I don't fight against what God is doing around me. In my eyes, to discover you were a roadblock while standing before Jesus on that day would be one of the most terrible things imaginable.
God help us.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
One of my Greatest Frustrations, Part 1
One day I came upon these words of Jesus:
The truth is, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. - John 14:12As I looked around me, I had no experience with anything like this! Where in the church (of my experience) was this "greater works" stuff? Little did I know God was sending me on the wild ride called "paradigm shift" (paradigm: an example that serves as pattern or model). My model of what church and Christianity was, was about to be shaken (not stirred)!
The first thing God did was teach me how to pray. Now I'm not talking about those "cookie cutter" prayers that sound all churchy (with lots of big words and punctuated with plenty of Thees and Thous- I don't really speaketh King Jameth). I'm talking about prayer that empties all of you out and let's God fill you with what HE wants prayed. For years I literally spent hours in prayer every day while God refined my ear for his voice and taught me how to sit still in his presence and just listen. Or just worship. Or just melt before him with a yearning to express the ache that was deep within, yet with no outlet I was familiar with- except leaving that ache with him and trusting he could actually do something with it. To this day, I don't believe ANYone can move deeper into the power of God in their lives without first spending the time with God to let HIM teach them how to pray.
Then one day God actually told me to stop praying. Yeah, you heard me right! I couldn't believe it either! In fact, I didn't believe it. The next day I went into prayer and hit the proberbial "brass heavens." I heard nothing. The time was all but wasted. But I persevered because I thought that's what I was supposed to do. For days I hit the same ceiling and felt utterly stressed that God had "disappeared."
A couple of weeks later in conversation with a friend, she happened to mention that God had told her to stop praying and she didn't know what to do with that. I was floored! So we agreed to do what God had told us. Stop that daily prayer time (that had become legalistic). It was then that God began to teach me what Paul meant by "pray without ceasing." Instead of a set daily time of prayer that ended and I went on with my day, I got connected with God first thing in the morning and never "hung up the phone." It was awesome! I continue this practice to this day and I never feel like I have to "warm up" to get through to God.
Believe me my paradigms were shifting.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
So I've got this major frustration that I've been trying to put into words for years, but haven't been succesful to my satisfaction. ONE of these days, I might actually be able to verbalize my thoughts, but until then, I guess I'll have to leave it in limbo for the time being. And until I can get going on it again, I'll try to get some other thoughts up here for those of you who have been nudging me to get back to work!
I've actually been in deep thought and concern over this issue.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Lois Walker Promoted to Glory!
After that exciting Salvationist's proclamation, I must admit, I am torn between my feelings of excitement for Lois and sorrow for myself and her other friends. We will miss her.
I met Lois a couple of years ago when I taught at The War College in Vancouver. She was a student who was not a Salvationist, yet heard and heeded God's call to completely redirect her life and move to Vancouver for "a year." I say "a year," because she ended up living and ministering there ever since!
I will remember her calm voice and kind heart. I will remember her cradling a friend who fell asleep from exhaustion after we prayed with her though a particularly difficult inner-healing session. I will remember many things about Lois. She fought the good fight and has finally received the "well done, good and faithful servant!" from her Lord.
I won't see her again this January, but one day (and this is why I am so excited)- one day I will see her again because she has gone on ahead to meet personally and hang out with Jesus. How cool is that?
Saturday, October 15, 2005
I'm Working on it . . .
I keep telling myself that I should write in my word processor, then cut and paste, but even as I write that, I'm typing in blogger! Go figure.
So here's to getting that blog done and getting that stuff that's inside me out on this page for you to read.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Test for Dementia
(scroll down for the answers)
First Question:
You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?
Answer: If you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second!
Second Question:
If you overtake the last person, then you are in what place?
Answer: If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST Person?
Third Question:
This is very tricky arithmetic and must be done in your head only. Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.
Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30.
Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000
Now add 10. What is the total?
Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually 4100. If you don't believe it, check it with a calculator! You were thinking in thousands, but adding extra tens.
Fourth Question:
Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. What is the name of the fifth daughter?
Did you Answer Nunu? Sorry, her name is Mary. Read the question again!
Now for the Bonus Round:
A mute person goes into a shop and wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing his teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is completed.
Next, a blind man comes into the shop who wants to buy a pair of sunglasses. How does HE indicate what he wants?
He just has to open his mouth and ask!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
I Have Learned to Listen (Most of the Time!)
1) Debbie and I are joined as one in God's eyes. We should learn to act like it. I am not about the old way of thinking that says "the man is the head of the house" and uses that to make all the final decisions. God designed man and woman to be a team. When sin came into the picture, the whole "man is in charge thing" was her curse for their disobedience. When we get back to a right relationship with God, there should be no more evidence of a curse! Jesus came to break all that junk!
2) I don't know everything. Although I often think I have all the answers (a character flaw?), there's nothing much further from the truth. I need to get all the advise I can get before I come down on one side of a situation. It's good to have someone you can trust to help you made decisions. I have learned to trust Debbie.
3) Debbie has a gifting in Wisdom. How stupid would I be if I didn't listen to that?
Now that's not to say she's always right either. I said we work together. That's the way it should be. If it isn't like that in your relationship, then something's wrong.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
The Enemy has a BIG Nose!
So right in the middle of the experience I previously described, a certain woman (who is not a regular attender) started to pray and immediately I sensed she was "off base." Now there is a difference between just being unaware of what the Spirit is doing and really trying to get attention for yourself. There was no doubt about it- she was involved in the latter (after the meeting, others commented to me about it as well). It was as if Holy Spirit had disappeared while she was praying.
Now I was in the middle of God speaking to me personally, so I just prayed she would stop soon and we could get back on track. Normally, I would have done something to "shut her down," as they say; it is the leader's responsibility to deal with these things. But since God was speaking to others, I was pleased to see someone else step up to the proverbial plate and in a momentary pause from the woman's words, started praying herself. Again, we were back on track. Later, there was yet another time when that same woman tried to wrest control of our direction, but again, we were able to straighten things out rather quickly.
I guess I'm pointing out two things here: 1) When God shows up, you can be certain that Satan is not far behind. He will always do everything he can to derail you from doing what God wants. Watch for him. He's predictable. 2) We do have a responsibility to watch and pray carefully; and then to take intentional steps to stay with whatever Holy Spirit is doing. We do not want to lose whatever it is God has in store for us.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Awesome SonDay!
I started the week in fine spirits, but I had one of those "all of a sudden" moments when everything seemed to be crashing down around my ears! I worked hard to keep from letting The Enemy get me down, but I ended up being rather sullen the rest of the week.
Wednesday is my Sunday prep day, but try as hard as I might, God wouldn't give me anything to preach. Not even an idea or an outline. I wrestled with my thoughts and even pulled out some old sermons I haven't preached in Bangor yet, just to look them over. One looked good, but I just couldn't bring myself to finally settling on it. Through it all, I had a hunch that God had something special in mind.
I kept striving the rest of the week- right up through mid-Saturday! Then God "let" me use that old sermon and put together a program. But I had another hunch that I wasn't ever going to get to that sermon. And that's exactly what happened.
The meeting started out as usual, but after our worship time, we did some listening like the Quakers: whatever you feel God telling you to say or do- go ahead. I know some of you are getting nervous- I was too, but I just couldn't ignore God's prodding to go this direction.
Our time started off with Danny singing the new version of "I'm in His Hands." The Spirit showed up before he even got to the words. I was overcome by His presence and began to cry silently in my seat. God was speaking those very words to my spirit comforting me and I knew it. It was good!
Mary then read some scripture and gave a quick "message" about our need to get saved. I was still crying; God was still working on me. Then (I later learned) a new guy leaned back to Mary and said, "How do I get saved?" So Gene took him to the altar and he got saved!
Then Bobby gave a touching testimony about how he should have died with cancer, but God had other things in mind for him when the church prayed for him. That led to Barbara (tearily) saying she had a friend with her that had cancer and we needed to pray with him. We gathered around him, prayed and anointed him with (I believe) powerful results. I was good to see Mary using her gift of healing!
I must admit, it was way too long since we let God take over in our service like that. For me, my funk disappeared as I realized God had it all under control. I guess I should have trusted him to know what he was planning- even if he didn't tell me before hand!